• Ponies Surpass All Other Memes on Know Your Meme

    And to think, everyone told me FiM was just a passing craze.

    I have a feeling it has evolved way passed that.

    Which is good, because I would go nuts without these stupid ponies!

    68 kommentaari:

    1. I knew it was awesome :P

      Here's hoping it doesn't crash from overexposure, and dominates the world! Mwuh ha ha ha!

    2. All your meme are belong to us!

    3. Misleading title, it's only for images, not page views.

    4. Ponies will be back with a vengeance come October again...

    5. That graph is confuzzling

      Someone familiar with graphs/KYM please explanify: Is MLP:FiM the greatest meme of AWL TYME!?

    6. Our views per day was only beaten by Friday (which is only because this was the month in which that MEME was at it's peak.)

      We actually have more cumulative views than Me Gusta and Magnets!

      And all of this within the stretch of 69 days, Philosoraptor by contrast has been around for 758 days.

    7. Im images yes, in popularity no.

    8. Fucking Steven Magnet. How does he work?

    9. @Davy

      Page view is the red line.

    10. Seeing as all 9 trending photos on the front page of kym are pony right now, I'd say we're doing pretty good! (http://knowyourmeme.com/)

    11. @Anonymous

      Seeing as we have 447,000 views in 69 days (since being on know your meme) while "Fuck Yea" has 473,000 for 430 days, I'd say we're pretty popular.

    12. Is it a show? Is it a meme?

      It's both!

    13. For anyone who has picked up on pony fandom obliquely through venues other than 4chan's /co/ or tuned in to the show, knowyourmeme.com/memes/my-little-pony-friendship-is-magic is actually a good primer to teach you what the hell's been going on. It's where I got my start...oh, about three weeks ago.

    14. Forever alone guys has been around 4 times as long as we have, yet only has 3 times as many view. Boxxy has been around nearly 11 times as long as we have, yet has only about a fifth more views than us.


    15. It's a good thing we're bound to outlive Friday.

    16. IT'S OVER 3100!

    17. @gameguy11

      Heck, Friday is going to be performed on an upcoming episode of Glee. It's a dead MEME by every definition.

    18. Disregard my last comment. :P

    19. Everything else needs to be at least 20% cooler...

    20. We still have Forever Alone and Rage Guy to beat for page views...We can do it guys.

    21. You just realized that "Scumbag Steve" is right next to "F**king Magnets".

    22. Now we just need a pony-related question on Jeopardy, and MLP will become Leeroy Jenkins status: legendary.

    23. @Anonymous
      Long explanation on the way:
      I was on KYM when the guy made the graph. Essentially, those green and blue lines indicate images posted to KYM per day and in total. To sum, MLP:FiM is second to only Rebecca Black's Friday in views and views since their respective entries.

      The purple line is the amount of time it's been posted to the site. Technically, MLP has been around long before Rebecca Black started singing about getting her bowls, but it didn't hit KYM until just a month before Black.

      My thoughts:
      My Little Pony is the second fastest growing meme (i.e., views per day) on the database, and it should continue to grow at this rate...until the season ends (here's hoping it stays strong.)

      It has so many views in total, because it is so popular for various reasons (e.g., it's GOOD, it's fun, people want to understand, people want to hate, ponies in general.)

      The mass difference in images is based on the nature of My Little Pony as a meme: new episodes each week means more material than the one event memes. The same goes for the rate of images. MLP is on a different playing field, so it's almost unfair (loldontcare.jpg).

      I think it's legendary in terms of such quick growth...but I think Friday is also legendary for the same reason. In memedom, it is in danger of dying off when the season ends.

      But I can't help but think that the community surrounding the series will keep bronies around...even if the series as a meme dies down. Memes die...happens. Friendship is magic, yo.

    24. @Anonymous

      > And all of this within the stretch of 69 days

      > 69 days

      > 69

      Derpy what have you done to our reality

    25. all your memes are belong to ponies!

    26. that graph is confusing as all hell

    27. >just a passing craze.

      Damn it, now I have Hakuna Matata stuck in my head.

      Though I can't say that's a bad thing, I guess.

    28. all the trending pictures on knowyourmeme.com right now are ponies ... all of them


    29. Has anyone really been far as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

    30. Too bad I hate KYM.

    31. @Anonymous
      I agree, it would have made much more sense as a bar graph. There's no reason to connect the points with lines like that - I thought it was supposed to be a time-based graph until I looked more closely.

    32. You guys notice the date? This graph is 4 days old now. I wonder where MLP is sitting on the graph now.

    33. Learn to chart, Sethisto.

    34. @Anonymous
      ...not to mention the fact that it's overlaying *5* different unrelated measurements within the same graph. Ouch.

    35. Here's some Google insight:


    36. Views? Views where?

    37. Bah, it's just used as a image dump.
      Whatever, I should be happy, but it tarnishes the fact that it is a good show, it shouldn't have needed such publicity to be followed, and now I expect a lot of people seeing it for the "meme" (if there's even one, Derpy is the meme, not the show) than anything.
      Oh well.

    38. Don't worry anon @5:05. There are many bronies like you and I that like MLP because of the show, not because we're band wagoners. We are the true bronies that will stick with this show to the very end.

    39. not as viral as some memes, but once a brony, always a brony.

    40. Though I feel we need to show that the Actual show isn't meme Just the reaction Pictures themselves/ Background characters

    41. >everyone told me FiM was just a passing craze.

      If it was a passing craze, then it was the best fucking craze ever (and most "powerful", judging by that graphic).

    42. I go on know your meme sometimes in my spare time. I saw the signs and I knew it was only a matter of time.

    43. While being called a meme might make some people think this is all a flash in the pan I think the exposure on KYM has helped convert some into genuine fans. I still think the number of those who truly like the show far outnumber those who are just on the band wagon with that number growing everyday.

      We'll definitely see a slow down in the fandom a few weeks after season end, but I don't think we'll see a huge lose of fans by the time season two starts and we might actually gain some as more are introduced to the series via Youtube and the like. Then when season two starts we'll be ready to spread the friendship to all corners of the internet again!

    44. I sincerely hope that this movement gains strength and visibility. As much as I enjoy visiting the blog and tripfriending on /b, I would really love to see some of my irl friends start to pick this up.
      As the anon above me said, we are going to hit a slack very soon. However, it seems clear to me that this fandom has achieved a sort of critical mass of art, comics, stories and other media. I personally believe that we have reached the point of no return. This fandom is not going to die from lack of episodes simply because of the sheer volume of original content being produced and our ever increasing popularity.

      Stay strong Bronies, we will weather the ponyless months together.

    45. @Anonymous
      Anon 6:02 here and those are my thoughts exactly! It certainly helps that we are already planning out events for the summer like the Summer Sun Celebration Contest plus all the talk of meetings at conventions. I'm sure we'll be just fine.:)

    46. I don't think my body is ready for the season finale...

      Ever since I found these ponies, I...I never want to give them up...

      Those ponyless months will be...so cold...

    47. Honestly, the MLP:FiM section on knowyourmeme.com has become effectively an image dump for people to upload fan art and random image macros onto. It's kind of a mess, really.

    48. @Anonymous
      I agree with that, but considering the amount of content generated everyday they have a hard time sorting through and organizing all the images. I think they'll take care of dupes and decide on what other content to keep once things calm down after the season ends.

    49. Staggering amounts of content flowing in a content generated meme.

      Just like... Are Ponies the new Elves?

    50. Oh yeah. I remember seeing this a while back.

      Its the power of friendship yo.

    51. @Anonymous

      That's like saying nobody who started for the meme truly likes the show. I love the bandwgon effect because the nature of the show makes for a filter: if you are following it for any reason, you are a real brony.

      The last thing we need are bronies acting on the "no true scotsman" fallacy and trying to outrank eachother in how "true" a brony they are.

    52. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    53. And to think, everyone told me FiM was just a passing craze.]

      3.2 million ED hits and counting beg to differ.

    54. I still remember when Harry Potter, "emo" bands, furries, Internet, YouTube and Portal were considered a passing craze.

      I suppose quality just lives on. FIM will only grow if it continues with the steam it has now.

    55. KYM is the cancer killing the internet.

      Pony is the chemo.

    56. @whoever did this chart

      Next time use a bar graph.

    57. probably helps that most of the memes out there are ponied now.

    58. Flawless victory!

    59. Everypony should be VERY cautious about delivering the Pony fandom into the hands of the I Can Haz Cheezeburger people through spamming KYM with images and pageviews.

      They are the LORDS of co-opting memes for their own profit, and they're not stupid. Anything popular can be made into profit. Since KYM is now under the ICHC umbrella, why give ICHC the traffic when we've proven our ability to maintain quality FAN supported sites?

    60. Oh God I can just see a slew of "I can haz muffins nao" and "Im in ur show gettin ur cutie mark" being made into shirts and sold for a HUGE profit.

    61. My Little Pony is a LOT more than just a silly meme.

      20% cooler, ten seconds flat, steven magnet, FOREVER - these are pony memes. MLP itself and the community around it are not memes.

    62. Thinking about the popularity of the show and how it will fare in the coming months it reminded me that Hasbro has plans to spread their programming on the Hub to other markets this year.
      While I know a large number of us found the show through the internet due to how new the Hub is and how few actually get it, some of the networks they plan to spread their programs to are pretty big such as Cartoon Network in Europe if I remember right. If this is the case we might see a decent addition to the fanbase as MLP roles out on these networks.


      anyway, that's... umm... quite... impressive.

    64. I swear this is a textbook example of how not to display data. It is very cluttered (textboxes can be off-chart), misleading (due to the smoothed lines connecting unrelated data points and implying a continuous trend), and unclear on comparisons (It's hard to see overlapping lines, the smoothing adds false data, and lack of filled areas.)

      I think one of the more interesting things that can be seen by this graph is that for most, each day there are an average of 1000 times as many views as new images.

      The dual-labeled vertical axes are just fine, as they are well and clearly labeled.

      Anyways, a column graph would be best, with each colored line becoming a colored column for each meme. The justification of the names should be made better too, but that can only be done after the style's changed first.

    65. Really horrible graph (and I'm an engineering student, I live on graphs), I took about 5min to understand what was going on in this.

      Anyway, ponies won't die with the end of the season. I'll just start catching up on all the fanfics here (I've read maybe 3-4 now)

      The 24/7 synchtube has been going strong for a while, even on days without ponies. Each day we get new videos to watch.

      Basil34's stream has been getting more viewers each week.

      Ponychan goes strong with all around discussion on the show and all the other stuff like /oat/

      There was recently created a MLP:FiM club on MAL too, everyday a new popular site/person starts to get invaded by ponies (VG cats, Funny Junk, Weird Al and others).

      More and more people get converted each day and Ponies still haven't started going to other countries much. It's pretty unheard of in Brazil and there are many potential bronies there.

      Power to us, guys. We'll keep growing.

    66. Wow, this is the second time I've found my chart somewhere other than where I posted it, and they were both posted within about four days from the time it even went up. This stuff spreads fast.

      As for the issues with the chart, the main problem was fitting five different statistics onto only two axes; poor maximum values would leave some stats too vertically close or off the screen, neither being desirable. I realized that all of the stats on one chart did clutter it up a little and block a less-important number or two, but there wasn't really anything I could do about that besides remove things.

      I had chosen the smooth line over a scatter plot because I wanted to show the relations between adjacent points, and over a bar graph because of horizontal space and the previous issue. I assumed that people would get that there are no midpoints between two memes. If it were for only one or two statistics, I would probably go with a bar graph, too.

      I decided to put the text boxes on the chart because they didn't block any lines, and because the high maximum on the image axis left a lot of empty space. But either way, it was never meant to be too serious of a chart in the first place. Aaand... I rambled. (I uploaded an updated version earlier today, if anyone's interested. And I might decide to make it a bar graph next time, we'll see.)
