• Rainbow Dash Roleplay Network

    The Rainbowdash.net RP site has officially launched!  All Roleplayer's on the normal network are asked to migrate over to the new one.  Hopefully this clears up the spam for those that go there to discuss things!

    You can find a link to the RP network below!

    Rainbow Dash Roleplay Network

    32 kommentaari:

    1. "Yay and verily, but forsooth what does thouest mean by spam? It is a hearty canned treat it is."

    2. Rainbow Dash and Crono...

      ...My god, it makes so much sense.

    3. I don't really care about this news but the image is Dash as Chrono. This is amazing.

    4. 12 days left my ass countdown. :P

    5. Ummm... wow. Seriously, just... wow.

      First off, I didn't want my Chrono Ponies pictures posted onto Equestria Daily until I was done making them...

      And... wow, just... seriously, wow. I'm flabbergasted. Here is the picture that I didn't want to have posted onto Equestria Daily yet. Without any aknowledgement of the work that I put into it. I... nnnngh...

      Seriously... I just... I.... wow.

    6. @Inkwell Pony
      He only posted it because it's used in the logo of RainbowDash.net. I hope you did give them permission to use it?

    7. @Inkwell Pony
      I'm going to assume you didn't make that you didn't submit that logo. It's not Sethisto's fault. I would contact the administrator of the Rainbow Dash Network if you want it pulled.

    8. If I had given permission, I wouldn't be so surprised right now. Even my 'Inkwell' logo was removed from the picture!

      It was used for a logo that I didn't authorize, and posted onto Equestria Daily after I asked Seth to wait until I finished the rest of the Chrono Ponies!

      I... I am rather furious at the moment. But I'm trying to be reasonable until I hear back from the webmaster for the Rainbow Dash Roleplaying Network.

    9. It's an awesome picture if that helps any.

    10. Obviously it's awesome, or it wouldn't have been used as a logo - but I do appreciate the compliment. I'm just rather frustrated that my identifying mark was removed and it was used without permission.

      I just don't know how to respond to this.

    11. @Inkwell Pony
      Well, it's only temporary anyway. The admin of the website is holding a contest for a more permanent logo (I'm pretty sure).

    12. The thing is, I'm a media arts major. I'm getting a bachelors in this sort of thing. Had they asked me, I would have been glad to turn it into a logo - if I got proper credit for it. That pony took me a LOT of work to do! That hair was a pain in the butt!

      Calm, cool, controlled, let them respond to the e-mail...

    13. Big Question here if I'm going to join in here: I don't have a Pony character, but I do have a mouse character over at http://foxfirestudios.net/JohnnyBriz . He stands about as tall as an average pony's shoulders and is light enough to be carried around, if he's not freerunning all over creation. I'm wondering if I can play him.

    14. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    15. Wow, it's fucking nothing.

    16. Sincere sympathy goes out to you, Inkwell. That you are able to keep a cool head in this situation is most admirable.

      Ergh... you'd think a site created to cater to a community that values being good to one another (ideally) wouldn't stoop to plagiarism :(

    17. Wow. The admin should have known better and just suck with a modded screenshot from the show, like their original logo, until they finished their rp logo contest.

      Sucks to see that happen to your art, Inkwell.

    18. Don't worry, Inkwell. I'm sure this will be resolved shortly.

    19. @Anonymous
      This. It's really nothing at all.

    20. http://www.rainbowdash.net/notice/67301

    21. Also, http://www.rainbowdash.net/notice/67195 The Admin is investigating, but needs inkwell to email him back!

    22. @Anonymous

      Inkwell lives in Arizona, and it's just before 7 AM there. He's probably still unconscious. I know him, I'll speak with him when he wakes up.

      Also, I love the comment below that, the one where they're ranting about how it's a total jerk move to complain about stolen artwork because it's fan art and 'this community was supposed to be about sharing and caring'. Well, yes. Part of that is having some respect and not doing things like this.

    23. ^ yeah seems like maybe a bit of irresponsibility from the admins of aforementioned sites. of course, i could also point out that if one does not want his/her intellectual property distributed on the internet, why would one post it to the internet in the first place? hmmm...

    24. Guys, wikipedia receives pictures all the time, and its not taken down if it's copyrighted unless someone complains. As part of the informal complaint process, evidence needs to be submitted. Or a DMCA needs to filed.

    25. There's a difference between not wanting it distributed and having it made into a logo without any authorization given. My signature was removed from the original picture, that I spent a lot of time working on.

      Honestly, I'm flattered that my art work was used, and I am honestly find with it being used in that fashion - if there was any credit being directed towards me for lost a day and a half in the creation of it and the other three Chrono Ponies so far.

      The fact that my logo was removed and I was given no credit was the problem, not that it was being used in the first place.

    26. I mean, would you want your work, that you spent hours on, to be put up on a giant billboard in the middle of town, by somebody you don't know, with all signatures or proof that you had anything to do with it removed? It's... disturbing.

    27. And as an aside, I am already E-Mailing him back in regards to the situation.

    28. A decision was made: http://www.rainbowdash.net/inkwell.pdf

    29. Well... I guess I kinda won sorta... I liked that it was used, I just wanted some form of aknowledgement... and not like that... I feel terrible now.

    30. @Inkwell Pony
      There's more to it: The person who submitted it actually posted on RDN that the original image was yours. So yeah... at any rate, I think you should come by RDN once in a while to share any new art... I looked at your dA. You're really great!

    31. >>Rainbow Dash as Crono.
      HOLY. FUCK. YES.
