• Pony Backpacks Invade Walmart

    Pinkie Pie in backpack form!  That's almost dangerous! These are apparently showing up at Walmart now, for a relatively cheap cost of only 6 bucks.

    I don't know about you guys, but a few years ago back in my high school days, something like this would have actually been considered cool, simply due to the fact that it's so ridiculously pink.

    So that is your mission high school kids! Bring back the nonsense Pinkie Pie style!

    48 kommentaari:

    1. I Want :O
      Although i'd prefer a Twilight one

    2. I really, really want to buy one and plant it in my anti-pony friend's locker.

    3. So it begins...
      Mission Start.

    4. I think I could actually do this if not for the fact it'd never fit all my stuff.

      They still do that, to a degree. There's a handful of kids at my school who go around with Spiderman/Incredible Hulk/Dora the Explorer backpacks and such.

    5. that coincidental, i was just discussing a wal-mart trip for tommorrow to search for Rainbow Dash.
      Now I can search for this too and be 20% cooler than all the other students at my school.

    6. Hm... unfortunately, it looks a little too small and flimsy to cope with the rigors of a high school student's book load.

      Drawfriends! Get on making Pony stencils I can spray paint onto a more sturdy pack!

    7. @Kurogo:

      Twilight Sparkle messenger bag, anyone?

    8. You know what?

      I wouldn't be too surprised if I saw a couple of college girls doing this.


      Would make it easier to identify our Brony sisters though, now that I think about it...

    9. @Display Name
      ... screw waiting for Drawfriends, I'll do it myself. Adobe Illustrator, ahoy!

    10. Mission accepted!

    11. I saw pony backpacks at WAL-MART last Wednesday. I wished I had a camera so I could snapshot it.

    12. @At*mic:

      Yeah, that "locker prank" video a while ago included one of these backpacks, and the guy with the camera mentioned going to WalMart to get a bigger one.

    13. @Display Name

      Yeah, they've been around my Wal-Mart for a while now. There's actually a bigger one that has three of the main ponies on it. I was originally gonna buy him that one, but I was already going for the Pinkie Pie theme, so I just went with that one.

    14. I'd use it, but that thing couldn't hold my history binder, let alone anything else.The only limits on my bronyhood are when there's no sense for me to buy something I can't even use. Now, if I had some figurines or something, I'd go back to making little Lego cities like nopony's business, but...

    15. Oh boy....
      If I showed up to school in it. Would I be cool?

      Or would I be mocked relentlessly?

    16. mocked out of jealousy from your coolness?

    17. Freshman year of college I saw the universtiy's 250 6,4 black linebacker sporting a dorra the explorer backpack, i kinda doubt anyone gave him grief over it.

      Im a 6'5 220 senior now, doubt anyone would say anything if i took pinkie too class.

    18. @Naxts:

      You would be envied. They'd just mock you to hide the jealousy.

    19. Yeah, I may love Pinkie but I wouldn't be caught dead wearing that backpack.

    20. @Naxts

      Depends on if your a hipster douche. If Y, then yes. N, you'll just be laughed at and called gay.

    21. Great stuff,wouldn't buy one though =/

    22. Big deal (even though I'm going to look for one for my friend), I hand-stitched Rainbow Dash's Cutie Mark onto the flap of my messenger bag!

    23. @Naxts
      Just do what I do, turn their hate into jokes.
      Agree with them, and add on to it.
      Tell them it's the manliest backpack in the universe and it's better than their plain, boring non-colorful backpack.

    24. @Display Name A messenger bag's more in style with Dash or Derpy. I think Twilight would be more in style with a shoulder bag, though you could get by with the right kind of messenger bag, or possibly one of those triangular bags.

      Now I question what kind of bag everypony carries. Except Rarity. We already know she carries the newest, tiny purse from the latest French designer.

    25. Sod this, I want cutie mark patches for my Bomber Jacket!

    26. @Auta Mane:

      Would Fluttershy be something along the lines of a knapsack, or maybe just a basket?

    27. I don't go to school anymore, but I do use backpacks for carrying stuff.

      ...I'll see how big it is. Maybe I should wait for a Rainbow Dash one though.

    28. Oh God, want so bad! Sooo embarrassed to get it X(

    29. Daww, I don't get to use backpacks...

      Unless I want to trust Pinkie with keeping my computer safe

    30. Challenge accepted, MR. President.

    31. $6? That's cheap. I have no use for it but for that price I might pick one up anyway.

    32. *runs to Walmart*


    33. You guys must have all went to the loving/tolerating type of high school from teen tv dramas. The place were I went, there was always at least one window taped over with duct tape due to being broken, and there was a guy who sold stolen cell phones out of the bathroom on the regular.

      As striking a statement as I think it would have made, I think "teased relentlessly" would have been the inevitable outcome.

      Now... if you're a 250 lb varsity linebacker, or... you know, just a REALLY, REALLY hot college chick, you might even get a couple compliments. Heh.

    34. I would most likely be killed for wearing this sadly.

    35. if I see a Fluttershy one I'm SO buying it. Still awaiting the Fashion Pony Fluttershy

    36. Meh, who cares what other people think? Don't be afraid to let your love show. XD

    37. I'd buy one and carry it as a purse! C'mon! Totally want.

    38. @Anonymous

      It might have been a "hazing" for new freshmen athletes. They tend to do that to pro players too. I recall a few years ago, some NBA player had to use a High School Musical backpack on the road.

    39. if i brought this to school...
      i would never here the end of it

      no one knows i whatch this stuff
      not even my bros

    40. Wow, that's nice to see. Let's hope it'll take it by storm and break Spongebob's records.

    41. If they made something SUBTLE that looked cool while only being recognizable to a fan of the show, I would buy the FUCK out of it. If I wore actual MLP merchandise to school I would probably be stabbed for being 'gay'.

      I wish I was joking.

    42. @Saint Dane

      Oopsie, meant to post this on a different post. Wish I knew how to delete.

    43. Do want!
      American friends, please start exporting this stuff right now!

    44. Bachspeare Manihooveski23. aprill 2011, kell 17:32

      I went to Wal-Mart today with two other bronies and bought one of these. I'm putting all my pony art supplies in it.

      Luckily, at my school, people will either enjoy it or not care at all. So I totally plan to use it.

    45. wat the fukk i have rainbow dash fluttershy and pinkie pie oh shit i'm mad

    46. Mission accepted..

    47. Challenge Accepted!
