• Poll Results: Who Has the Best Voice?

    Hell yah Rarity! You really are the best voiced cartoon animal ever!

    53 kommentaari:

    1. edging out fluttershy by five points, nicely done rarity.

    2. Oh poor Fluttershy, you came so close.

    3. >no love for tara strong
      >all my hate

    4. Looks like Andrea Libman won when you consider she does Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie.

    5. next poll:
      Favorite OC pony!

      Of course, all from the Assassin's Creed/Equestria Fic (cause the other ones suck :P)

    6. I voted Twilight!
      I freakin' love Tara Strong's voice,and TS' voice sounds more natural than the others characters,at least for me.

      At second place there's FlutterShy's voice,third place Pinkie's voice and fourth AJ's.

      I don't see all this greatness in Ratity's voice, it's just ok in my opinion.

    7. @9Nine9

      I know, right?

      Still happy though, Rarity is my second choice.

    8. why so little love for pinkie pie?

    9. Whoo-Hoo! It was going back and forth a lot for a while there, I was getting worried.

    10. I am disappointed that Fluttershy didn't pull through the tie they had.

    11. I hate how this poll makes it seem like you can't like them all, which I do. :P

      I believe this is one of the most well-acted shows in a long time, but I think Rarity is such a complex performance that it deserves recognition. The timing, the pitch control, and the downright crazy range comes together to make a hilarious character.

      But seriously, the entire cast is made up of phenomenally talented veterans that all deserve a pat on the back, same goes for the writers and voice directors.

    12. @Sethisto
      Really cause I thought other was for non ponies characters like Gilda, Spike, and Steven Magnet.

    13. Rarity is not just the best-voiced cartoon animal ever.

      Rarity is the best-voiced *anyone* ever.

    14. I voted twilight but I understand why Rarity and fluttershy won (close enough to a tie imo)

    15. >You really are the best voiced cartoon character ever

    16. I voted Rarity. Her voice acting is simply superb.
      Clever, fitting, original with lots of potential for going off her regular way of style.

      I think what grabs my attention the most is the mixture of maturity and youth in her voice.

      Tabitha St. Germain, you deserve all the praise ^-^

      That being said, I love them all. They are all fitting and great. It just happens to be I like Rarity's voice acting the most, even if I personally like Fluttershy's or Twilight's character more.

      Oh and btw. 14.000 to 3 million !!!

    17. I voted Twilight. I'd say her voice was one of the things that made her my favourite character! It's such a nice voice to listen to.

      Makes my heart melt.

    18. Rarity is amazing. In difficulty, I think she's only second to Fluttershy (seriously, doing Fluttershy's voice + fillifying it + singing was a bit too much, which kinda shows.)

    19. I love them all but I had to give it to Rarity. Her delivery is just perfect every time. I still chuckle when something causes me to remember her WA-HA-HAA~! in Sonic Rainboom.

    20. Not enough love the The Great and Powerful Trixie?

    21. Grr, so many wrong opinions.

      Ok, fine, when it comes to ponies and favorites there aren't any wrong opinions, but I still wish Applejack got more votes.

      I'm not surprised Twilight didn't win. Tara Strong is in so many cartoons she's kind of like oxygen. Vital and necessary but not something you actually give all that much thought too until it's missing and you die a horrible suffocating death.

    22. They're all amazing.
      The voice Actresses that do two ponies are even amazinger though

    23. Rarity fo' sho' partly because she doesn't start off with an in-built "characterization" advantage like Pinkie Pie or Fluttershy who you already *know* are gonna have a unique way of speaking.

      That and the expert teetering on the border between snooty and classy, narcissistic and sexy, neurotic and artistic.

      But most of all...I thought you WAAANTEEDD WHIIINIIIIINGG???

    24. @kimba150
      Whoa... I just now realized.

      Tara Strong
      Twilight Sparkle


    25. I voted other because i was captivated by Princess Luna.

    26. I voted Twilight too, because she always sounds so SNARKY. However, I almost voted for Zecora, because I really like her accent, or Applejack, because I... uh... really like her accent.

    27. I was tickled when I found out Tabitha St. Germain (Rarity) also plays Martha on "Martha Speaks" and several characters on "Dinosaur Train" (both great cartoons on PBS).
      (trivia: Michelle Creber [Apple Bloom] also voices characters in those same shows)

    28. i like applejack, mostly because a southern accent just pulls my strings.
      but here is the list of all my favorites in order
      1.applejack- the sweet southern belle
      2.Twi sparkle- just so confident and strong
      3(close tie).fluttershy- calm and peacful gose quite far
      4.Rainbow Dash- full of peep and power, a real spirit lifter
      5.Celestia- a lot of motherly love in it.
      6.Pinkie Pie- one word, RANDOM
      7.Rarity- a bit snooty with a touch of care
      8.Zecora-Ummmmmmm yes?
      9.TGaPTrixie- ehhhhhhhhh why.jpeg?

    29. "I'm not surprised Twilight didn't win. Tara Strong is in so many cartoons she's kind of like oxygen. Vital and necessary but not something you actually give all that much thought too until it's missing and you die a horrible suffocating death."

      This, one thousand times.

    30. I voted Trixie because her voice is sassy. Trixie and Rarity have my favorite voices of all. I can't believe Trixie got such a low score though, even losing to Zecora. That's just full oatmeal!

    31. @Ewyndall

      I feel sad for Fluttershy, But "Art of the Dress" is probably the best song from the show so far, and "I Love Everything" was kind of lacking. Rarity deserved it.

    32. @Tekaramity

      Her bourgeois accent is simply delightful, darling.

    33. just by 5 points? c'mon I demand recount or another vote.

    34. Why no love for Celestia? Her soft, motherly tone is amazing. By pure voice quality she should win by a landslide.

    35. Some have come up with the singing.
      I think we should make it clear that the singing voice is different from the "speaking" voice.

      Twilight's singing voice is Rebecca Shoichet.
      Pinkie's singing voice is Shannon Chan-Kent
      Rarity's singing voice is Kazumi Evans.

      Singing is done by different actors.
      Just noting this so credit is where credit's due.

      On a sidenote: Fluttershy does not have a seperate actress for singing. Libman does everything. :-)

      P.S.: 6000 to 3.000.000 !!!

    36. Umm... no, it's okay. I, umm.. I didn't want to win anyway.

    37. @LeandreaShould've voted for Rarity, then.

      @Anonymous But then you realize Rarity and Luna share Tabitha, so Luna actually wins and Rarity gets to be her servant.

    38. I picked other. I fell in love with Nightmare Moon's voice. ♥

    39. Fluttershy's voice is amazingly adorable, but I love Rarity's posh accent

    40. Pft, looks like 5 ponies missed the Fluttershy button.

    41. *voted Trixie*

      To be honest, I actually hate(d) Rarity's voice. I just automatically associate her accent with ignorant, condescending snobs, which is not the best thing for a character I'm meant to like.

      In the interests of not being ripped apart by a horde of angry bronies, I wish to point out that I am not hating on Rarity. Okay, she was my least favourite pony to start with, but then her focus episodes happened. Now...I really don't know who my least favourite is. I just know it's not Rarity anymore. Or Twilight or Fluttershy.

    42. Of course in the end it comes down to Fluttershy being adorable and Rarity having the best VA I've ever heard in any cartoon. Tabitha St. Germain is just insane when it comes to vocal talent.

    43. Rarity's speaking VA and singing VA are just incredible for sure. They don't just deliver lines, they masterfully deliver emotions that you really don't see in voice acting.

    44. FIVE POINTS!!!!!

      FIVE... POINTS!!!!!!

      FIVE!!!!! POINTS!!!!!

      I demand a re-count of all the votes!!!!!

      I demand the real winner... win. I'm talking about, obviously, of Fluttershy

    45. I voted for Flutterguy.

    46. Well FINALLY. It's about time Rarity got SOME poll justice. Sheesh.

      Her voice is absolutely lovely

    47. Rarity has the class and ladylike poise that the other ponies lack.

      She can even say PUT ME DOWN like a lady.

    48. I'm actually surprised Trixie didn't get more votes than she did.

    49. Remember, everypony! A vote for Rarity is a vote for ...that black...uni-peg pony...what's her face...Larry, I think... I dunno...

    50. Fluttershy voice is cute, but that is all, even Pinkie Pie is more interesting.

      Now Rarity is amazing in all her tone, contain so many styles, you never get bored to hear that voice.

    51. Twilight was bottom on my list. Too much like Timmy Turner.
