• Winged Pinkie Pie Concept Sketch Up on Ebay!

    The Winged Pinkie Pie signed concept sketch is up on ebay now! 

    And already 1300 bucks.

    I wish I had that kind of disposable income!

    Also check out the other Derpy Hooves Auction (already over 2000 bucks!)

    52 kommentaari:

    1. If only I had excessive disposable income. I would spend it all on the Twilight Sparkle sketch. ALL OF IT.

    2. Go Pinkie! Raise that money- er...BITS!

    3. I thought that was the first generation equine that Pinkie was based on... what was her name... Surprise? Still, though, I would gladly donate ALL OF MY MONEY for a sketch of any of the ponies, alas... it seems some ponies are more resourceful than I...

      Welp, time to give Japan all of my money selflessly, like I should've done in the first place...

    4. This concept sketch scared Rainbow Dash, because there was no place she could fly high enough to get away from her.

    5. Well that is one of the reasons they took her wings away, they needed two of each type of pony with opposing personalities.

    6. This is the one I woulda gone for if wishes were horses, as they say...

    7. Oh winged Pinkie Pie, your high-flying shenanigans elude my grasp once again.

      ...I too wished I had disposable income.

    8. Wow shot up to $1275.

    9. I think you meen 1380.....

    10. Now up to 1300. Good LORD!

    11. It went from $400 to $1380 in less than 9 minutes holy hell.

    12. This is ridiculous.. this is insane! This is FRIENDSHIP!!

      Seriously, how awesome is this show's community?

    13. Ponies doing good for the world....

    14. @Anonymous

      Apparently someone who is buying this doesn't know how ebay works. The user has only bought 8 things on ebay and in 9 minutes they bid 22 times. Each time they incremented the bid by $50. All they did was guarantee that they would be paying more.

      It seems like the same person who is bidding on both of them. And again, keeps rebidding over their previous bid. The Derpy drawing went from $1500 to $1800 in 8 minutes, all the same bidder.

    15. G4 Surprise? Well this is a surprise indeed since Pinkie Pie is based on her.

    16. @Zarkanorf

      Lauren wrote that this was a sketch of a winged Pinkie Pie when she told me about it. It is an early concept that got changed for the final show.

      I, too, am astounded at the prices, and I think it is wonderful that you're planning to donate anyway. Don't feel like you have to give up just yet. Nobody has any idea what will happen with the other two auctions. If and when you're ready to donate, there are a couple of links on my DA page.

      Good luck, and thank you!

    17. I think someone wants a set

    18. No, I kept bidding until I topped what the person before me bid, this is what I would have to pay if I waited to the last second. Im not bidding over my own bid. I stopped bidding on Derpy, Im not going to win that one.

    19. In other words, the person before me put down 1355.00 and I kept upping my bid until I beat them

    20. @crazyredemu

      are u going to be bidding on every pony? because all I want is AJ and i can't do 1000 dollars.

    21. Holla holla get dolla

    22. actually, thats possibly not qutie pinkie pie... Thats surprise (original G1 ponies)

    23. @Delc17
      I'd lose hope on getting any of the drawings for less than 1000, the people buying them for that price are not just benevolent MLP fans. They also are looking at the possible profit when reselling this later on.

    24. @5t3v0
      If this was after Lauren was taken on as project head, then it would have to be "Pinkie Pie" simply due to the fact that they didn't have the rights to use the Surprise name or appearance.

      Also, a freelance graphic designer made a MLP:FiM style guide towards the beginning of last year using early art assets that Hasbro provided her with - one of which was Lauren's old Surprise art redone in Pinkie's colors.

    25. Yeah, crazyredemu was not acting stupid. If you click to see the automatic bids it's obvious that he was bidding in increments in order to discover the other guy's maximum without having to go too far over.

    26. Well, a month or so ago I said, "I'm gonna save a thousand bucks and totally win that Derpy pic."

      I was naive.

      A few days ago I was all, "At least the Pinkie pic won't go for as much".

      I was foolish.

      You people are basically the best ever.

    27. I just want one to put up on my wall, Im not going to resale or anything like that, but it's not looking good.

    28. >MFW there is a secret millionare brony buying every single sketch.

      (It's a pretty supprised face)


    29. damn this the one i wanted but over 1300 thats insane man the people making bids must be millionares i mean drepy is over 2000 this is crazy as s**t i cant belive how much money it went up in 9 minutes!

    30. I have given up. I wouldn't be surprised if the same person ends up with all four. Regardless, I am positive none of them will sell below 1500,- and I am quite certain all of them will go over 2000.

    31. I got outbid again and I just don't feel like paying that much for Pinkie (no offense Pinkie) I only wanted Derpy and she's out of my price range....*sigh* I'll be pissed if they all go to the same guy, that would be very selfish of someone to hord them all or even more then one.

    32. I think it's some well-off brony who already wanted to donate a bunch of money and figured he'd do it this way and get some sketches done besides.

    33. Now imagine if they were auctioning off a chance to be a background pony, you get a pony with colors and a cutie mark of your own choosing, and it's added to all them ponies in the background you see over and over again. No that I would give up all my savings for!

    34. Current bid history for Derpy: 69 bids



    35. Bid #69 is bogus. Read:


      WizardWannabe's post.

      Some lulzmonkey is screwing with our charity auction.

    36. Whoever this jerk is needs to retract his bid IMMEDIATELY. This is for charity and he oughta think twice before being a dick. This is fraud and we need to prosecute ANYONE who pulls this crap.

    37. @Anonymous
      11:01 Anon here - Thanks for pointing that out. Does he know how to retract a bid? It doesn't sound like it from what WizardWannabe's saying - maybe someone should tell him how through WW.

    38. I sold my entire collection to bid on Pinkie...and I've ended up with zero chance to even bid and my collection gone and irreplaceable...

    39. @Anonymous

      Well, that sucks. But now that you have some money, take it and invest wisely. Can still turn this into a positive opportunity for yourself.

    40. A bit depressed to do anything with it. They were prized possessions and I'm not the type to invest. I get very attached to the things I own, so in order for me to sell them I must want something a while lot more. Way over 20% more, more like 120%.

    41. @Anonymous

      Keep in mind that the outcome of an auction is ultimately beyond your control. Worrying about things you cannot control leads to unnecessary stress, depression, and I believe it shortens your life. Better to just roll with it and learn from your mistakes (for example, next time consider waiting until the end of an auction to bid to get a better idea of the ending price, and of course not selling off prized possessions that you couldn't stand to lose if you did not win).

      Thanks for the invitation to your pity party, but I'm sorry, I cannot attend! :) When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. If you can't, then at least do yourself a favor and seek help. That is a positive step as well.

    42. Or I could just keep selling more stuff. I have personal reasons why I'm attached to Pinkie, so in that context it makes sense I'd sell everything for it. Now where to sell my anime stuff...
      And I never even bid once, it was past my amount before I even got to bid.

    43. @Anonymous
      Why not just give the money to charity? That's what it was going toward anyway, and you seemed to be pretty willing to part with it when there was a little something in it for you. Were you really intending to bid out of a sense of charity, or was getting that sketch for yourself the only thing on your mind?

    44. I'm the dude who's winning derpy hooves, I have no intention of retracting my bid for the record, it was some really bizarre miscommunication that caused lulzy internet rumours, I do think it's a lot of money and it's probably something I shouldn't be doing because I should be saving money for bills or learning to drive, but everyone has to admit owning Derpy Hooves would be really awesome and yes I will have to cut back on luxury items but I'm only young once and it's actually a really good cause.

      My one and only problem is that I live in the UK and that it's US shipping only, my plan is to ship to a US friend who will then ship it to me, it's based entirely on trust and I'm praying I can trust someone I have never physically met before with this task.

    45. @vertmb
      Thanks for speaking up and letting us know you intend to follow through with it - my hat is off to you, good sir. It was unfortunate there was such a miscommunication, but I'm glad you came hear to clear the air. Best of luck to you!

    46. @vertmb
      All is well. Thanks again for clearing this up!

      vertmb, I know you already saw this on the other post's comments, but I wanted to get this info out here for others to see, too:

      Chris at Q POP says he will ship internationally. It will likely cost a bit more to ship, but he will work out details with you. You don't need to contact him before bidding.

      You can contact him via eBay or with the info here: http://qpopshop.com/main/?page_id=22

      Good luck with your bid!

    47. @Anonymous

      I got your back. I'm the current high bidder on Pinkie Pie. If I win, I'll need your address so I can ship the drawing to you, or ask for it to be shipped to your address. I believe you are in the UK correct?

      You should probably check the thread you started on ponychan too.

    48. Derpy is neat and all but the person who gets the Pinkie Pie gets to start the First Church of Pinkie.

    49. @Anonymous WOW uhhh do you have aim or msn? We could get into contact there

    50. @Anonymous
      OK, I'm starting to think maybe wishes are horses after all...
