• Pony Sticker Drawing

    Strawberry Spice over at Ponychan is looking for suggestions on stickers for a drawing she will be hosting over there.  If you are interested in suggesting a design, hope over to her thread on Ponychan below!

    Ponychan Sticker Drawing

    It is limited to US residents only, but she will be giving out 30-40 awards!

    Rules can be found in her thread.

    Now go suggest a whole bunch of Trixie!

    13 kommentaari:

    1. Guys, this blogger became depressed, in part, because of distrust of ponies. In fact, he is taking a break from blogging.

      It would be great if you could all leave him inspiring comments.


    2. It made him feel he was nothing more than a speck of shadows and dust, and his blocks came tumbling down.

    3. @Anonymous

      ... huh? "distrust of ponies"?... are you sure this is the same blogger guy? It doesn't really make any sense lol.

    4. ^^^^^^^^^
      The posts above are spam.

    5. I do believe StrawberrySpice is a he, but you can never tell in this fandom, boys have girls names and girls have boys name, I'm one confused pony sometimes.

    6. ^

      Lol,I've learned the only way to know their gender is if they explicitly say it themselves, and to assume they're not lying. (I really am a girl, just saying :P)

    7. ...but ...only open to US residents? OK quick, how long do I have to move to the US?

      God dammit Canada, why u always troll me like this? *cries* I just want ponies, is that so wrong?

    8. @Anonymous
      StraberrySpice is a he.

    9. I kind of look down upon the whole "limited to a region" thing these days. This isn't 20 years ago, we have the internet, we're a global community now. There shouldn't be any more exclusion unless it makes enough sense.

    10. I just commented on that thread and offered to let him/her use my vectors. I've got a few fillies and other things I'm sure would be great for stickers. :)

    11. @ 5:18 Anonymous
      It's the whole 9/11 thing. People have jumped on the paranoia bandwagon as an excuse to avoid going through the trouble of figuring out postage and filling out custom's forms. Between that and Paypal, it's made buying off eBay into a pain in the ass.

    12. @Anonymous
      I cannot afford to mail things outside the US :/
      Gas is a bitch to pay for, cutting it close with this whole thing as it is.

      I want to try to do some international one in the future, but I'd have to figure out how first.

      This is the best I can do for now D:
