• Story: Get Happy (Update Part 8!)

    [Crossover]  I don't think I could find an image for this if I tried.  Introducing a House M.D. Crossover!

    Author: Freestyle Fiasco
    Description: A grisly new disease threatens Ponyville, and the only hope to cure it resides with the mind of Doctor House and his team of Royal Physicians. But when the Doctor and his Physicians themselves fall sick one by one, who will stand up to be everypony's last chance for survival?
    Get Happy
    Get Happy Part 2
    Get Happy Part 3 
    Get Happy Part 4
    Get Happy Part 5
    Get Happy Part 6 
    Get Happy Part 7
    Get Happy Part 8 (New!)

    Additional Tags: long, disease, doctors, mystery, dark humor

    77 kommentaari:

    1. I really would like to see this finished. The show's a shadow of its former self, so I'm so glad the author's reminding us of why we loved Dr. House to begin with.

      And hey, can't argue if our favorite ponies are involved!

    2. Why was this not merged with the old post? Anyways, great great story, loved it loved it loved it.

    3. Hah! Saw that ending of part 2 coming! Classic House, love it. <3

    4. Foreman should be Forepony or Forecolt

    5. this really made my day, everything from rare chase match, to the back story of Forman, I hope twilight when this is all done gets a letter to intern as houses thired student, she would make a great masters version

    6. I really like the backstories ponies are getting here, the only thing about them that's the same from the show is their names and personalities.

      For some reason Chase makes a very good pegasus. Also lolrarityxchasedoitfaggot.

      ANd what homfrog said, why wasn't it combined with the previous one? New image?

    7. Wow. I'm actually impressed that they perfectly captured House dialogue. I could actually imagine Foreman and Chase doing their cheesy back and forth. Well done.

    8. Out of curiosity (never seen House) is the dr. House from the show an irritating, megalomaniac, boorish jerk like this one?
      Damn, he makes dr. Romano from ER look like Santa Claus in comparison!

    9. Hahahaha. It goes to show that the author knows their characterization!

    10. "It's never equus."

      I laughed way too hard at that one.

    11. Very well done House.

      And I believe part 3 is making fun of all the shipping fics out there. lol.

    12. I love the end of Part 4, searching, then suddenly, GUMMY!

    13. This story is so great, one of my favorites! XD

    14. @Anonymous

      Yeah, the Dr. House from House is pretty similar, if not exactly like, the House from this story.

    15. @Anonymous
      They're ridiculously similar. Kudos to the author for catching his personality so well.

    16. With such an out-there pairing of series, I knew this could either go really well or really badly. Eventually said "what the hell," dived in, so glad I did.

      This is one of the most perfect crossovers I've ever read in my life. There is not a single thing I could come close to disagreeing with in terms of how either show or their characters were treated here. The story maintains a snappy pace while still being meaty, and the dialogue leaves me in awe.

      Seconding the commenter who says it reminded them of why they loved House in the first place, since even when I stopped watching the show (Season 5-ish?) it was clearly going downhill...

      More. More. I am hooked.

    17. Oh, Chase...Rarity's not the one you need to deal with this situation.

      I was a bit perplexed at first, but now that I know Part 3 wasn't the final installment, this is still shaping up nicely!

    18. @T.O. Brony

      Most of the main cast aren't the ponies that they need to deal with the situation. I found it needlessly cruel to when House ask to the main cast their medical opinion on the case.

      If we rule out Twilight Sparkle, they have never studied in that field. They would never given a good answer. This was a total waste of time for everyone. At least Foreman and Chase had a chance to guess right.

    19. Yes, catherine, but House is needlessly cruel when he wants to be. He uses all ideas --good and bad-- to help formulate his theories on what the disease is, that's just how his mind works.
      The cruelty and overly sarcastic manner just goes to show that the author knows exactly how to portray the character properly. In the show the main three would bring about a balance to House; but with just Foreman and Chase, he comes across harsher than normal.

    20. Zomg twist surprise! Poor Applebloom :( and Twilight doesn't know what she's getting herself into...

      The writing is superb as always.

    21. I'm voting poisoning from a mushroom unintentionally eaten in place of a normal and safe mushroom.

    22. Great building of characters and suspense, but I'm a bit worried about the story's heavy implications of lesbian pony sex.

      I know House specializes in weird cases like that, but I don't want to see the innocence of those ponies ruined like every other fandom I've ever loved.

      Yeah, I'm being dramatic about it; it's certainly not gonna stop me from reading until the very last chapter. I just didn't think this crossover would go in that sort of direction.

    23. Pinkie Pie?

      Oh god was house right? Lmao

    24. Freestyle Fiasco4. mai 2011, kell 21:36

      Typically I don't like to talk about my stories while I'm writing them, but I feel like the above comment is sort of forcing my hand here.

      Please hear me out.

      I had a hard time writing Chapter Five. There were some themes that needed to presented and a new piece of the medical puzzle that needed to be put in place. More to the point, there was the temptation to troll some of the more light-hearted readers with themes of (Anon said it best) "lesbian pony sex". What can I say? I'm a five year-old comedian like that.

      Still, my readers are important to me, and so at the expense of my trolling, I give you some spoilers:

      There is no lesbian pony sex. I have never, and will never, write much past PG-13. I am one of those bronies that values the innocence of the show, and I have no intentions of destroying that - no matter how immature I am.

      On that note, I leave you with a Fun Fact: certain bacterial infections can cause certain bodily fluids - most notably sweat - to take on a "sweet" scent. At least that's what my research on a particular bacterial infection that may or may not be to blame tells me.

      Anyway, sorry if I offended anybody too much. There were some things that "had to be done" in Chapter Five and I did sort of hit a writer's block in regards to how to do 'em. Rest assured, there is no sex in this story.

    25. @Freestyle Fiasco

      I'm deeply honored to receive a reply regarding the issue, and I admire your willingness to reveal your priorities as a writer. Admittedly, I'm also embarrassed that I've ruined your cunning troll scheme; I've always had a tendency to take things too seriously, so I apologize for that. I'll be sure to dial that down when reading future fanfiction. Thank you for your time and consideration.

    26. i am almost offended that this story is so readable. at least the first part is, jeez, the characterization is so irritatingly spot-on. and if anyone were to come up to me and say "what are you reading" i'd have to come up with something equally amazing rather than say "A My Little Pony/House Crossover Fanfic"--not because I'd be embarrassed, but because it is so absurd my body wouldn't process making the right words. >8[

    27. I've got to say, this is the first fanfic I've read in years! I just never could find the motivation to read others, and most of the time i just wasn't able to be interested.

      But this? Is awesome. I had to take a look at it because it just seemed so weird, but the author really makes it work! Everyone is totally in-character, and I can't wait to see how things will turn out!

    28. Loled at the "david after dentist" reference

    29. This is depressingly enjoyable. Love the mood whiplash whenever House starts talking, particularly. Excellent.

    30. I lost it when Spike turned into David After Dentist.

    31. It's getting really good. I just hope sooner or later the others find out that Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie weren't in a relationship. Yet.

    32. Rainbow should definitely have some brain damage due to lack of oxygen flow after being dead that long, but I'm gonna let that pass, because I love this series.

      I feel like the answer to Pinkie and Applejack's condition is... extremely simple. I'm extremely surprised they haven't mentioned at least the possibility of this yet.

      But now that Rainbow Dash is sick too... either I'm completely wrong, or her problem is completely unrelated.

      I love this, can't wait to find out what it really is.

    33. Eugh, pony diseases. How am I supposed to guess if Alligators can give you diseases that make you laugh?

      Also, god damnit you capture House so well, it's ridiculous. I could never do this and I've seen as much House as most people, except for the current season. Jeez.

      Regarding Andrew... AREN'T THEY in a relationship? The misunderstanding was the "fun" they have, right?

      I have few issues with this other than these chapters are feeling ridiculously short. Sure, it means more updates, but it really doesn't lend itself to the story very well; I think 4 and 5 could have been one chapter, and this one seems exceptionally short.

    34. This was not well-done nor excellent. Descriptive prose is not meant to cover entire paragraphs and yours oozes with redundancy. That said, the actual story is good, the setting is good, the concept is good and the general structure of the story is good. But PLEASE revise that descriptive prose.

    35. I love this fiction so far, but I have an urge to correct one common misconception EVERY SINGLE MEDICAL DRAMA EVER tends to use. It's that a Defibrillator can solve asystole. I know it's probably not your fault that you didn't know, but I just wanted to inform you.

      Typically, Defibrillation of the heart is used to fix cardiac arrhythmia and ventricular fibrillation. I know this is a spell, and not an actual Defibrillator, but it has the same function and effect. What it DOESN'T fix though, is asystole, which is commonly referred to as a flatline. The reason why it doesn't do this is because defibrillation fixes cardiac arrhythmia and ventricular fibrillation via depolarizing the heart, which in asystole, is depolarized to begin with. Some doctors believe that asystole (sometimes) could be misinterpreted ventricular fibrillation, however most agree that asystole is generally a verification of death. Another issue I have is that Rainbow Dash was found. Dead. In a closet. She could have died hours prior or seconds before House opens the door, and this brings into question the validity of her revival - the brain is not made to be shut off. If she was dead for over 5 or so minutes, her brain would be too far gone for revival.

      Now, in the event she was dying of cardiac arrhythmia or ventricular fibrillation and was not dead yet, she could have been saved by the Defibrillation spell. However given how things seemed, I don't think Rainbow Dash is getting up. Ever.

      I fully respect your decision to pull artistic license and ignore my complaint, and will have no qualm with it, however if you wish to preserve some sort of realism in an event such as that one, I'd suggest editing the scene entirely.

    36. Also, digressing here, but if Rainbow Dash dies, Imma cry.

    37. @ickusdurandal

      Ha ha! Well I wouldn't want you to cry ... so I'll keep that in mind.

      Thanks for the criticism, by the way. These past three or so chapters I've been discovering some pretty serious short-comings with my writing. Tonight I'm staying up to resuscitate the whole story, though, so look for improvements in the next chapter.

    38. @Freestyle

      Just so you know, I don't concentrate on anything too deeply technical. This is and always has been a great story!

      I got a feeling that it will continue as such!

    39. This is bloody incredible.
      For the love of everything, keep going! :D

    40. Just thought I'd share some artwork:


      Though technically, he's not a pony. He's an ass.

    41. I lost it at "Drug Dealers"... ROFL. Damn I'm loving this fic.

    42. That last line was both funny, yet disturbing.

    43. I would laugh if the CMC got cutie marks for their job for House.

    44. I'm amazed by how well the author turns a negative situation into something hilarious. I really thought that the CMC would either catch the disease or discover the truth and add to the drama. The fact that the author avoids both possibilities while honoring the humor of both shows demonstrates the very best that the crossover genre can offer, as well as the author's developing knack for storytelling.

    45. Cutie Mark Drug Dealers! Brilliant!

    46. Holy fuck.

      I love you author.

      Amazing use of the CMCs. Your House was fantastic and the fact that Chase lied is something I can completely believe unfortunately.

      I also like how none of the mane cast is good at dealing with this situation, it's just awesome.

    47. "Cutie Mark Crusaders Drug Dealers Go!"

      House is going hell, isn't he?

    48. Goddamn Marecer! I can't stop reading it as Mercer and thinking of a Prototype, House and MLP crossover...

    49. @Anon

      You do know that Mercer is the name of the disease, right?

    50. @no space

      English isn't my first language and I never was that interested in diseases. I tend to forget things I learn about them.

    51. @Anon
      It would be interesting if they got the Black Light Virus From Prototype Mercer.

    52. Cutie mark crusader drug dealers... you didnt... nope you did XD, it might be a while before i get over that o_0

    53. This is the best crossover yet for me, along with the Portal one. It's incredible how in-character House & co. are. And the classic House "she's been cheating you" routine? Brilliant. That's how you troll shippers (and shipping haters alike). I'm frankly hoping for moar soon :D

    54. Everyone was spot on besides Rarity, IMO. I dunno, she just seemed too "oh my god it's a pretty guy /swoon" to me. Overall, pretty funny story so far, and well written -- I think I noticed one spelling mistake.

      I am however getting annoyed that every god damn fanfic has shipping in it. But if that's the price for a good story... whatever.


    55. moar? I want moar!!!

    56. MOAR! also, chapter 7 isn't working for me... TOS violation? o.O

    57. I was thinking about that fic yesterday, and that it was sad that it wasn't updated anymore!
      I totally agree with SnowWolf: MOAR! :D I can't wait to read the next chapter. Also: all of Fluttershy's dialogues are perfectly in-character, it's great. I could imagine her voice in my head while reading it!

    58. Welp, took long enough to get this update out o.0

      And damnit this is awesome. Too in character and I'm very very curious every step of the way.

    59. that was disappointingly short for such a long wait. Cant wait to see more

    60. somepony should publish this as a book one day :D

    61. Somebody should update this one day...

    62. At first i got this app for my ipod and read you story. on my ipod it stops at part 4.It left off at chase screaming "RARITY" when he found Gummy and i was like OMG OMG OMG I MUST READ MORE!!!! and i found the endings on this website ;) (yay!)

      i LOVE the whole thing going on with Rarity and Chase! i cant wait for part 9

    63. Mannn..... i wish reading pony stories would count for ma summer reading XD

    64. I can't wait until this is finished! It's so well written.

    65. House = Awesome
      My Little Pony = Amazing
      House + My Little Pony = Jizz in my pants!

    66. Still waiting for part nine. When was the last chapter uploaded anyway? June? What the hell!?

    67. could somepony contact the author to see if they're planning to continue? i don't want to kill myself waiting for something that isn't coming

    68. Come man!!! Let's seee more chapters already!!! This is so cool, I've read it 6 times!!!!

    69. Still waiting for a new chapter, anything happening soon? :d

    70. I hate to say this but, I think he/she gave up on this story. If this is not true please prove me wrong (im counting on this).

    71. Author, y u give up on epic story?
