• Suited For Success Rainbow Dash Custom

    Another awesome Gala-dress custom from Thatg33kgirl over on DA!  Just a few more to go!

    You can find the old ones below!

    Custom Twilight Sparkle
    Custom Pinkie Pie + Fluttershy

    I know I am breaking my 1 hour between posts rule a bunch today... Hopefully it isn't too spammy.


    1. Why wont these people sell these? I demand to give them my money!

    2. Not spammy. Do more. Also you might want to look over the comments for Shades of Midnight.

    3. @ Anon

      Probably because it takes a lot of time and effort to make these and it is hard to put onto production, even for a small group of buys.

      Now, onto the figure, all I can say is "D'AAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW"

    4. Definitely not spammy. The only articles I don't really care for on here are the fanfics, since I don't read any of them (not a fan of shipping, which 99% of them are). Other than that, I obsessively refresh my RSS feed every 15 minutes or so to see if there's anything new. I would certainly have no problem if you posted more non-fanfic content!

    5. yeah as far as actually news goes i dont think the every hour rules should really apply
      i mean news is news so the faster the better unless its like the 30th thing in a day its no big deal

    6. DO WANT BUT CAN'T HAVE¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡
      why celestia why???

    7. Looks damn good. Also, question: Is the model the McDonald's one? (I don't have them here yet).

    8. I'm a little disappointed that there's no "vest" part around the wings, and that the "cape" is flat... but hell, who am I to complain?

    9. :D Hey guys, glad you like her!

      I actually have a very special commissioner whos buying the whole set. :D Sorry they aren't for sale!

      (and yeah, making the vest around her wings didn't work, dang wings being in the way!)

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