• Story: The Cutie Mark Crusaders Courage Test

    [Normal] Confound these CMC! They grow on me..

    Author: AJ
    Description: The Cutie Mark Crusaders go on a camping trip with Zecora to test their courage, dragging Spike alone with them. Will they survive a monstrous encounter in the Everfree Forest?
    The Cutie Mark Crusaders Courage Test

    Additional Tags: Normal, Humor, Adventure

    3 kommentaari:

    1. It was... sweet in a way ;) Simple story, yet effective, and I can see it as an episode for CMC with some more addition and background drawing. I liked all the characters, as they all reacts and works like in the show - Zecora's rhyming is cool, Spike's poses too, even Scooty was adorably bitchy ;) So I quite liked it, but It offer nothing, well, serious or something that will makes me "Wow" or "Le Gasp!" - It was simple, nice, good and in character, so a three stars here for a good, fast read.

    2. Very cute. It reads like an actual episode, for the most part. My only complaint is that it feels very slight; there just isn't a lot happening in this story outside of the camping trip -> monster -> resolution arc. Of course, economy of storyline is probably better in this case than a sprawling zucchini of plots, and I don't deny that I enjoyed reading it. All in all, solid work.

    3. This was really cute. :3
      Great job with this.
