The Great and Powerful Trixie has extended her magnificent dominion to the brony wiki. Bask in her glory, for Trixie shall soon lay claim to the entirety of the internet!
just one question trixie after you lay down the law are you gonna have duke nukem be your bodyguard because all important people need a bodyguard no matter how powerful the are.
Big deal, Trixie may be overthrowing Celestia, but we all know that Twilight planned this to happen. She's manipulated her rival into executing the most daring thing anypony could ever dream to do, in a vain attempt to show up Twilight.
In her successful revolution, Trixie has torn down the barriers that both she and Twilight had between themselves and the throne, but this has also made Trixie the bringer of mayhem as the system of government and order has been destroyed.
With the dirty work completed by her bitter but unwise rival, Twilight can now step forth, end Trixie's new-found kingdom using her superior magic, and take complete control of Equestria herself - all under the guise of being a restorer of peace, order, and friendship.
I have Trixified my Facebook, Twitter, and Blogger in tribute, and to aid in The Great and Powerful Trixie's unstoppable takeover. Does this please Trixie?
This is hilarious, they have to have an episode where Trixie starts taking over Equestria by fooling other towns and the ponies in Ponyville are like "WTF?!"
23 kommentaari:
I for one, welcome our new Trixie Overlord.
VastaKustutaOH SNAP -:O
VastaKustuta@FightingFireI for one, Agree sir fire
VastaKustutaUnder the guise of April Fools Day, Sethisto finally gets to roleplay as Trixie again without being flamed to hell and back.
VastaKustutaThis is what I said. :B
I just looked through the "popular pages" thing at the top.
VastaKustutaWhat kind of wiki is this? It blows
VastaKustutaIt's an OC wikia, to keep track of all the different fan ponies out there.
Remember this layout, little ponies, for it is your last! From this moment forth, Trixie... will last... forever!
VastaKustutaMy god, it's full of Trixie. It's beautiful man, beautiful.
VastaKustutajust one question trixie after you lay down the law are you gonna have duke nukem be your bodyguard because all important people need a bodyguard no matter how powerful the are.
VastaKustutaMy mind is full of the GREAT and POWERFUL Trixie.
VastaKustutaBig deal, Trixie may be overthrowing Celestia, but we all know that Twilight planned this to happen. She's manipulated her rival into executing the most daring thing anypony could ever dream to do, in a vain attempt to show up Twilight.
VastaKustutaIn her successful revolution, Trixie has torn down the barriers that both she and Twilight had between themselves and the throne, but this has also made Trixie the bringer of mayhem as the system of government and order has been destroyed.
With the dirty work completed by her bitter but unwise rival, Twilight can now step forth, end Trixie's new-found kingdom using her superior magic, and take complete control of Equestria herself - all under the guise of being a restorer of peace, order, and friendship.
fuck you trixie!!! your fucking magic even invaded 4chan and the general finder! I hate you!
VastaKustutatrixie + moot = mindblow!
I have Trixified my Facebook, Twitter, and Blogger in tribute, and to aid in The Great and Powerful Trixie's unstoppable takeover. Does this please Trixie?
VastaKustutaTrixie truly is the greatest.
VastaKustutaI for one think this should never change.
What a coincidence; an epic fiction I'm writing is staring trixie.
VastaKustutaI hope you are looking forward to it Seth...
Heil Trixie!
VastaKustutayay trixie all hail her!!
VastaKustutaI'm ok with this .png
VastaKustutaThis is hilarious, they have to have an episode where Trixie starts taking over Equestria by fooling other towns and the ponies in Ponyville are like "WTF?!"
VastaKustutayou are Trixie at all anytime free to now worship?