• Story: My Friend

    [Normal] Twist and Bloomberg? Glad it's not shipping...

    Author: Phoenix Reece AKA The Gentle Coltte of Leisure
    Description: What ever happened to Twist? When Applebloom made friends because of her lack of a Cutie Mark, Twist lost hers because she had one? What could go through a filly's mind when facing something like that. If only she had someone to talk to....
    My Friend

    Additional Tags: Featuring Twist, Bloomberg, and a bit of the CMC at the end.

    21 kommentaari:

    1. Is it just me or does this fandom have a habit of not letting *any* character say unlikeable? I don't know if it's the writers of the show or the fans with their fan fic and fan art. Maybe it's the whole dang thing.

    2. Damn this show. It produces the must unlikely stories and still makes you daaaww with it.

      Still a great story. It never looses its focus and even made me like the CMC at the end.

    3. Too adorable.

      I read the lines in Twist's voice. It made me rage, but it was an adorable rage.

      5 stars.

    4. Blogpony, I am so mad at you right now. So mad.

    5. I loved this one. It made me realize that poor Twist HAD been abandoned, and I'll make a point of including her in my fics from here out. She is a cute little kid, and she has gotten the raw deal. There were a couple of dialogue lines that could have used some commas, but that is the ONLY nitpick I have.

      5 stars.

    6. OMG!! YES!!

      A picture of (dancing-with-a-jukebox!!) grown-up Twist--oh, it's just what I've always wanted!! +D Yeah, I've found myself sketching doodles of just that all over my school notes lately. I actually think she's very pretty...love her design...and I imagine her future-self as a beautiful young-adult (or whatever you wanna call the age of the mane cast) who overcame the lisp quite some time ago. Not that her voice bothers me a bit.

      Obviously, I LOVE (Peppermint) Twist and want to see more of her asap. She obviously entered the Show Stoppers competition, but other than that teensy little cameo, we haven't learned any more about her. =[ Which make a sad me. One should not dump one's friends simply because they "beat you" to something, Applebloomer...:/ Of course, we have no idea what's been going on off-screen, but the fact that she hasn't turned up again with a speaking role in a filly episode does raise one's suspicion, eh?

      Adorable 5-star fic, indeed, as well. Yay, Bloomberg and the CMC. <3 8-3

    7. @Batty Gloom

      Everypony is somepony's favorite.
      The inverse is also true, in that everypony is somepony's shit tier.

      So every character has a fanbase, who have logical reasons for it.

    8. @Batty Gloom

    9. the twitht speech wath a bit mucth but...I could stand it :)

      I was worried I'd baww at the end, but instead I d'awwd

    10. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    11. Applebloom shunning Twist because she got her Cutie Mark...What nonsense is this ?

      Well, at least we can see that it's ''some sort'' of misunderstanding on her part.

      The part where Twist was confiding to Bloomberg, it was nice, yeah. It's easy to see how or why a filly feeling left alone would speak to the tree like that.

      Also, stories involving Twist are SO RARE ! ...this rarity makes me sad, but a bit less now with this New Story. :)

    12. Only a slight continuity problem with this one, in that you actually see Twist dancing happily with Applebloom right as Twilight is giving her friendship report at the end of the episode.

      Still...this story is just...awesome. And I think it nearly made my cry.

      ...Confound those ponies. <3

    13. @Batty Gloom
      Probably a combination of all those things. Personally, I always liked Twist and never understood why she got so much crap from the fandom.

      Gilda, on the other hand, has never been likable to me. Not even in fics.

    14. Writing Twist's lisp into the dialog made this hard to read. There were also some grammar issues that distracted. But, it's still a sweet and wonderful little story that left me feeling happy inside.

      This fandom really does strive to give every character their own moment in the sun, even someone like Twist who seems to have been forgotten by the show's own writers.

    15. @Anonymous

      Well, to be fair, Gilda was *intentionally* written to be unlikeable; same thing with Trixie. Now, if the writers of the show bring them back after some character development...

      Can't say I mind Twist too much. She hasn't appeared since the episode that she starred in and I can relate to having a speech impediment (much better than when I was a kid but still there a bit). I think it's a combination of her voice and speech impediment that puts some people off but she's just written as a sweet little girl, so like any real person, you can like almost anyone if you're able to look past minor flaws.

    16. Like Luna and other characters who haven't reappeared for a while, I'm certain we'll see more of Twist...;)

    17. Aww, that wath the thaddetht thweet thtory thith month!
      Exthellent job!

      And I thought writing in her lisp was just fine. It wouldn't have worked otherwise.

    18. Awww! I loved Twist's little talks with Bloomberg.

      I kind of have assumed that Twist's still there as one of Applebloom's friends, but the series just focuses more on the CMCs for their highly amusing tendency to cause messes in their quest for growing up right now!!! :D

    19. I actually sort of like the fact that you wrote out Twist's Lisp(good name for a band, that). I can imagine that it was tricky to keep it up the whole while, so you get writer props from me!

      It was a really sweet little story. I found Twists parents kinda odd, though: after a week of her going to 'try and find applebloom' and coming back with nothing, you'd think they'd have clued in on something. But then, they had a prett minor role to begin with, so there's that. Like I said, A really nice story. It gave me a happily watering eye.

    20. Reasonably good story in general.

      Cutie-marks seem to happen pretty fast from what we have seen. Don't know why you have her getting her's in her sleep, let alone her dad predicting it.

      I really love ith the look on my friend’th fatheth when they hand them a freth batch!
      -Don't know if "they" fits, even trying to figure out a plausible word it could be a lisp of.
