[Crossover] [Comedy] Ponies and Disc World!
Author: Miyajima
Description: Pinkie Pie is visited by a strange customer whilst working at Sugarcube Corner.Binky Pie (All Links Alternate) (New Part 19!)
Additional Tags: Short, Crossover, Pinkie Pie, Bakery, Discworld
72 kommentaari:
That was a good read, short enough to get to the point and simple enough that the crossover worked... and it explained why Pinkie can do what she can in the show way too often. I'm suddenly interested, maybe even a little scared at what she can actually do given the situation was serious enough, if this were worked into Canon, even a little bit.
VastaKustutaI'd say good read in the 3.5-4 star range due to Pinkie's general attitude being fairly on par, but less off the wall. Not a bad story actually.
I enjoyed this one, though I would *love* to see you-know-who come back and offer a temp position!
VastaKustutaThat explains a number of things, yeah.
VastaKustutaFirst the fan art and now this.
VastaKustutaI guess it's time to go read Discworld.
Also, "THE CUPCAKES WERE DELICIOUS." made me laugh.
@Frosty Brand This.
VastaKustutaI am a HUGE Pratchett fun, and I still liked the story. It was quite well written, Pinkie a little off-character maybe, but the general point of the story is, well, working for me. It explain a lot and is as sensible as any other could be. So good, short read, four stars from me.
I KNEW THIS WOULD HAPPEN. Counfound that "DerpWorld" picture!
VastaKustuta... And if she ha said yes, Death on the disk would come on a pink pony. :D It would take him a very long time to realize why people weren't taking him as seriously.
VastaKustutaOnly a matter of time now before a picture of Death riding Pinky emerges.
I hope the wait isn't long!
It was nice, wouldn't mind a short snippet of her trying it out though, maybe the reactions of a wizard seeing Deaths new Horse.
@Frosty Brand
VastaKustutaI struggled a bit trying to get her attitude right, since I figure even Pinkie must have a limit to what she finds normal. I guessed having him show up and asking questions would be -just- enough to make her calm down a little.
This was quite different, yeah...
VastaKustutaNot sure how to formulate it though ?
The impression of ''Death'' was pretty interesting. For what it aimed to be, it worked well.
The steed of Death... Interesting indeed.
All I can really say is...
I love Pratchetts books, and you did a really good job with this story.
I eagerly await more.
If you want to write more, of course.
I'm scared to click that link due to my fangirlism to both MLP:FIM and Practhett's discworld. The comments give me hope though.
VastaKustutaOkay, now I wanna read Discworld. Do libraries tend to keep Practhett books or are they good enough to just order the paperback collections?
VastaKustutaShort, sweet, and humorous in a nice, dry way.
@Batty Gloom
VastaKustutaIME Practhett is fairly common in libraries.
My advice would be to try out several from the various subsets, sometimes people like some but not others.
The big 4 subsets to try are:
The Ankh-Morpork Watch
The Witches
Once you know what you want to follow, go nuts and buy them.
@Chakat Firepaw
VastaKustutaAw, no Watch novels?
@Batty Gloom
Still, while some of the books are fairly decent stand alones, you wanna read The Color of Magic and The Light Fantastic first. They star the Wizard Rincewind, and establish bits and pieces of what the literature evolves into later.
VastaKustutaD'Oh! I mean Moist von Lipwig, not the watch. Then again, he's kinda recent and you need to read a few of the previous characters before some of what goes on in his books *really* makes sense.
So, Pinkie is the equine version of Susan? This makes entirely too much sense. I'm having a bit of trouble thinking about Death riding a pink horse, but whatever...
VastaKustuta"...cutting the conversation dead..."
I see what you did there.
@Batty Gloom
Okay, I strongly disagree with your suggestion to start with Colour of Magic and Light Fantastic. As much as I normally back reading any series in original publishing order, those two books are essentially pastiches of other fantasy books, and don't hold up as stories in and of themselves, in my opinion. They're from the time when Terry was still finding his narrative voice and aren't very polished.
I would suggest starting off with Mort and then Reaper Man and Soul Music (especially if you want the backstory for this particular fic). I really like the Watch novels, so Guards! Guards!, Men At Arms, and Feet of Clay are another good place to start.
Personally, I read them in chronological order, and I nearly stopped after the first one. Glad I didn't, but it was touch and go for a while there.
If you want to get into Discworld, Here is the recommended reading orders.
I was personal to the witches, oh what was the first book I read... augh brb. Ah there it is, Witches abroad. Fractured fairy tails or what?
VastaKustutaAs you might've guessed, Mort and Reaper Man were my personal favourites.
VastaKustutaShouldn't there have been a pair of scorched hoofprints behind the rock? :) Cute concept, anyway. Pinkie did seem a tad subdued, but meeting Death will do that.
VastaKustutaUnless I'm mistaken, Binky only leaves the fiery hoofprints when he travels to Death's Domain.
Anyway I'm not sure he's actually teleporting here -- remember how Susan can stop time (and everything goes all purple)? I think it's like that, just pause time and walk over there.
Now where is the fic where Twilight travels through L-space and meets the Librarian? C'MON PEOPLE GET ON THIS.
VastaKustutaGood story. Kinda sad that Binkie would leave Death's service to die. I think it would have worked if Pinkie did become Death's steed because her mission is to bring 'smiles' to everyone and wouldn't be appropriate for her to attempt to bring a smile on a mortal's life just as he passes on? Not everyone welcomes Death, but with Pinkie, the passing would be made easier :)
VastaKustutaThis fic makes a lot of sense. Binky probably retired because he'd spent so much time helping Death end things, and wanted to see what it was like to start them. His cute mark was probably a golden Alpha, as opposed to Discworld Death's symbol, the Omega.
VastaKustutaAlso, am I the only one who realized that Binky probably chose his surname the same way Death chose his (Door) in Reaper Man?
pretty good read, I liked it. Im a huge fan of Pterry so this was something that catered to both my discworld and pony interests :D
VastaKustutaThat was lovely.
VastaKustutaI enjoyed how the whole thing was revving up for Death's visit with appropriately deathly silence and a general inactivity. I was wondering why things were so slow, and the appearance of Discworld's Incarnation of Kicking the Bucket was a nice reason.
The "Something's Amiss" portion was good in its short but effective style. I myself am too prone to rambling about details, telling people instead of showing them, and reading how you handled it was nice.
The flashback was great in how simple yet very visual it was. The explanation as to how Pinkie Pie was able to warp reality, traveling to and fro at will was also very logical.
Death's civility and politeness made me smile. It's nice to know that the person who comes at the end is so considerate.
PS. Death's last note was very nice.
Oh thank God, when I saw "Binky" in the title, I thought it was a crossover with Garfield and Friends.
VastaKustutaI was thinking exactly that, yes. As for the "Discworld Death riding Pinkie", someone made that picture now.
VastaKustutaWell, I went ahead and did it. She makes an... Interesting temp.
Indeed they did! I just wish I knew who the artist was and whether or not they read this, but regardless, it now adorns the post.
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For those who don't like FF.net.
I wish the commenting system had an 'edit' function, seriously.
I'm torn. Part of me loves this story as it is, being a small slice of life (slice of death?) of Pinkie Pie doing part time work in Discworld. A wonderful little snapshot, that is perfectly written in the style of Sir Pratchett himself. And the other part of me wants MORE, oh so much more. I can easily see this taking a similar path as 'Soul Music' did.
VastaKustutaWhichever path you decide to take, Miyajima, I'll be happy with. Thank you for writing such a wonderful little story. 5 stars from me!
Hadn't read the first part before now, but had heard good things about it. Now that I've read it, I can say that these are well-written stories.
VastaKustuta*has a "is the multiverse doomed?" realization*
In Discworld, belief powers deities. The more believers a deity has, the more power they have. If this applies to Pinkie... *shudders*
The second part was great.
VastaKustutaI feel so sad I had to kill the '66' votes with my own five stars.
VastaKustutaFirst was an interesting set-up.
Second was full of what in a good way.
I look forward to more updates!
Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaAll hail the Pink Pony of Death!
VastaKustutaAutor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaWell ? It has been a long time, since part 1, isn' it ?
VastaKustutaPart 2:
>"I'm doing part-time work!"
-Working for ''The Death'' of another dimension, part-time, throwing parties for the 'deads' ? ...well, that's Pinky Pie alright. ;)
... I must say that I hadn't thought of ''Discworld'' when I read Part 1, but now I see ;)
(watching a Let's play of Discworld 1 and 2 helps at appreciating Death's personality :) ) ...
i still dont understand a single fucking reference but this fic is awesome
VastaKustutaThere are a ton of Discworld books out there; I'd suggest any of them to be honest, but of course it helps to start at the beginning. If you're just looking for the ones that focus on Death so you can understand things here better, I'd suggest starting with the book 'Mort', and then moving on to 'Reaper Man', 'Soul Music' and 'Hogfather'.
VastaKustuta*glees* Well executed crossover! I enjoyed it thoroughly and can't wait for more
I love the direction this is taking.
VastaKustutaThis story is still bloody awesome! I really love how you're portraying the characters, it all feels like Discworld.
VastaKustutaPinkies randomness really Do fit that universe well enough.
To be honest, this story doesn't male much sense to me at all. But that's probably because I don't know what Discworld is. Still, the writing style is good, and even without really knowing what's going on I had plenty of yucks. Great story, brony.
VastaKustutaOver the past two weeks I've been reading discworld books. I need to say that this is amazing. So amazing. I'm squeeing to myself right now, you don't even know.
VastaKustutaThis was awesome lol
VastaKustuta**Mild Spoilers for Soul Music**
I just remembered, after finishing reading this: In "Soul Music," one of the things that made Mort and Isabelle try to separate Susan from her Grandfather's influence was when he gave her a "My Little Binky" playset for Hogswatch... I guess it's come full circle ;)
Very good. A little dry for my taste but good nonetheless. 4 stars for now with hope for the future.
VastaKustutaAs a huge fan of Discworld, I am very impressed by this story. VERY well written, captures the style used by Terry Pratchett perfectly.
VastaKustutaNew chapter was pretty good. Things are getting interesting!
VastaKustutaWow. Just... wow. You really got Death spot on in this. I really heard him in that first line and just amazing.
VastaKustutaPinkie as Death is also quite incredibly awesome. And yay Albert!
By Starswirl's Beard! If I didn't know better, I world have sworn Terry Pratchett himself had taken to writing pony fics! You perfectly captured not just the humor, but really the style of writing that makes the series so enjoyable.
VastaKustutaKeep this up, 5 stars all the way.
This is easily one of my favourite fics out there. It manages to PERFECTLY capture the tone and feel of a Discworld novel without compromising the feel of FiM (something a lot of fanfic authors are guilty of).
VastaKustutaI avoided reading this for quite a while because... well... I've never read a Discworld fanfic that didn't suffer (often badly) by comparison to Pratchet's writing.
VastaKustutaOnly now I'm going to have to amend the above statement by changing "never" to "only once".
I've enjoyed every aspect of this tale.* The story, so far, has been a perfect blend of the two worlds and, by turns, hilarious and filled with tension and concern for the characters while remaining true to the canon aspects of both universes.
* With the exception of certain after-thought aspects. I've been torturing myself, trying to come up with a good mental sound of Pinkie's DEATH VOICE. (I don't even want to contemplate what it would sound like when she GIGGLES.)
VastaKustutaI've been torturing myself, trying to come up with a good mental sound of Pinkie's DEATH VOICE.
I think I mentioned it in passing in one of the chapters, but personally, if the sound of DEATH'S VOICE is lead tombstones slamming together, then Pinkie's VOICE is the sound of two lead balloons being rubbed together.
@The Ferret
VastaKustutaSame here. I'm crazy devoted to Discworld and Ponies. It could be a great crossover, but it could hurt both of them...
The problem with most people trying to write like Terry Pratchett is that they overdo it, and just come across as corny.
VastaKustutaWhoever wrote this story, however, has got it almost perfect.
Yeah it's a scarily good tribute that works in the context of both universes which is a real achievement.
VastaKustutaI'm about to start reading this! Is it just me, or did the author skip a chapter? o.O
VastaKustutaPinkie Pie is crazy awesome. Discworld's Death is badass. Chapter 8's beginning starts to show just what happens when you mix the two and let it reach critical mass.
VastaKustutaI eagerly await the next chapters.
This wouldn't be a Hogfather crossover would it?
VastaKustutaNo, just Discworld in general.
Damn going good... now i have to wait the update lol
VastaKustutaOh my god, it updated.
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VastaKustutaAutor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaAutor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaSorry, messed something up.
VastaKustutaI love this. Keep it up.
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VastaKustutaAutor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.