• Rainbow Dash Halloween Costume

    Good news!  Hasbro has heard our plea! We finally get to dress up in pretty rainbow dresses and roleplay Dash this Halloween!  Unfortunately, they only come in child and toddler sizes, so it might be a tight fit...

    Judging by their side bar, it looks like Halloween costumes of several of the ponies existed for past generations, but this is the first (I think) for g4.

    Anyway more information can be found below!

    Rainbow Dash Halloween Costume

    57 kommentaari:

    1. Rainbow Dash themed dress technically.

    2. It looks cheaply made.

    3. Quick someone call Rarity! We need to redesign this comstume, while not hideous it's not that great either! Also we need an entirely knew design. Maybe something in pink and pale yellow...

    4. Now I have to wait a whole hour more for some real news?

    5. It needs to be twent percent cooler. Call Rarity!

    6. This is a crime against fabulosity!

    7. Easy, guys. Hasbro could have done much MUCH worse and you know it.

    8. Absolutely the most festive way to come out of the closet... as both a MLP fan, and a lespony.

    9. It needs to be about... 20% cooler.

    10. maybe if it was a cool looking kids costume it wouldn't add so much insult to injury that they ignore the older crowd so much. ohwell.

    11. I....I would not let my girl wear a Rainbow Dash dress cause of you guys!!!! If I had a kid that is!

    12. Child size 4-6?

      Challenge accepted.


    13. I would give me whole bowl of candy to any kid that showed up at my place in a Rainbow Dash costume. The costume itself is fairly lame, but it's ponies!

    14. Im no Rarity but I can modify this to fit me and to be more manly. Maybe scratch the skirt, turn it into a sash maybe? Or sew the giant cutie mark onto a pair of jeans and scratch the rest of the skirt. Then stratch the shirt and replace with a teal or blue shirt. Then keep the tail and the head thingy. BAM! Now it is better. I could probably make one from scratch for less than 30$ though. I might not have the money cause i am going to buy portal two.

    15. This is creepy, please stop

    16. @Anonymous

      Very well. I expect to see the results submitted to EqD by October 31st.

      Bonus points if its one of those NSFW costumes that older girls seem to like so much.

    17. The only problem I have with it is... it seems to girly. I love girly... but Rainbow Dash, girly? Yeah.... not really.

    18. Personally Rainbow Doesn't like wearing dresses wich is why her dress for Grand Galloping Gala rides high on the flank so she won't look like a tank.

      Maybe a rainbow colored wig, a pair of giant feather dusters shaped like wings and a tails to fit a one person Rainbow Dash costume. In fact it would be the reverse of the Rabbit costume Fluttershy is wearing in the most recent draw friends.

      Still this could have been the start of something much bigger. We need a Dr. Whoof outfit! Get a horses head and hoof like gloves, maybe with hoof like shoes.

      Or best of all, a dark purple ensemble that makes you cry when you look at it because it's so sad and reminds you about being trapped on the moon for a millenia.

    19. How the hell can it be hard to release some T-shirts?

    20. my god it look horible :D i hate fact there is no fluttershy collector figure but only one in f***ing blindbag maybe i try some trick to figure out in which is one

    21. @Dusekkar

      I'd die for a costume based on Dash's 20% cooller rocketman get up.

    22. oh thats a great idea
      me and my buds gonna go as ponies this halloween
      and i'll be fluttershy

    23. Bah! The ponies are wasted on little girls. It takes real men to appreciate the whimsical adventures of the magical ponies!

    24. Your friendly, everyday reminder of Hasbro's (not Lauren's) real target audience.

      Time to justify this whole thing to myself again!

      Existential crisis + internal speech about "What is maturity anyway?" + Depression about the nonexistence of Equestria + Gender identity disorder



    25. Not exactly a Rainbow Dash costume.
      For starters, it needs a mussed hair rainbow wig, or it could come with rainbow colors of hair dye (that girl's hair is more Rarity style).
      They don't show the tail,
      The best feature would be spring-loaded wings that can be popped out by pulling a cord to simulate a wing-boner.
      Even this classic Rainbow Dash looks more like the FiM pony than that "costume": http://www.cosplayisland.co.uk/files/costumes/378/9517/pony.jpg

      Also, @2000cookies: Nice idea. I'm definitely going to sew Rainbow Dash cutie marks to the sides of my jeans. Not for Halloween, but just cause it's awesome.

    26. This... needs some work.

      I'd rather buy a shirt with RD's cutie mark on it, some good pair of either levi's or workout shorts, two rainbow-wrist sweatbands, and dye my hair rainbows.

      Maybe add RD-colored shows to boot? I dunno.

    27. "She will be beautiful in her bright and happy My Little Pony costume"
      This line creeps me out.

    28. Rarity looked at this costume and wept sad pony tears. Why would you people drive Rarity to tears with this abomination? Lol!
      But yeah I like a good cosplay and I've seen how devoted fans can be for a given character's look. But this needs to be 20% cooler...on second thought make that 40%. It must be two Rainbow Dash's cooler!
      While the show is meant with little girls in mind this costume looked like someone just took five minutes to slap a rainbow pattern on a shirt and skirt then said "That's Rainbow Dash"

      I understand that there are certain technical problems that have to be addressed, such as the cast looking nothing like humans. But the humanized pony drawings I've seen on here would make great cosplays if they got the hair color right.

    29. Sooo... Hasbro is shipping Rainbow Dash too?
      I think this was inevitable... <.<

    30. Screw the dress, i'd wear the shoes.

    31. Its not that bad for what it is
      and what it is is a crapy kids costume that was made to be worn once by a kid that doesn't know shit about fashion and only wants candy.

      I am disappoint at the lack of merch just as much as you guys but if you expect Hasbro to spend time and money on a super epic costume that's only going to be worn once by some sticky brat that's going to wipe chocolate all over it before the night is over then your expecting too much.
      I mean think about it how many would even be sold to make it worth Hasbro,s investment?

      First they would need better material so that's 10$ more

      then they would have to come up with a better design thats another 5$ or so
      and then how many would they sell if it was epic the price would get bumped up from 29 to over 40$. How many parents are willing to dump that much money onto a one time use dress and then ontop of that how many of those rich parents have girls that specifically want to dress after mlp because those are the only buyers at that point and I assume thats not very many.
      But then at the same time a more gender neutral boys costume that could be worn by tomboys that's half the price would sell 2tah3 times as many because parents can afford it and both genders of children would be at least mildly interested.

      TL:DR no fuck given its not worth it

    32. Anonymous above me is right, this simply isn't relevant to the "we need good merch for adults" debate, nothing to see here, move along.

      Good Halloween costumes are almost always custom made by (or for) the wearer anyways. I expect great things in October guys and gals.

    33. Back in my day halloween costumes were plastic smocks with the picture of the character printed on the front and a cheapo molded plastic mask the size and weight of a paper plate that would block your vision and help you get hit by passing cars and that was all we had and we liked it!

    34. I like the hairpiece...and that's about it. I would wear it as a button or something...

      It's kinda ironic: We have this show that was originally intended to promote toys for little girls, turned out to be incredibly awesome and maybe even more popular with older males, but the merch will still be targeted at younger girls, who will probably buy it even if they have no clue that the show even exists...

    35. Goddamnit even I could design a better outfit for children.

    36. We could cosplay better with the Shirty Mark shirts, the original Shoebrony Rainbow Dash shoes, some Icarus wings on the shoes, and a rainbow wig.
      Pants/skirt/shorts/toga are optional.

    37. The nice thing about this costume is that it isn't whore-tastically slut-ific like so many products for girls anymore. I'm not a prude but dressing little girls like Bratz dolls, just like those scary-ass 'beauty' pageants, creep me the hell out. God, imagine if there was a costume tie in with those Struts horse (whorese) toys. /shudder Whoever designed this, the dress might be a bit short, but thanks for keeping it mostly classy.

    38. That dress needs to be condemned.

    39. That's certainly...Interesting to say the least. feels a bit forced on. Maybe Hasbro's just seeing how far they can push their merch into all categories to see whats working?

    40. looks soft, needs to be made into bigger sizes, and out of the same materials

    41. It looks horrid! Absolutely horrid! Of course, that may be Rarity's take on that thing.

    42. Why couldn't they at least make it looks a little more like the Starsong costume they have up there? Without the wings, warmers, and a better looking headpiece, this is basically just a dress. >:\

    43. Rarity is dissapoint

    44. @SlyWit

      I would wear that every day. FOR THE REST OF FOREVER.

    45. I was expecting a fursuit.

      ... Is it wrong that I think a well-designed fursuit would be better than this?

    46. Rarity could make a better costume in her sleep.

    47. ugh my eyes, who would craft such an abomination, a diamond dog could better.

    48. I would give any trick-or-treater the rest of my candy if they showed up to my door with this.

    49. Screw 20%!

      This needs to be 80% cooler.

      Rarity! your talents are desperately needed here!

    50. How very disappointing. It doesn't even look good :/

    51. I kinda like it. I think I want to create a bigger version of it. I think I can pull off a dress...probably not. I should stick to plan A. Does anyone know where I can get a Rainbow Dash cutie mark, and rainbow hair dye?

    52. Edit: Screw that! The hair clip ruins it!

    53. @2000cookies

      how do you make a my little pony costume more MANLY?!

    54. All this is, is a DRESS..... A dress is NOT a costume, unless it's purpose is to BE a dress for a reason... There is a MUCH better Rainbow Dash costume out there for just about the same price!! My daughter is being rainbow dash this year and I would NEVER buy this for her if it was the only one! They threw this together in their sleep. Not saying it's not a cute dress just to HAVE but not a costume for Halloween. I bought her a pony costume like this other one last year and she loved to put it on as dress up, so it's not like she even just wore it one time... Here is the link of the other, BETTER costume! :) http://www.target.com/p/Girl-s-My-Little-Pony-Rainbow-Dash-Classic-Costume/-/A-12732133

    55. @Anonymous Anonymous said...

      how do you make a my little pony costume more MANLY?!

      July 8, 2011 5:14 PM
      --------------------------------------------------------------------------------for rainbow dash, get a cosplay hoodie or something that's not as "fru fru" as this. Then get urself an air soft gun and one of those little headphone/ mic thingies. Have fun shooting haters.
