I'm pretty sure the majority of us are far from eligible for this, but the main piece of news here is the "Exclusive pony DVD". I am really curious about what will be on this thing.

Maybe one of you with kids can sneak in there and get one for us! Scoot Fillysher style! I doubt it will be anything amazing, but my curiosity will still eat away at me until I know.
Sadly it's only in Australia, and according to Analytics I don't get many from there!
Here is a link for those interested...
Toys R' Us Pony Event
God dammit, I don't know anyone with kids who enjoys the show, and it'd be really awkward if I showed up there by myself/with my own mum. The "exclusive episode on DVD" will probably just be a normal episode, but it'd still be awesome to get my hands on it.
ReplyDeleteDamn it; I wish I could go.
ReplyDeleteIf I wasn't in England, I think I'd just go, no matter what happened.
ReplyDeleteIt's times like this when I am convinced that a Rent-a-Kid store is a necessity.
ReplyDeleteThe DVD will probably end up on eBay before long. Stores always end up with surpluses of those things. Hopefully some employee won't be stupid enough to throw them out.
ReplyDeleteThe disc will probably just be a random episode we've already seen.
@Anonymous She's Applejack. That's just what you do when you're the most badass pony of all.
ReplyDeleteThey want a playdate with MY MUM? 0.0
ReplyDeleteMad Skills, obviously. Takes a lot of it to hold a rope without hands.
As for the DVD, 5$ says it's a preview of Season 2.
I can pretend to be an 6 year old girl, who will pretend to be the mum?
ReplyDeleteMaybe Somepony from australia could drop a store an email to see if they have any surplus stock afterwards.
ReplyDeleteF pretending. Man the hell up,
ReplyDelete"I would like to schedule for the MLP Event"
"Yes sir, and how old is your daughter?"
"Oh no, I have no kids. I'd like to attend myself, possibly with a guest."
*awkward silence*
Manager: "Sir, just how old are you...?"
ReplyDeleteI pray to God this isn't some kind of unique, limited flash with ponies, destined to never see the internet and leave the shelf of some oblivious parent.
ReplyDeletebut I live near non of the stores :(
ReplyDeleteOk I sent an email asking what will become of the DvDs not given away, I am hoping for a replay sometime laters since it's about 2 AM here now
ReplyDeleteActually I'm australian but it'll just feel too awkward to go alone (I'm 14 so they'll assume I have a mental illness) the unusual thing about this though is mlp:fim doesn't exist here (no TV, no toys), can any fellow australians explain?
ReplyDeleteI am 15 so it will look more odd here, but my guess that it is a promotion. there are rumors that ABC3 will be showing it soon.
But my mum is around her 40's and I'm 20
ReplyDeleteI don't think she'd like to play with me :(
Wait, if it'll show on Australian TV we might get the mcdonalds toys! Im so excited!
ReplyDeleteOk Jack ,stop messin' around, this is the plan.
ReplyDelete1.We fill the reservations to ensue they have a crapload of DVD's
2.The day of the event you walk inside trigger the fire alarm and fetch the DVD's for us (alternatively you can bribe a kid to make him pretend he's choking or puking or something)
3.Run like hell
4.TELL US what's in the EXCLUSIVE Aussie DVD
Being serious, probably the DVD is just like that Austrian or Nordic DVD that seth posted a while ago, which had the Ticketmaster episode, they use it for introducing the series to a new country. Makes sense since Jack Pipsam claims that Poni doesn't air on Kangaroo land yet.
You silly fillies are worrying over nothing. The bronies, a community such as us,w ill overcome this age discrimination with the power of friendship.
ReplyDeleteBecause the kids are wee tiny things, it will be easy to snatch the dvd from one in the parking lot before speeding away in ten seconds flat.
I wished I lived there, I want to go so badly. And I know my mother would totally go with me, she loves that stuff.
ReplyDeleteI won't be in a town with a Toys R Us store on those days!
Well, its not like I had a child or anything and my nephew/niece ain't due for a long while.
Hey Jack, if you have any friends that enjoy mlp (mine hate it) you could go as a joke and pretend you're taking the DVD for the lulz while actually taking it because you enjoy it.
ReplyDeleteI don't live near of the stores :( however I sent them an email asking them what will be done of the dvds
I didn't see an age limit on the event...
ReplyDeleteI wonder how they would react if adults stormed the place for ponies?
They are also kind of discriminating against Dads....
ReplyDelete...this, but only if it comes down to it.
Also, Exclusive. Pony. DVD! Can I have it, PLEASE! *cries*
I'm so tempted to hold an irl brony meetup here.
ReplyDeleteAlso sorry International people, the dvds will only work in Australian and New Zealand players (unless you use a special player)
ReplyDeleteAh, shoot. My baby sis would've loved this. We take a trip to TRU every couple of weeks.
ReplyDeleteBut we live in the States.
ReplyDeletedo it
@Jack Pipsam
ReplyDeleteActually, it's pretty easy to unlock your DVD player if you know what you're doing.
ReplyDelete1-Find someone who works at one of those Toys R Us stores.
2-Bribe them. They are Toys R Us employees, so this will not be expensive. Half a sandwich should do it. They will weep with joy and tell their friends of the untold riches they have discovered.
3-In exchange for their vast wealth, they are to pocket a couple of those pony DVD's for you, and await your return. Also they must spraypaint "APPLEJACK IS BETTER THAN RAINBOW DASH" all over the play area, so the kids grow up with a proper pony role model.
4-Return to Toys R Us and confirm that the job is done. You can then give him the other half of the sandwich. It will be kind of old by then, but he won't care.
5-Return home with your pony DVD. Rip any new content and put it on the internet for all bronies to enjoy.
6-Now everyone can watch the secret lost episode about Derpy and Princess Luna forming a punk band.
Actually, I'm curious, how many Australian Bronies are there?
ReplyDeleteThis anon knows what he's talking about. Applejack is best pony indeed
ReplyDeleteI am guessing quite a few
ReplyDeleteCan I buy some pot from you?
ReplyDeleteI believe this a week thing in which case School will be on :(
There are quite a lot of us Aus Bronies around. I am one. However as has been said before, I can confirm: MLP:FIM is not currently airing on Australian television. As a result, I am very tempted to believe this will be a similar event to the ones in the past.
ReplyDeleteAlthough its interesting to note that the event is coming out right after the airing of the season finale for the show - I would look further into that, but its also the day before Australian Mother's Day, so odds are its just that date and an old episode.
Also Toys R Us stores are a lot less common here than in the US, so its not going to be a HUGE event. I'm sure someone will find out the truth of the matter soon after it happens.
ReplyDeleteI wish they were doing this at the Toys R Us I work at, but that's in Cali.
ReplyDeleteSomeone had to.
I see a vision.
ReplyDeleteA vision of 25 year olds storming toys r us, mothers in tow, demanding dvds of of ponies
Its a pretty awesome sight to behold
"Playdate with your Mum"... and the fixed gender roles that the show claims to transcend are made moot by the marketing dept. Good job! :P
ReplyDelete>visit us with your mum
ReplyDeleteChallenge accepted.
Australia is apparently anti-Rarity. No wonder I hate Australia
ReplyDeleteHow about somepony with a DA account could ask Lauren Faust if this DVD contains something new?
ReplyDeletesorry the world is anti-Rarity, guess you have to hate the world now
It shouldn't be too hard to, you know, walk into the store and request a DvD. Say you have a kid that loves the show but couldn't make it to the event. It's not like Toys R' Us employees care who gets the pony Dvds and who doesn't.
ReplyDeleteI'll be looking forward to the Ticketmaster episode with mustaches and kangaroos shooped in.
prolly an old ep to introduce MLP to everythingtryingtokillyou land (also known as Australia) but who knows...
ReplyDeleteeverypony should bring their dads. just to show that marketing department they dont control us! :D
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI would do that, but.
I am at school
Live no where near it
and 15.
so all around :( on my end
Okay guys, i will sneak in and get one for the brony who pays for my plane ticket!
ReplyDeleteto say it in Rarity style:
ReplyDeleteYou must you must you must
My version:
I must i must i must..... have it lolololol
inb4 youtube
ReplyDeleteI thought cartoons and fun were illegal in Australia.
ReplyDeletethat doesn't even make sense
@Jack Pipsam
ReplyDeleteAre you going to stop spamming this blog post with useless comments any time soon? This isn't a chatroom, you know.
@Jack Pipsam
ReplyDeleteYou have school on a Saturday? Seriously? o.O
ReplyDeleteOh it's on a Saturday XD
I thought it was a week thing
i have a nephew. thus an excuse to go and get that disc. being Australian has never been so awesome
ReplyDeleteYou /do/ know that they did that on purpose to keep "those crazy 25 year old nerds from the internet" out of the equation, right?
ReplyDeleteSomeone please ask Lauren Faust if there will be the entire season 1 on dvd when we're in season 2.
ReplyDelete*Is Australian*
*Has a friend with a 7 year old daughter who is also into My Little Pony*
*Close to Toys-R-Us*
I WILL SUGGEST THIS EVENT TO THEM. Although... I fear that since this -is- Australia, where the episodes haven't even begun to air yet, the Dvd will just have Ticket Master on it, like the european and brazilian promotional Dvds.
oh shit AJ what the fuck are you doing
ReplyDeleteyou dont have fingers youre a pony
use your mouth
> Event is at Toys-R-Us
ReplyDelete> Not a long drive from here
> I've wanted to get my sister G4 toys for a long time (She's nearly 4, and loves MLP to death), and weirdly enough, my 5 year old brother thinks the show is good too
> Got some spare cash on hand and a freshly repaired car
Excuse me. I have a road trip to Kotara to organise.
ReplyDeleteI'm a 14-year-old brony with an income of a dollar a week (plus change I grab off the floor), a family full of people who don't even know about bronydom (or even the fact that there's a new MLP, probably), a *possible* vacation already planned for Florida, and I'm in central America.
I can totally pull this one off, guys.
~Display Name
Scoot Fillysher style?
ReplyDeleteI'm quite shure you meant Solid Stallion style!
It's good that there are people who will be attending, some doing road trips and some who live close by.
ReplyDeleteStory time?
ReplyDelete*waits for someone to read "Cupcakes"*
I live near a Toys-R-Us, and it's actually so close I can bike to it, but I'm 15, so I don't think I'll be able to see the exclusive episode where Applejack and Fluttershy visit Luna.
ReplyDeleteWhy must every single FiM promotion be outside of the US?
ReplyDeleteSilly TRU, completely unaware of the brony tidal wave they have unleashed upon themselves. the 15-20 or so children in line will likely be trampled under the feet of a thousand stampeding bronies.
ReplyDeleteI'm biologically 26, but modern medicine (and the doctors who practice it) think I'm 14-16.
ReplyDeleteDoesn't do me any good when I'm on the other side of the planet, though.
Hm...I imagine this DVD may have commentary from Lauren Faust and company? Maybe even some behind the scenes stuff? Hell, and a bonus episode to boot, amitrite? :D
ReplyDeleteWell, the fact that it's here is probably cos we're getting the 4th gen toys next month, and possibly the show in June.
ReplyDeleteI'll see if I can get it. May need to borrow a friend's kid or somehow convince my little brother to pretend to like ponies.
Is it... is it racist if I read all that in an Australian accent?
ReplyDeleteWait, it's an American-only show with an Australian-only event. Like, what.
ReplyDelete@Anonymous9 months for humans.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure it's just 'exclusive' in the sense that all episodes would be, considering none have aired here yet.
ReplyDelete"American-only", you do know where it is made don't you?
hint: the place starts with a C and right above you
I hope this means Australia is finally getting the FiM toys.
ReplyDeleteDid someone say there's promotions in Europe too?
ReplyDeletedid I just investigate and find out there are promotions in neighbouring countries?
I think I'll just say my little sister was the one who wanted it booked. Then, I'll get the DVD.
ReplyDeleteWait a second... AJ and Rainbow at this thing? GO THERE AND FIND OUT WHERE THE PORTAL TO EQUESTRIA IS!!!
ReplyDeleteWent to the party, can confirm that the DVD is just " The Ticket Master" :P ah well.
ReplyDeleteIt is no surprise if after few weeks, a copy for this DVD will become available on eBay.
ReplyDeletetoy stores online