• TF2/Source Spray Compilation

    A brony named Enlino Sent me a rar filled with .vtf/.vmt team fortress sprays.  It can be a pain to create these sometimes, so hopefully we can fill TF2 up with all sorts of pony sprays now that the technological blockade is gone! 

    A few of them are animated, and it looks like they are all transparent.

    There is also a readme included for those that have no clue what to do with them!

    You can find the .rar below!


    1. Eeeeh. Tempting, but I like my Angel spray too much.

      Gonna save all of these anyway.

    2. but my "why wub woo" rainbow dash spray is too awesome to replace D:

      Plus it makes them rage on CSS for some reason. It's pretty funny.

    3. > animated sprays
      > animated

      What kind of aerosol can allows your paint to move?!

    4. I would totally download this....

      ...If I had that game =(

    5. Ooh reminds me I have to make a cheering filly twilght one.

    6. @Zarkanorf And that, gentlecolts, that IS why you should use a mask when spraying it.

    7. @Anu Aikan

      So we need to play Pyros? But I'm terrible as a Pyro...

    8. Awesome, installing 'em now

    9. >>not using Scattergun

    10. meh, I'm kinda disappointed that there was no Pinkie dance from Flutterguy's Evil Enchantress.

    11. Yesssss I will be cycling through many of these as I play. Thank you!

    12. Oh hey, you posted this! I'm still making these, so if anyone has a clip they think would make a good spray (preferably from an hd episode) post it and I'll see what I can do.

    13. @sirajJust W+M1 and you'll be alright.

    14. Well if you are still making them, I'd love an animation of this twilight

      or a couple of these guys

    15. @Naxts

      These should work in any Source-engine game, not just TF2 (Left 4 Dead, Half-Life, etc.). Of course if you have NONE of those, well, yeah, then they're no good to ya..

    16. Not very many . . .
      It's nice that they're VMTs/VTFs, but I've already made like 20 TGAs that are just as good. Heck, the pictures here aren't particularly good as sprays.

    17. That did it. Now I want to play TF2 just so I can pony everypony with ponies till every server bans me because I spread love and friendship and ponies instead of shoot somepony in the head.

      Bonus points if someone can tweak the code so that it says 'You have been Ponied' when you die.

    18. I posted a bunch of sprays in an old thread in /pic/, I'll see if I can upload them somewhere!

    19. Only faggots play TF2.

    20. all i spray for TF2 and l4d is ponies at this point. It's often more fun to watch the reactions of the other players than the actual game.

    21. Quite a variety to choose from when I downloaded and looked at these. I'll be frequenting TF2 a little more often now.

    22. I want a Derpy spray sooo badly!

    23. @Anonymous

      the shortstop is mathematically better, it's just that the hitscan is completely fucking broken

    24. That's okay, I will stick with my "deal with it" Twilight spray

    25. LOL wow, there are a few of my things in that pack. I wonder how many people I've played with in the past are seeing, or even better, using these?

    26. A pretty nifty collection. My technical skills with using sprays is about nil (never used one before), but the read me guided me through it pretty easily.

      Only thing was, the bottom two folders mentioned ("vgui" and "logos") didn't exist on my computer, so I just created the folders manually and dragged the files in. Worked fine.

    27. @Poultron

      Shortstop deals 20% less damage at any distance, by compensates by having a faster reload and a tighter spread than the Scattergun.

      Generally, if you're using the whole Milkman set, the Shorstop lets you play more of an "Annoying mosquito" role, doing little bits of damage here and there but never dying.

      Scattergun, while being a bit more difficult to use properly, allows you to pull off much heavier damage at closer distances.


    28. Heavy Weapons PonyApril 27, 2011 at 3:22 AM

      for the first time ever, I need to go find out how to do this spray thing.

    29. it suck u cannot use them as spy it will be awesome trap :D

    30. This would possibly make a good spray

    31. Works for ALL SOURCE GAMES, including mods! Anything based on the source engine (HL2:DM, Insurgency, maybe even RO) will work with these sprays! It is AWESOME!

    32. I was playing TF2 and I had the Fluttershy spray and this Guy freaked. Saying "Oh No not a Pinkie Pie spray" it was hilarious

    33. GLORIOUS DAY! TF2 is free and ALL bronies may play! With these sprays, we will spread love and tolerance THROUGHOUT THE (gaming) WORLD!

    34. Thank Celestia for these sprays!

    35. I downloaded the sprays and they were awesome, although i wish there would be a better animated fluttershy spray in the pack.

    36. Someone informed me that this download link is corrupt. I haven't tried downloading it myself, but he tells me he can't connect to the internet and there is porn everywhere. Not sure if he's trollin' or not...

    37. why is the link gone? or do my eyes just fail
