• Story: Twilight's Best Friend (Update Part 4!)

    [Normal] Hasbro recolors Twilight Sparkle, for a copy-paste toy... Broneis write fanfiction about it.   This community rocks.  Anyway Dewdrop Dazzle below!

    Author: Blueshift
    Description: Based on the lazy Hasbro recolour of Twilight Sparkle. One dark and stormy night, Twilight Sparkle is visited by a strange pony. But this pony knows a lot about Twilight Sparkle; in fact, she might just be Twilight's number one fan. And that couldn't be a bad thing, right?
    Twilight's Best Friend
    Twilight's Best Friend Part 2 
    Twilight's Best Friend Part 3
    Twilight's Best Friend Part 4 (New!)

    Additional Tags: Comedy, Twilight Breakdown, obsessiveness


    1. there needs to be a creepy tag

    2. Be wary of people who impersonate youre appearance even slightly.

      The morale of the story is you have to try and make sure that people can continue being themselves instead of trying to be like you.

      I can understand why she's like that though, people rain on her parade all the time.

    3. Dun...Dun....DUUUNNNN

    4. SPIKE TIME!, lol
      Oh, God, I'm not into FanArt, but this one is cool!

    5. Wait .... did Spike just say the Very Hungry Caterpillar was a SCARY BOOK?!

      Nice story. Silly Hasbro anyway.

    6. "Twilight Breakdown" needs to be a more commonly used tag.

    7. I hope that this turns out like "Green Isn't Your Color" and that the other ponies all hate her and just don't want to disappoint Twilight.

    8. This is probably going to end with Dewdrop trying to murder Twilight, to complete the whole taking her place thing. I'm looking forward to that.

    9. @Anonymous:

      If it were used properly, it would be used in almost every Twilight Sparkle story ever written.

      Including the episodes.

    10. "there's no such thing as murder"? Well looks like someones just tempted fate.

    11. Oh my gosh, this is amazing. I can't wait to see what happens. Oh Hasbro, your laziness has inspired awesomeness.

    12. The best part of this is that there's going to be 2~3 recolors for the whole mane cast.
      Clone wars anyone?

    13. I am blown away sometimes at the inspirations people get. Hasbro really has no clue (or not as much as they think at least) of the community they have waiting.

      I'm enjoying the creepy vibe, the 'offness' of Dewdrops friendly demeanor... granted this could be resolved completely without the horror side of things but the way it started off with that scary story I don't see it going that way.

    14. Dewdrop has no idea the can of worms she's opening. Twilight turned her parents, who she loved, into plants. If this keeps up she'll probably turn her "fan" inside-out.

    15. I can see Twilight introducing Dewdrop to a certain red eyed "friend" living in the everfree forest...

      "hea Twi, when did you get that cool stone sculpture made? it looks just like you! Awsome!"

    16. I'm your number one fan.

      There's nothing to worry about.

      You're gonna be just fine.
      I'll take good care of you.

      I'm your number one fan.

    17. Whenever I hear that term, I just know that later somehow, a block of wood and a sledgehammer are going to be involved.

    18. @T.O. Brony

      I will seriously fall to the floor laughing if this fic becomes a parody of "Misery". Not big on Stephen King works but that story is by far his best one and this fic is the kind of story that gives movie flashbacks.

    19. "Get out of here, stalker."

      The quote seems very appropriate for this.

    20. By Celestia! By Celestia! By Celestia!
      Oh come I can't be the only one who played Oblivion...

    21. I predict Dewdrop pulls a magic color switch. How will Twilight be able to prove she's herself--short of turning her parents into plants again?

    22. My little stalker, duh dun nah naaaah, My little stalker....

      Once Celestia chooses Dewdrop over Twilight, then I'll know it's on.

    23. Cute story, though I don't know why everyone is getting their tails in a twist over a repaint. Hasbro has a long history of repaints...

    24. Cody MacArthur FettApril 19, 2011 at 10:29 AM

      *looks at cutie mark* Holy smokes! That's one of those Japanese "love love umbrellas!" Do you know what this means? . . . Specifically, neither do I (those are just hearts, and not names under the umbrella), but I think it means that Dewdrop Dazzle is a shipper or matchmaker.

      That's all kind of creepy in the context of this story.

    25. Y'know, if you don't want to write any more of this story that's okay! I'll come over to your house and wear your clothes and write it for you!

    26. No one seems to have pointed out that this is a vicious parody of Mary Sues in addition to a hilarious satire of recolors.

    27. @Hayquill

      Probably because no one has figured out it was that before you pointed it out; most of us just assumed it was some crazy stalker mare.

      But now that you've mentioned it, it is! A very well played satire indeed.

    28. I just love how utterly clueless and yet enthusiastically cheerful Dewdrop Dazzle is. She's like the litter sister who idolizes her big sister without knowing she's bothering her.

    29. I could almost sense Twilight being on the verge of evolving into Rapidash...


    30. Truth of the matter is I hope Twilight doesn't do anything she might regret.

      She should just talk to Dewdrop about the problems as she see's it in a gentle manner, maybe explain that she isn't letting Twilight do anything with her friends because she's already doing it for her.

      In fact if Dewdrop was her friend she would be dragging her along to do all this stuff in a third of the time it would normally take so they could have more activities together.

      But as we all know Fluttershy explode, Twilight became flaming rage pony and Rainbow Dash broke a wing slamming into a tree. Also Dewdrop contracted a rare bowel disorder from consuming the ponified version of laxatives, prune juice.

    31. Name of part 3 is "Dewdrop Dazzle must Die"

    32. @anon : that really is the actual title of part 3 :v

    33. Now I picture Twilight poisoning Dewdrop using that plant from the forest to disable her horn, or her mary sueness - then strike!

    34. It was... fun to read, but I do not belive it. I know Twilight tend to overreact to things, I know, that when she burst with emotions, she is going way over the top. But also we must remember, that Twilight first and foremost stand to reason, logic and cold calculations, and when THESE fail, she tend to brake. And this story she just act like "nearby-Celestia" symptoms were ON, as she pretty much panic and get nervous from the very beginning - so, My point is, SHE never really tried to be reasonable in this story, and that bothers me, as this is not How Twi Rolls.

    35. Who else thinks that this story might end like this comic? http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-c2AuZ8cnjNA/TWIIQdBqvuI/AAAAAAAABk0/37zhH0ObHo0/s1600/mocha+goes+crazy.jpg

    36. @Blueshift of course it is silly, I told you to use it.

    37. Part 3 is out.


    39. I....uh...wasn't expecting that!

      Curse you Blueshift! You made me feel sorry for a lazy recolor! DEWDROP!!!!!! D':

    40. Whoa. I mean, I could kinda tell the story was headed there but it did not happen the way I expected at all.


    41. WHAT A TWEEST!

      Seriously though, I can't wait to see how part 4 turns out.

    42. I was expecting that to happen down the road to one of them, but not this fast.

    43. So, when are we gettin' that grimdark tag?

    44. Definitly grimdark from now on. Someone dies, and quite a horrible way (yes, dieing from pain buried under rocks in thunderstorm is more horrible then actual gore, as it is way more realistic).

      Don't get me wrong, I like the story - liked the tension, liked the writing. I just hate How you developed characters, as I already said; Twilight is not a dimwit - she COULD be mean enough to want Dewdrop hurt, simply to teach her a lesson and show her, that she really, REALLY don't want her around, but leaving her in a pit in a thunderstorm in the friggin' rocky hillside? She have no imagination or basic logic? She have both, so it was WAY over the top and I simply could not bring myself to belive, Twi could pull that, therefore story felt plastic to me - if You give Her more time to slowly boil, to patiently change Her into a madmare, well, maybe. But this rushed end spoiled the story.


    45. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rHJoj9IqeKg

    46. WOW..... The last part is gonna have to be pretty flowery,sugary, joy joy for this to not be classified as Grim-dark.=P

    47. @Matthew-147
      What do you mean grimdark? I cheered out loud when she died. Is there a "Joy" tag?

    48. @fireant

      Gotta say I agree, Twilight seems to have gotten too man too fast. But it doesn't look like it's finished yet so who know could be awesome.

    49. @fireant

      There's one more part to go

    50. HolyDemonSnappendragonApril 21, 2011 at 2:05 PM

      There's a major twist at the end for all those who are interested.

    51. Cody MacArthur FettApril 21, 2011 at 2:08 PM

      Wow. Unbelievable. You, sir, have not only made people hate a character with a passion, but in just one chapter you've completely flipped it around to make that same hated character pitied by all those of conscience. That takes skill.

      And boy is this chapter ever going to bring in the [Grimdark]. Characters dying is always bad, but dying from being buried alive (and possibly drowning in the rain) is one of the most horrific ways a person can die. The fact that our heroine actually murdered someone in cold blood certainly adds to the darkness.

    52. Of course I wonder if the author is going to end this in typical "modern" horror movie fashion with a standard "twist" ending.

    53. I will for sure read the next chapter, but The story end here for me - Dewdrop is dead, that was quite plainly said in the story. Or Twilight is so redunantly foalish to not know the difference between Dead and Barely Alive? If yes, well, that only adds my "neighs" to how Twi is working here. If no, then Dewdrop is dead - and rising ponies from death would be soo hard to pull of without getting ridiculous or silly, that its hard to belive. So, I will check what kind of ending will be here, but I don't have high hopes...

    54. Now it's SPIKE TIME!

    55. And not a single TOOT was given for Dewdrop Dazzle that day.

    56. @Cody MacArthur Fett

      ...buried alive at the bottom of a pit in the middle of a wild thunderstorm after being hinted at in the story that she was terrified of storms... but not actually dying until hours later after just being discovered by the one who threw you down there and left you.

      Yup, that's some potent grim and dark.

    57. Haha, not only has Dewdrop won over Twilight's friends, she's won over a number of the readership as well!

    58. @Anonymous

      Dewdrop does have a certain "irritating puppy dog" charm to her, one we will miss now that she's...

      Never know what you have until it's gone, you know.

    59. I saw that the author posted part 4 on ponychan:


    60. I felt so bad for Dewdrop at the end. I was almost expecting (wanting?) Twilight to lie to her just to salvage her faith, if only until she was well enough to learn the truth. Seeing Dewdrop so crestfallen and disillusioned was possibly more pathetic than her actually dying.

    61. Well chapter 3 was...unexpected to say the least. Still she is annoying. As of chapter 4, I'm giving her 2 maybe 3 days before Trixie snaps and kills her or yells like a lunatic at Dewdrop.

      I still hate her.

    62. oh well,sinice i haven't read part 4 yet i'm REALLY hoping somehow dewdrop dazzle becomes alive again.

    63. @marianne she's alive again! YAY! wait a minute...did i just cheer louder then fluttershy usally does? anyway,YAY!

    64. In Equestria, you can actually pray to Celestia? And she actually GRANTS your prayers? Sweet! Sign me up! That's a religion I could get behind!

      Wait, if Twi could speak to Celestia just by praying, why does she need Spike?

    65. @Anon It's left intentionally vague as to whether that was what actually happened. Solid answers are never as interesting.

      Also I've found it really interesting reading everyone's feedback to this. People have gone from hating and wanting her dead to feeling sorry for her, and then wishing she could actually be Twilight's friend. Ho ho ho :v I hope you've all enjoyed reading it as much as I have writing it!

    66. Attempted murder is magic!

    67. Oh, wow. I loved this story! Very well done and the ending is great!

      At first Dewdrop creeped me out, then I hated her, then I was horrified, then I just felt bad for her... and then she creeped me out all over again and I lol'd.

      Great jorb!

    68. Fortunately, Trixie doesn't seem to have any problems with confrontation. :)

    69. The lesson Twilight thought Dewdrop learnt: Don't try to be like any other pony, just be yourself"

      The lesson Dewdrop actually learnt: "Don't try to be like Twilight Sparkle"


    70. SPIKE TIME!, lol
      Oh, God, I'm not into FanArt, but this one is cool!


      Yes, this one was awesome. is all I can say, AWESOME SAUCE.

    71. @Anonymous






    72. In the end, she doesn't learn her lesson, and moves on to become the GREAT and POWERFUL TRIXIE'S friend. This needs a sequal.

    73. this looks very promising

    74. Wow.. this story was goood, first I was creeped out than angry than worried than sad than bothered and all in all VERY Conflicted

    75. I was expecting Part 4 to be a massive guilt trip for Twilight. I was instead disappointed to have my suspension of disbelief broken by Dewdrop surviving.

      Nevertheless, I'm still giving this four stars. Were it not for the ending being a disappointment, I would have given it five.

    76. This seems alot like "The Roomate".

    77. "there's no such thing as murder"

      I knew I'd going to LOVE IT!!

    78. Woah. Wait, what? Chapter 3 had me stunned for a minute.

    79. Fromt he comments, it sounds like this should be tagged Complete.
