• Weird Al Joins the Pony Legion?

    Weird Al Recently threw a tweet up on his Twitter page commenting on Pony Polka.  Whether this means he has been following FiM for a while, or of he just thought it was cool, remains unknown.  It's still pretty neat though!

    You can find his Twitter below!

    Weird Al on Twitter

    23 kommentaari:

    1. Just listened to the song, and it's a good mash up. Nice to see some celebrity backing to this fandom.

    2. @Anonymous

      That's the awesome thing about Weird Al; he loves it when his fans make videos with his songs and actually encourages it. He appreciates his fans.

    3. Now I wonder if anyone will draw Weird Al as a pony after hearing this (Or maybe someone already has before all this anyway...)

    4. Actually, someone already did on DA. Just do a search for "Derpy Hooves" (?) and click on newest. You'll see it if you scroll down.

    5. This is still neat. I can't decide what I like more - Trixie as the lead singer from the Pussy Cat Dolls doing "Don't Cha" or Pinkie Pie as fiddy doing "Candy Shop". Both just fit so perfectly.

      But I take issue with Rarity being painted as a "gold digger". She is NOT! Sure, she's the most femme of the group... but if anything, she's more of a jewel digger. Duh!

    6. I find it interesting that this news comes the same night I find out he'll be performing just half an hour away from me in June.


    7. >mfw Weird Al likes ponies
      (It's a happy face)

    8. YES with wired al nothing can stop us now.

    9. No a sign is that Al's performing at my venue (i'm a stagehand) on my birthday.

    10. @Anonymous:

      You lucky son o a fillyfooler, you.

    11. @Batty Gloom
      Actually, Derpy has the amount of fandom on dA that invalidates your comment (Al is now buried deeep in list of derpy art). But for anyone looking for him, here he is:

    12. @Anonymous
      I don' think anypony's saying that,but she has the most obvious scenes for that part.

    13. I'd be delighted to hear that wierd al were a brony, as I'm a big fan of both he and ponies.

    14. This version isn't nearly as good as this one http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gG2mv-760Dg plus that one was posted earlier. What BS

    15. It's probably someone paid by Weird Al that tweets things for him, but I will close my eyes and believe Weird Al is a broney, I don't care if its true or not! He would make a great broney, maybe Pinkie Pie's cousin.

    16. This video now has also had two directors from MLP:FiM comment on it and voice their approval.


    17. Great video! I love ponies btw:) I also saw many of them on DeviantArt.

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    18. great. weird al and lady gaga. i call it feeding the trolls! if justin beiber joins, bronydom is doomed.

    19. I really want Weird Al to have a guest role on the show.

    20. There really needs to be a Facebook Timeline app for EqD, or possibly a like button.

      I'd love to share this info! The herd keeps getting bigger!

    21. Trixie as the lead singer from the Pussy Cat Dolls doing "Don't Cha" or Pinkie Pie as fiddy doing "Candy Shop". I love ponies btw:) I also saw many of them on DeviantArt.

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