• Story: Twilight's Sister

    [Normal]  Trixie being Trixie!

    Author: Whitemage of DOOM
    Description: Twilight's father sure has a familiar cutie mark doesn't he? One day, Trixie finds out just how similar. Booze is drunk, stories are shared, books are chucked at people, enemies become friends and rivals.
    Twilight's Sister
    Twilight's Sister Part 2: Moonlight Illusions

    Additional Tags:  Bawwwww, Drunk, Death, Sisters, Backstory


    22 kommentaari:

    1. I personally know Woomod. Hes going to make it Trixie x Trixie

    2. Oh Cool this finally made it on here, Im the one that edited the second piece. Hes gonna make it Trixie x Trixie like anon said.

    3. I am going to do no such thing.

    4. Oh you're no fun Woomod.

    5. Oh shit right. I wasnt supposed to say that yet was I. My bad.

    6. Looks like an interesting story, but it could use some editing. Not the best writing out there, really.

    7. @Display Name, Take it up with my editor.

    8. The First piece was edited alot less than the second. The main issue is the scriptlike conversation. I made efforts to avoid this when editing Moonlight Illusionist and split it up a little.

    9. Hi I like turtles, also I fully support Trixie X trixie.

    10. Fer chrissakes, Trixie does NOT have a moon in her cutie mark!

    11. Are you sure about that Anon, Its pretty blatant.
      Thats her cutie mark. No moon eh?

    12. Yes she does. Its a crescent moon with stars.

    13. It's not a moon, it's a swish of magic from the wand.

    14. Trixie`s cutie mark is a magic wand shooting magic in crescent shape, but is not a moon crescent. Please pay more attention people.

    15. Punctuation could use some work, too. It's like the words come out in torrents, rather than articulated sounds. Come on, you can do it.

    16. I came here for Trixie x Trixie x Trixie

    17. 1 Star from me. Sorry, but it was HORRIBLE in every possible way - looks more like a writing prospect than actual story, with silly, plastic and washed out of all emotions dialogues, and the point of the story itself was superbly rushed to a point of idiocy. The general ideas are ok and even could potentialy tug some strings, but now with that kind of writing and sense of suspence and tension.

      My eyes bleeds.

    18. @Blueshift Sorry blueshift, but I'm not gonna write shipping. And one fanfic can only contain so much smug anyways.

      @Fireant Fair enough, no need to apologize.

    19. A little rushed in places in the 2nd one, but overall very interesting.
      Pitty we couldn't see the rest of the cast's reactions to Trixie being Twilight's sister that would have been fun to read.
      Looking forward to what happens next.

    20. Interesting concept, but it needs work.

    21. read until she got into twilight's house, then i stopped. then i looked at the comments, then i wrote this, then i read a different fic.
