Author: Tanner
Description: Stumbling into an ancient board game they knew nothing about the ponies find themselves embroiled in the wild untamed madness that is JumanjiThe Greatest Game
The Greatest Game Part 2
The Greatest Game Part 3
The Greatest Game Part 4 (New!)
Additional Tags: Action, Adventure
41 kommentaari:
I was just waiting for someone to write this, it's turning out great so far.
VastaKustutaPut more of an original spin on it and then I'll like it more. By original I mean what happens with each dice roll, make it unique as a story.
VastaKustutaI'm reminded of the Jumanji cartoon series for some reason at this moment.
People are expecting the crazy hunter gag, Zecora leading a stampede and an invasion of giant poisonous spiders... yawn... throw me a curve ball.
There are more characters here playing the game so this adds a bit of dimension to all the crazy things you can do to them like the giant snake thing, not to mention keeping the dice on hoof to throw the next roll.
WTF? Jumanji? Who on Equestria would think of that?
Is anyone else kind of expecting Pinkie Pie to be sucked back into the game when they win?
VastaKustutaI was going to write this......
been saving the idea but now I'm to late....
VastaKustutaIt's never too late!
Do go on! I can't wait to read more!
VastaKustutaOh and someone is going to try and cheat, yes? I can totally see Dash trying to cheat and turning into some crazy animal as a result!
Dash cheats, and turns into a cat. That would be nice and wtf.
VastaKustutaThis is an awesomely unexpected idea. I'm a big fan of the old Jumanji movie, so of course I'd love this. And oh noes, Spike! D:
VastaKustutaNice... Very nice...
VastaKustutaBut because of pic, now I need to read ponies in The Most Dangerous Game...
Wait a minute... If both Fluttershy and Spike have been lost to the game's magic now, then wouldn't the game just grind to a halt? I mean, they made up a team and now that both members of the team are gone the piece shouldn't be able to move. Unless someone like, rolls two twelves in a row or something before it gets to their teams turn again, isn't it impossible to win now?
VastaKustutaI'm betting that Zecora knows about the game and is appropriately frightened by it. The vines are a nice part, at first I thought they might find the poison dart flowers but those might be a little much for the ponies.
VastaKustutaSince the game keeps track of everyone, presumably "lost" players are skipped
@Fast and Free Unless the player is dead, it doesn't skip. When Alan was trapped in the game, they couldn't continue until he took his turn. Until they retrieve Fluttershy or Spike returns from in the game, they're screwed.
VastaKustutaWhoah what lightning mode updates
VastaKustutaI left the computer long enough to play "The Most Beautiful Girl (In The Room)" on Rock Band and I came back and suddenly there's three new posts! Did the whole "hourly update" thing mess up?
~Display Name
That punchline. EPIC! I cant wait for the awesome to start.
VastaKustutaI just... can't read this. It just doesn't work out well with ponies.
VastaKustutaI bet Celestia has something to do with the game being magic-ed. :| Really good story, it's gotten better since the first two chapters.
VastaKustutaAw hell, Van Pelt time. Shit's gonna go down.
VastaKustutaThat's one hell of a way to introduce "humans" to the Ponies.
VastaKustutaBy the way Andrew, from Zecora's description, the Jumanji in this story predates Celestia and probably modern Pony-kind. There's the implication that Equestria is set on some kind of post-human Earth.
VastaKustutaYeah, but according to Zecora this is also a special board, as the others were never magic, thus Celestia may have something to do with this special one. Or maybe not, maybe it's left over from Earth. Who knows?
> Van Pelt with ponies
Oh man that ending of chapter 3...
VastaKustutaMan the next part is gonna be amazing. I love Van Pelt.
Van Pelt? Hell. Yes.
VastaKustutaThis is great! Jumanji and Ponies, who would of thought?
VastaKustutaWas that a Tremors reference I caught?
dude, i'm sorry but i just read ponies playing team fortress 2, i dont think i can satand another unexpected mind-fuck. 9_6
VastaKustutamay read it later.
VastaKustutaOK, i didn't understand who it ended. Pinkie was 6 places away, and she got a two, then said jumanji, how did she win then?
VastaKustutaShe got Snakes eye, thats a double so she gets another roll
That ending.
VastaKustutaThose little fillies are in for a shock, aren't they? >B)
VastaKustutaWell that was a hay of a good read. Heartily recommended, 5 stars. Bam.
Van Pelt is one of the most badass villains ever. I mean, really. Super powers? Evil Genius Machines? Psh, all ya need is a gun, a fine hat, and a nice moustache.
So much win.
VastaKustuta@D pony
VastaKustutaSo she rolled without the author saying so?
VastaKustutaShe rolled when Twilight was talking to Van Pelt.
5/5 from me, awesome. Enjoyed it from beginning to end... I was expecting Van Pelt to become friends with the ponies but I suppose everything can't be perfect xD.
VastaKustutaTwilight should REALLY, really have given the game to Celestia, so she could destroy it.
VastaKustutaConsidering that the Jumanji Board must be a major-artefact, then only a god can destroy it. (or using another Major-artefact).
I love that movie
VastaKustutaI LOVED the Tremors reference!
VastaKustutaAnd shoot at the ending, I was hoping you have Celestia send it to the moon.
I LOVED the Tremors reference!
VastaKustutaAnd shoot at the ending, I was hoping you have Celestia send it to the moon.
Do Zathura now!
VastaKustutahow can the ponies go in that jungle game