Simbaro from the pony MMO team sent me these since everyone seemed to love the official ones in the other post.
These guys are making some awesome progress, I'm really surprised. Anyway you can find more after the page break! Also a link to their forums.
They are also looking for more people for their team, primarily those experienced in CSS and possible sprite artists. You can find that at their job forum Here!
Or if you want more information on what positions are available, toss a question to
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This looks like the same style as those other concept art ones, for Canterlot and whatnot.
ReplyDeleteCould they be the same?
I don't care if I have to donate a kidney, this game WILL be mine.
ReplyDeleteI spy a derpin' derpy.
ReplyDeleteWell, the art looks like it has nothing to do with an MMO, but it's very nice art anyway.
ReplyDeleteWell now. Has any fandom ever gone this far into their fandomness?. Seriously, it's incredible what MLP:FiM has sparked in terms of creativity and production, especially considering that, unlike the Potter fandom, for example, we're mostly composed of the periphery demographic.
ReplyDeleteI don't think so. If you compare the two, side by side, they look different.
Yesss thank you for these
ReplyDeleteIt's fascinating how much work gets put into this with each day, but it's starting to concern me...
ReplyDeleteHhave any of the applicable legal issues been worked out yet? Cuz' if this gets big enough, Hasbro will most certainly notice, and while the best-case scenario would be something like the team and project becoming a part of Hasbro and given access to its resources (but with plenty of freedom, of course - otherwise it's not the best case scenario!), the worst case would be shutting it down with the ol' C&D order, no compromises allowed.
And it would suck terribly if all that work went to waste. :/
As long as they don't claim it their own or put a price tag on it they don't have to be afraid, it's like fan fiction or fan art only more grandiose.
ReplyDeleteJust take it!
All of my money. All of it!
@Anonymous It's a bit more muddy than that, when concerns of "appropriate use" or "brand diluting" come into play. Hasbro might not like the way certain things are portrayed, for example, and bring down the hammer on it.
ReplyDeleteThe likeliest legal concern, however, it's the "price tag" indeed, where even asking for "donations" might be seen as profit-making; That's why many fandoms stop short of such big projects, with economic and man-power costs bringing down the entire thing.
Hopefully that won't happen here, since this project seems to have more thought and real work on it that many similar ones I've seen in the past, which hardly get past the original idea.
With the way the engine is designed, nothing about it is strictly poni. It could be retooled fairly quickly into a different RPG or MMO if Hasbro does get butthurt, and poni will have made it happen. That's worth something.
ReplyDeleteIf this is in the US, I don't think Hasbro would have legal grounds to sue for dilution. have some legal flavored copypasta.
15 USCS § 1125 section c subsection 3: Exclusions:
“The following shall not be actionable as dilution by blurring or dilution by tarnishment:
(A) Any fair use, including a nominative or descriptive fair use, or facilitation of such fair use, of a famous mark by another person other than as a designation of source for the person's own goods or services, including use in connection with--
(ii) identifying and parodying, criticizing, or commenting upon the famous mark owner or the goods or services of the famous mark owner.
(C) Any noncommercial use of a mark.”
Of course I have never studied law and I am by no means at qualification to even begin to understand copyright law, I'm just saying what the law seems to be. I fully accept the possibility that I have no idea what I am talking about.
@Adrian Brony
ReplyDeleteAs I said, much like everything else regarding copyright, trademarks, fair use, and similar concepts, it gets really muddy. I'm not sure on the specifics of the matter, but there's been history of similar projects getting taken down on those grounds before.
If nothing else, Hasbro could sue even without so much solid ground; Even if the project were to end up solid in legal terms, it'd still take money expenses during the process. Perhaps that's why the other projects let it go instead of incurring in time and money expenses.
Hoping, of course, it doesn't happen in this case. It all hinges, in the end, in Hasbro's perception of us periphery Demographic. So far we've been pretty much ignored by them in most regards regarding commercialization of their product, (Even if we've gotten the attention of some other of the show's collaborators). We'll see.
My money, take all of it
ReplyDeleteMan, I look at this and... this is the kind of thing I want to get in on. But I haven't' really PRACTICED the skills I would need to work on something like this, and it makes me feel like mud. I suppose I could go and see if I can focus and make a model in Maya of a pony...
ReplyDeleteNever be afraid to give something a shot and put it out there. In the worst case you've gotten some experience in a skill that you didn't have before.
ReplyDeleteAnypony can be proud of that!
ReplyDeleteNo, seriously. This is gorgeous, but if you don't scale down, you'll blow it.
@Lily Surette There was a side-scrolling real-time RPG hack-and-slash that came out of beta a few months ago, and all their trailers and site were made around anime characters, despite the game having nothing to do with them.
ReplyDeleteLast I heard, they never released a legal disclaimer that they did not own Ichigo, Luffy, Naruto, etc.
Unforunately, everyone needs to consider Hasbro is the one behind this. Hasbro has destroyed Dungeons and Dragons, bought out Botcon and upped the price insanely, and has more or less rooted a lot of the fan participation out of all products it currently owns on any large scale.
ReplyDeleteThis is great, but if they start noticing things like this they'll throw the largest shitfit - they're capable of it.
Well, let's think about it this way...
ReplyDeleteWe'd probably have Lauren Faust on our side. ^^
I love this stuff.
ReplyDeleteFan-art of characters is nice and all (most of the time), but fan-art of the world around those characters really does need more attention. I've been meaning to replicate the pseudo-European style of Ponyville's buildings, but my understanding of perspective stinks.
I hope this project goes the distance.
@Pecan Who must concede hasbro's desires or risk losing her involvement in the franchise.
ReplyDeleteya actually, the Touhou Fandom goes WAY far into their fandomness. I hope MLP:FiM can get to that point someday
WOW. i'm amazed they're still working on this
ReplyDeleteThe 1st and most top one reminds me of a promotional image of Assassins Creed: Brotherhood. When I first saw it, I though that was Ezio pony jumping from roof to roof.
ReplyDeleteSee what you did!, Now I want this ( drawn with ponies! D=
ReplyDeletei love seeing my idea that was posted/discussed months ago anonymously becoming a full fledged thing. i cant, and dont want to take any credit though, because all i did was propose it.