• Rainbow Dashie Paper Craft

    I used to save these back in the day, but never got around to trying to make one.  I'm pretty sure this will be the first.  Below, you can find the template and instructions on how to make a paper dash of your very own! Courtesy of Kna on Deviant Art

    Rainbow Dash Printable Template
    Template  Instructions

    Have fun with it!

    8 kommentaari:

    1. At long last! I thought the Minecraft textures were Paper Pony Craft was was so disappointed.
      I'm not sure whether to be pleased it's finally been done, or displeased that it took so long.

    2. im going to make a hundred dashies and hang them around my room

    3. I used to do the same too, I even get the Howl´s moving castle paapercraft to make it, but it was just too insanely huge to deal with. But with rainbow dash...

      Challenge accepted!!

    4. Sweet. Can't wait for the rest of them.

      Now to track down some cardstock...

    5. I JUST found this. Wicked awesome; I'm making a few.
