• Spanish Brony Community

    Looks like a new community of Spanish-speaking bronies is trying to build up. I'm not sure how many of you this pertains to, but ponies spreading throughout the world is always a good thing right?

    You can find a link to their site below!

    Spanish Brony Community

    64 kommentaari:

    1. Tihoofana, Mexicolt brony here.

    2. I'm not sure on that one. The site itself is AWFULLY developed, doesn't look like the owner will put a lot of effort to it

      I'll stick to my current forum home for now, even though that means not meeting other latin american bronies around

      Colterrey, Mexicolt brony here, btw lol

    3. >mfw the admin is always Rainbow Dash

    4. Ahora refrigerador del 20%

    5. I'm with Mizukame on this one. I think the Spanish-speaking community can do better than this.

      Also, Chilean brony here.

    6. Guadalajara Brony representing. Needs some work but maybe in time we to can have a awesome website dedicated to our strange obbsesion XD

    7. We don't need more Spanish please. Really. not to be rude, but it's bad enough none of the latino immigrants are learning English.

    8. Mexa Brony here too ;)


    10. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    11. @Anonymous

      That is rude, intolerant and ignorant. There is a lot of latin people who know how to speak English, and I've met a lot outside of Mexicolt as well. However, I do accept that I'm a bit ashamed of my fellow Mexicans who go to the States. However, you can't really blame... just look at the situation here.

      If you really want to stop immigration to the states, stop using funds to create stupid laws and put fences and people watching the border, and use it instead to support Mexico and other countries so people can have job opportunities. This way they will not have the need to cross illegally.

      Now, the community is only for Spanish speaking bronies. If you don't speak Spanish, you can stay away from it and leave the ones who want to visit alone.

    12. @Anonymous

      Besides, just because it is a Spanish community doesn't mean that it will be composed of latino immigrants who don't speak English and reside in the States.
      There are other countries with internet out there, you know?

    13. Tabasco, Méxicolt present!

      Sorry, but anonymous sound like a jerk. Spanish-speaking bronies need their own forum to discuss without the complication of translating ideas to english. Also, it is a good way to find o atract new fellas and paisanos to the pony magic!

      For those who understand better the english, we come and stay here for the jokes and puns of the show and the good sense of humor of the bronies here.

    14. @Anonymous

      You can't generalize that all people behave in a certain way just because some do. How would you feel we latin americans think that you americans are all self-centered people who never think for others, not even their family?

      No offense taken here, and hope it's the same for everypony around here. The world isn't perfect, but let's change it by changing ourselves first. Tolerance is the first step to peace

      It's friendship, and friendship is magic...lol

    15. My first language is Spanish, but i'm okay with the english boards.
      It's nice to see there are more mexican Bronies than I expected

    16. @Anonymous

      Same. I'll stick to the English forums for now.

    17. Latin-spanish communities are the worst comunities ever. Good thing they are getting their own forums so they can get out of the english ones.

    18. @Anonymous

      Nice way to love and tolerate, bro.

    19. @Anonymous I can almost guess you were the brony who said in another entry that spanish wasn't a real language... Why the hate toward spanish and latino bronies? Maybe you'd like to watch "Bridle Gossip" again, ¿o mejor prefieres que te destruya a patadas tu cutie mark? ¬¬

    20. @Anonymous You're not a true brony, dude. Please take your political agenda and xenophobia out of here.

    21. Confundan a estos ponies, me hacen escribir en español =D

    22. There' hate toward spanish because people come here ( US ) and demand that we p[ost everything in spanish ( signs, atm's, etc )and lecture us or call us racist if we ask that they learn and speak english

    23. Heh me di cuenta que usaron la imagen HD de mi amigo para el titulo :P http://timon1771.deviantart.com/art/Sonic-Rainboom-Wallpaper-202743236

      Tambien hizo un poster basado en un episodio

    24. Sorry. I suppose I shouldn't be so hard on fellow Bronies. Learning another language isn't bad. it's just that illegal immigration ( mostly from Mexico and other South American countries ) is SUCH a huge problem here, and it's causing overpopulation and a second country within our country. Knowing Spanish by itself isn't a bad thing.

    25. 9:01

      We're talking about the Spanish forum and you keep it up with the immigration problem? It's not like we have to jump the fence to watch and become a brony, what is it with some Americans that see the negative about Mexico and our people.

    26. nuevo Leon mexicolt reportin in
      from the very north bronys

    27. Sweet, didn't know there were more cabronies here! Puebla brony reporting for duty :D

      Also anonymous, What's the big problem? I'm pretty sure ALL of the spanish bronies that visit this site regularly have posted in english all the time, as I don't ever recall seeing a post in spanish here (right now as an exception, but you can see why). Also, how is it a huge problem? You're basically stereotyping again saying overpopulation is caused by us. You should try and get your facts straight before going off on a rant.

      Love and tolerance <3

    28. Excuse me, but our population HAS exploded, and it's mostly Latino according to the last US census. Hospitals and schools are overwhelmed ( especially in California )

      Look I'm not saying people are evil, I'm just saying I've had my fill of hearing Espanol being spoken all around me, feeling like a foreigner in my own country. It's turned us into a third world country. And then you come here and say things like "Don't make stupid laws" or "Don't build fences" as if we don't have the right to defend our sovereignty or our borders.

      I'm not a bad guy here. I've just had enough of people who come to MY country and refuse to assimilate. And I'm NOT the only one who thinks that way. And I'm NOT a racist. Why don't you just post in English since you appear to be capable of writing it anyway?

    29. Tlaxcala, Mexico brony reporting for duty :D

    30. @Anonymous
      When you learn to PROPERLY WRITE A SENTENCE IN YOUR OWN LANGUAGE, then you can complain as much as you want. By Celestia's sake!

    31. @Anonymous
      Well... How do you think we feel when the boards of our interest are english-speaking and everything around us is written in english (even in my hometown: Guadalajara)? We had to learn english, we had to learn how properly write a sentence, how to reply to a post or several of them, how to think in english and even how to curse in english.

      If spanish is a problem for you, why don't you try to learn it? Turn your issue into an oportunity to open your mind to another culture (not only latin but hispanic) and in the process get rid of those bias? Immigration may be a problem for you, but we cabronies have to deal with issues even bigger than illegal aliens (we have our own share with central americans crossing our south border) that put immigration in shame. At least you can walk around your neighborhood feeling totally safe, so stop whining about spanish and spanish-talking people.

      Espero que haya quedado claro hijo de la chingada, si no quieres que te vaya a romper el hocico ¬¬

    32. I DO know some spanish. Not enough to understand fast talkers though. And I'm too old to learn it anymore.

    33. @Bunnyfriend You're kind of killing the point with the last sentences in your posts, pal.

      Also, though I'm from Mexicolt too, I think I'm sticking to EqD for now. Partly because I like the flow of new stuff as it stands here, and partly because -and it's a personal preference- I don't think what we've seen so far of the Spanish Dub is as good quality as I'd like it to be.

    34. @Anonymous
      No pony is too old to learn anything. Here I am: 30 years old, and I'm trying to learn how to use a damn smartphone (my hooves are too big for such tiny keys).

      If you're stubborn enough to keep your political agenda on this place, then I'll start to think of you as an elephant, not as a brony or even a mule (mules sometimes have more common sense, you know).

    35. I don't see why is the problem, one thing is the pony and another the immigration problems, this isn't a politic page. and in latin america and spain, exist many people that don't know english and this kind of forums is perfect for them.

    36. @Anu Aikan
      I know what you mean, but this isn't a place to bring that old political agenda about ilegal immigration, xenophobia and that pony manure. Al menos tú entiendes lo que quiero decir :)

    37. puta la pagina qlia fea wn

      y asi quieren que tomen en serio a la comunidad hispanohablante -.-

      son como la mierda wn...

    38. I know what PUTA means. That's not very good "friendship"

    39. Pare el contestar a los duendes.

    40. @Anonymous PLease delete this comment, this guy is just a troll trying to write in spanish to make us look bad. We don´t write in spanish here, and much less using that toilet language, bad bad writed.

    41. puertorican bronie here. whats with all this racistsm here about latin people some people here are such ignorants!

    42. All the comments above make me sick, I understand that there is intolerance and that crap, but in truth,Does this issue have to invade Equestria?, the ponies are not interested, the only reaction that should born from the new is "Amazing "My little pony" reached many parts of the world, including Spanish-speaking countries" but I see above disputes over immigration....i mean, wut?....¡¡no me rompas los huevos!!

      Seriously, if you want to discuss that, go to a website where you talk and discuss the issue, not here in Equestria dialy, where it is assumed that a site is open to all the bronies in the world, IN THE WORLD

      I am completely disappointed for the comments wich below to people who are supposed to live in a first world country, where respect must be taught from the cradle, because they have the resources to do it.

    43. @Zicaneborgen
      Couldn't agree more. There's a place and a time for those things. But not here. Instead, let's celebrate the fact that there are things that two people who usually would stand on two sides apart would actually enjoy together.

      Also, Veracolt Cabronie here. Glad to know there's more bronies in Mexico. I thought no one saw this in Mexico besides some of my friends and followers on twitter. I can also confirm that there's bronies as far as Spain and Argentina from my contacts on MSN.

      Let us all tolerate and love the shit out of each other.

    44. Guadalahoofra cabronies, where are you? =0

    45. Here you have a peruvian Bronie too.

    46. Mexicali, BC bronie.


    47. No more bronies from Tihoofana?

    48. Yet another filly from Mexicolt here. Everyone should just relax, stop it with the discrimination and enjoy the content in whichever language they prefer. Geez, it's not like we're taking it away from anyone.

    49. Spanish subtitle friend reporting.

      Costa Rica.

      Also wtf am I reading?

    50. Yeah and me i'm waiting for a french brony comunity...

    51. @Anonymous
      I only hope that when that happens, there are no parasprites insulting your country.

      Also, Argentinian brony reporting in!

    52. Where's the Spanish Bronies from Spain (Europe) ? It's seems that I'm the only one :(

    53. @Anonymous The bad speaking faggot is sure from Chile. Me too, but the difference between me and him is that I'm not a douchebag

    54. Algun Brony de Chile? o soy el unico :( ?

    55. @Rafael

      Im half mexican and half chilean :3

      Soy mitad mexicano y mitad chileno :3

    56. Hell yeah, Argentine colt here to love and tolerate the shit outta u !!!!!!11!!one!!!

    57. Greetings from Argencolt!
      No wait... Coltgertina!
      No... Argenville? That does not sound good!


    58. Argencolt reporting in from CantesAires! ^____^

    59. @Anonymous

      Eeyup, i agree with Mizukame too, just going to stay on this site. No tenia idea que habian otros chilenos aqui :P

    60. argentinian brony reporting in ! :D
