• Story: Sunny Skies All Day Long

    [Normal] This one reads like it could be turned into an actual episode at any time.  Definitely something to check out!

    Author: PhantomFox
    Description:  Princess Celestia tires of constantly being surrounded by decorum, deference, and formality, and decides to take a day off from being Princess.  But visiting Ponyville incognito is harder than she expects.  Will she be able to fit in and make friends without blowing her cover?
    Sunny Skies All Day Long

    Additional Tags: Celestia's Day Off In Ponyville

    Live Reading Part 1 / Part 2


    1. Found this earlier, great fic, and it does read like an episode.

      It seems a little toned down though, there could have been a bit more pizazz, but hey I'm into ships and grimdark so maybe it's just me.

    2. Helped the writer proof this one. Gotta say, it's a great story and a fantastic concept. :)

    3. A very enjoyable fic. Thank you for taking the time to write it.

    4. That was awesome!

      And Pinkie KNEW! LMAO!!!

    5. is it only 1 page long???
      because that's all i can read is there any other way to read the fic??
      this is some kind of regular problem i have with google docs

    6. I feel all warm and fuzzy inside now. Nice work!

    7. Yay, you released! Congrats.

      ...I'll try to read through again once I get some distance from it though.

    8. I love seeing this side of Celestia. I hope this story gets a little bit of expansion.

    9. I've read this story before, but it seems to have changed subtly from what it was before. For example, I recall the letter Spike was sending was supposed to be the Moral of the Day, but now it's Spike sending a mail order request to Canterlot... but why send a mail order request through Celestia? I think this change (if there was in fact a change) doesn't fit.

      Aside from that, yes it is a good story and it does indeed read like an episode of the show.

    10. Great story! I wish a story like this would be made into a real episode. =D

    11. @Anonymous
      You might've read an older version of this fic. The author changed a few things around to make the story have a more central conflict.

      I for one kind of miss the way it was in version 1, but this version is good too. So I don't mind it m'self.

    12. Most enjoyable. Well written, cute and very entertaining.

    13. Oh, man. My only problem with this is that I wish it actually WAS an episode. Good stuff all around.

    14. coming from someone that doesn't read the fanfics, this was really fantastic. Not sure why I decided to read this one, but it was really well done and could easily be an episode.

    15. Yep, this one is pure gold. Two thumbs up, PhantomFox.

    16. I really enjoyed this. Only problem was that it wasn't 20% longer. At least.

    17. Oh I cant help but to have a big smile right now. Excelent story =) just made my day.

    18. You should totally send this to hasbro. What a great story! It would make a fantastic episode!!

    19. I think this is one of the best pony fics I have read. However, I'm confused how the sticker doesn't come off in the water?

    20. @Niccole

      I figure if the god-queen who raises the sun every morning wants a sticker to stay stuck, it will.

    21. Yeah, I really really thought that sticker would have blown her cover. I'd prefer to think of it as an illusion even though the story said that was kinda hard to do ^^; . Bah, begone nitpick, please shut up and take my money to have this be a season 2 ep.

    22. Now, *THIS* is the way fanfiction should be written!

      Seriously, this feels like an actual episode all right.

    23. This story is the kind of fanfic I prefer. It fits into the universe but changes only one or two things outside of canon. As has been said, with a few adjustments this could be turned into an episode. The Aesop even writes itself.

      An impressive and enjoyable story.

    24. It was fun to read, and fun to critique. Good job getting it done!

    25. I've been waiting for something like this to show up ever since someone floated the concept on /co/. I was starting to consider writing it myself, but I think we're all probably lucky that it didn't come to that. Love the execution here, and putting in my vote for additional adventures of Sunny Skies. So awesome. :D

    26. This story stays very true to the spirit of the show, highlighting a vitally important character who's gotten little (canon) attention. 5/5 from me.

    27. this sounds like it could and should turn into a real episode

    28. I'm going to have to agree with the others and say this sounds very much like an episode from the show. Very well done! I look forward to the possibility of more adventures with Sunny and the gang.

    29. Great story, enjoyable read that stands out from the shipping or grimdark fics that are honestly starting to blend together for me, it's only a matter of time before Dash and Pinkie fight Nightmare moon after tearfully confessing their love for one another...wait no someone wrote that already.

    30. This is definitely one of the great stories on this site. Awesome, fun read. And yeah, as others have said, it definitely sounds like they could make an episode like this. I'd watch it!

    31. Awesome story!

      I was figuring the sticker would've come off during the spa visit. Bonus points for doing things in a way that was unexpected, but sensible and foreshadowed.

    32. This was really well written and I enjoyed it very much. Sometimes I thought though Celestia acted a bit to ooc, but on the other hand to this point we never get to know much of her besides that she is sometimes up for a good prank. So this is just nitpicking, still a worthy script for an actual episode, good job !

    33. @Chris

      Well, This.
      I can't add anything, so just a short sum up:
      - In spirit of the show.
      - I see Celestia, and I enjoy her character here.
      - Story is simple, yet effective due to being well written.
      - This = A new episode.

      4 Stars - I really Liked it ;)

    34. "Forecast calls for Sunny Skies today!"
      That sentence made me lol so much...
      Great story, definitely one of my favourite Celestia stories on ED. Keep up the good work!
      And maybe... A sequel?

    35. Dear Lauren Faust,

      If ever you look at this site and decide that one of these fanfics is good enough to make into an episode, please let it be this one.

      Thank you :)

    36. My face hurts from smiling so much. :D

    37. 4 pages in, I can already say this is probably the best fic I've ever seen on the site. And probably the first or second [Normal] fic I've ever looked into. I've really gotta give thanks to #MyLittlePony on IRCHighway for getting me to check this thing.

    38. Dang, this story rocks! I thoroughly enjoyed it. I, too, was wondering about the sticker, but I figured it was waterproof or something. Anywho, this is an awesome fic, and definitely deserving of a 5-star rating.

    39. Finished it. Still think it's the best fanfic I've read so far.

    40. 5 stars and four hooves way way up.

      I liked seeing Celestia's charming side in this, and it felt like actually watching an episode. Nice work with this one.

      Fund it for Season 2.

    41. I'd love for this to be an episode too, but unless they hired me on as a writer, I think legal issues would prevent that. And I doubt they'd hire writers off the street like myself. But I'm glad y'all are enjoying! Perhaps you'll see some more from me once inspiration strikes next.

    42. That was a cute and fun story and totally was IC for Princess Celestia.

      And it would be Pinkie to figure it out right from the start.

    43. I despise all those stories where Celestia is evil. This was refreshing, good job!

    44. This is by far the best mlp fanfiction I've ever read. I feel like I just watched a new episode from the show! The characters were all spot-on, and the plot moved at a refreshingly relaxed pace. Believe me, as a drawfriend I usually don't care for fanfics much, so this is high praise!

    45. Wow, I adored this piece of work! The story was well executed, the whole mane 6 was so well written and IC, and Cele... *cough* Sunny Skies herself was very refreshing to read about.

      There's only a thing that's slightly off, in my head Twilight wouldn't bow to Celestia (she's never been seen doing that, plus there's more of a closer relationship between the two than that...), but the whole rest, I enjoyed a great deal.

      And like the others, I'd totally see this fic to fit unedited into a true FiM episode. A very wonderful read, good job PhantomFox. Two hooves up. ^^

    46. @Tosxychor

      Counter-example: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=htd9KEbNAh8&t=7m
      Counter-example 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wMtG_xf5zPY&t=18m25s
      Twilight does bow to Celestia, but she seems to only do this when she thinks she's in trouble and is embarrassed to face her directly.

    47. This must be made into an episode.

    48. I'm going to have to agree with everyone else here. This could become known as one of the best episodes of the series. As for legal issues, I'm sure it wouldn't be too big a deal if you give your consent for this.

    49. I'll echo the sentiments of others on here, this is one of the few fanfics that could really work as an episode. It was funny and everyone generally stayed in canon. Except for possibly Luna, but only because we have no idea what her character is actually like.

    50. This is a charming story. I could see it working as an episode, but I would be very surprised if it were.

      Major kudos to the author.

    51. This needs to be an episode, like, yesterday. Amazing.

    52. Definitely agreeing with the other commenters I'd love to see this as an episode. until then we have it here and thank celestis for that XD

    53. I'd love to see this as an Episode, it would be pretty cool to see the "Normal" side of Celestia officially, and animated ^-^

    54. Finally a happy (and really nice) story :)

    55. SO well written. A very good read.

    56. I was never really into fanfictions, but I decided to make this one of a few to check out. I liked it a lot. Excellent work and, like the mane 6, I'd like to see more Sunny Skies in the future.

    57. I hope we have an episode like this someday.

    58. Just read this again for a second time and realized I didn't comment on it before. This was a very enjoyable read, I could see it being made into an episode.

    59. The 'Princess becoming normal for a day' stories are always good. Very fun!

    60. Enjoyable read. Definitely liked the build up at the end.

    61. Had a Derpy moment and lost most of the comments I had typed out as I read along.

      Oh! Here is one I remember! If you go by the show, she would have needed TWO stickers, since they have cutie-marks on BOTH sides (If the toys don't then file that under the same heading as "Pink Celestia"). Also it would have to be a fuzzy sticker to blend in with her standard-issue instance of "Furry coats/ So cute we'll blow your mind". The thickness would also be a problem perhaps. Just add in something about the stickers being magical and/or there being two of them if you feel like fixing this.

      This sponge bath is pretty nifty, but I don’t get what it’s supposed to do.
      -I never noticed that particular visual pun in the show. I assume the writers put it in intentionally.

      Something nagged at Celestia’s mind that she needed to remember, but she brushed it away.
      -I THOUGHT so...

    62. Easily official-episode calibre, and it very effectively deals with a classic story trope the series has not covered yet. The only other story I've read that dealt with the "undercover-royalty" that I fealt deserved 5 star rating it had was the "Luna vs. X" seies, which for many reasons would not be reasonably adaptable for the show despite its high quality.

      I like how Sunny's cutie mark so eloquently conveys Sunny's true nature: the Sun itself masking its brilliance with a few clouds to dampen its true radience. That said, I do think the 'sticker' would be one of the things that would have to change if this were to be a real episode, for the reasons mentioned by Draco. Ponies have fur, whether or not their appearance in animation or their plastic toys reflect this, and a simple sticker wouldn't be able to blend in well enough for it to be considered a logical, practical solution. It's also a shame that 'Sunny's' internal monologuing probably wouldn't be very easy to translate into a screenplay without narration, which would be pretty inconsistant with how the rest of the series is presented.

      I hereby dub this story "canon-fodder", the closest fanon can get to acheiving true series canon. Actually, I think that should be a new story tag; though I'm not sure how many other fanfics this could realistically be applied to. And while there may be a number of hurdles involved in actually being able to impliment this story to a real episode, I don't see why a small team of talented fans couldn't put together a fan-made flash animation with text boxes replacing actual voice acting.

    63. Outstanding story. Excellent characterizations throughout. And it left me with the warm feeling of a good MLP episode.

    64. Why did it take me so long to read this. OMG it's so good.

    65. Bronyville brought me here and I should really thank them for that. This was a great story!

      As many of the bronies before and the guys over at Bronyville said, this would make a great episode and they're absolutely right!

      Also, this was the first story that made me smile several times and I really lake that :D Even though i appreciate the fact, that this story isn't too long (no 20 or so chapters) but I'd really like another episode like this. (If there isn't already one)

    66. wow, i wish there was more like this out there

    67. Excellent story! I agree that this should be made into an episode! ★★★★★

    68. Wow, that was a really well written story. I think that would be amazing if this got turned into an actual episode.

    69. This is on FimFiction now.

