Psycho Streak over on Ponychan is taking orders for all of those toys us Americans are unable to obtain, primarily the ones in the above image.
I honestly have a feeling this is the only way any of us over in the states are ever going to see these toys, aside from blind bags in the future with all of their OC pony nonsense. Ebay is expensive as hell, so this guy is doing us a pretty damn good service!
You can find his post below, along with all of the pricing information and a few testimonials of people successfully receiving their ponies in the mail.
Psycho Streak's Canadian Pony Orders
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21 kommentaari:
Nice! I hope that bronies will got their ponies!
VastaKustutaAs for me I have all of 5. And the most strange thing that I found them in a local toy store in the MIDDLE OF RUSSIA (on a west side of Siberia). The only problem was that they costs 8$ instead of 2$ in that shop. I lurked all toy shops in city but there were not exactly THIS ponies anywhere except those one shop with ridiculous price. (all other G4 toys were there with "normal prices")
I have to wonder: why is it that the citizens of the country that made the show can't get the toys that LOOK like the show? Was there some horrible contract signed that says "Americans get the crappy toys"? . . . was it a "Faustian bargain"?
VastaKustutaBu-dum-bum chiii!!
Hasbro really need to get up to speed with digital age. They could make millions by selling their stuff - toys, episodes - online right now. You know, like Netflix, Steam, YouTube, Amazon...
VastaKustuta@Don_ko А теперь к главным новостям: передает наш корреспондент со ДНА ОКЕАНА...
Yeah, okay, Russia in general was the last place I expected pony stuff to take hold. Need to go outside a little more often.
VastaKustutaНе понял юмора... почему ДНО ОКЕАНА???
А так в принципе каждый приличный магазин (во всяком случае в Екатеринбурге) имеет поней на полках. Я видел всю линейку, обозначенную на официальном сайте Hasbro в продаже. Другое дело, что эта мелочь, похоже, была эксклюзивно в том магазине.
And yet, new zealand still doesn't have G4 that I've seen.
VastaKustutaAustralia kicks the shit out of this country and then some.
If I can find a toyworld in 8 hours when I go shopping I'll have a look... else it might be another 3.5 pony from the warehouse. Bleargh west auckland, why don't you have any shops with stock that isn't 3 years out of date?
Definitely going to order some stuff soon, probably rainbow dash. Eeeeeek but I have to save up for darkspore...
VastaKustuta@Anonymous There're two companies making the show, one in Asia, I think it was, and one in Canada. Neither of them are a part of America, aside from someone deciding to name everything north of Mexico 'North America'.
VastaKustutaWe'll have to hit-up Canadian toy stores before that comment can hold merit. Then again, isn't Hasbro an American company?
>I honestly have a feeling this is the only way any of us over in the states are ever going to see these toys, aside from blind bags in the future with all of their OC pony nonsense.
VastaKustutaIs it confirmed that blind bag ponies are going to be sold in the US?
I wish this stuff will sell in Malaysia...
VastaKustutaI really want one at least...
Wow, that's exceptionally nice of Psycho Streak. The random generosity of the Internet never ceases to impress and amaze me. And considering the hassle that this involves (trips to town for every order group and so on), he's really going above and beyond the call of duty, here.
VastaKustutaIt just goes to show that there are some truly awesome people out there.
I'd /clop at this as a clever take on clap, but since that has other connotations, I'll just clap instead. Good show!
I live in canada, walked into zeller cuz it was on the way, bought an AJ and a pinie, walked out, and walked the fuck home.
VastaKustutaI will definitely look into this. I paid through the nose for a couple of Europonies (Rainbow Flash and Daisy Dreams; don't ask why I wanted them) to be shipped from Italy.
VastaKustutaIf I had some money I would. Idk I figure we'll still be able to get them later if need be. But this guy is awesome for doing this
VastaKustutaIt seems that they will become available in the US after all, at least by May 2011. See: These are identical to the minis I bought at Zellers and Loblaws, minus Applejack. Keep looking in your local (US) stores.
VastaKustutaFirst off, thanks for whoevers responsible for this bein on EQD, secondly, this explains the whole waking up to 11 new orders that kinda made me go OMG. Thirdly, the tube of ponies lacks applejack you notice. Fourthly, I have no intentions of stopping this service. And to clarify, this is a service to ANYPONY, ANYWHERE... if a pony would rather order online and have em mailed to them instead of go out and buy some stuff, or anything. Its all for the good of the bronyhood.
VastaKustutaCheck it out! They ARE available in the US RIGHT NOW, at "Big Lots". See Someone should tell Psycho Streak.
VastaKustuta@Psycho Streak
VastaKustutaYes, and you are correct of course. 8^) But if people in the US can get their own, it will be less hassle for you and for them. (Just being helpful, collecting data, sending reports...)
It would appear, that that link doesn't work... Convenient... And as it stands I enjoy this business, gives me something to do, gives me coffee money, and I also ship worldwide.
VastaKustuta@Psycho Streak
VastaKustutaI just tried it and the link works. Livejournal has been down most of the day today due to politically motivated DDOS attacks, so you may have had trouble because of that. Note that due to an unfortunate layout choice by the community owner, part of the image is cut off and you don't see Applejack. Either right-click, view in new page or press reply to see the entire image.
There are lots of people worldwide who will be delighted to supply you with coffee money and receive these fab tiny ponies from you, Psycho Streak. 8^) Go lurk the Livejournal post I linked to and offer your service! If for some reason you can't post, drop me a line here and I'll post for you.
VastaKustutaThanks a lot for that link, I'm going to pre-order a set of those from EE.
Big Lots isn't an option for me and no offense to Psycho Streak, but I prefer not to buy from other people through the internet without going through a secure 3rd party method like Amazon.
You're welcome Anonymous. 8^) My years of experience of buying collectibles off of eBay shows me that 99% of people are honest, at least when it comes to niche material.