• Poll Results: Favorite Famous Pony

    Honestly I wouldn't mind seeing some more Photo Finish in the future. 

    27 kommentaari:

    1. She's just so much fun. I love how she just blew EVERYPONY else out of the water.

    2. Seth, I wholehardly agree. It's amazing how much personality they could pack into just one pony in just one episode.

    3. Photo Finish grew on me.

    4. "Nervous? Don't be ridiculous. You're only facing a large crowd of ponies who will be watching your every move and silently judging you."

      Sold it for me.

    5. Sapphire Shores was cute and hand an interesting voice, and then disappeared for the remainder of the episode.

      Photo Finish spent the whole episode dominating Fluttershy without really listening to anything she said, as well as ignoring Rarity from the start. In a way, she's kinda like Pinkie Pie with how stuck she is in her own world. But between that, and her name only making me think of "The Money Shot", I can't really like her.

      Hoity Toity sat on Dr. Whoove's face. That's about the only positive I have for the guy.

    6. I love all of them but voted for Photo Finish. She has the most awesome accent ever! Fruttershai! Da madgick!

    7. I swear that if they ever make an official toy, I will buy Photo Finish over the Internet. Once she's shipped, I'll take her out of the package and play the clip of her saying "I, Photo Finish, have awived!"

      The other two were interesting and I hope Hoity's voice is used in more fashion shows (that actor is great), but Photo stole her debut episode.

    8. Sethisto, I am not sure how to get in touch with you, so forgive me if I spam. I have started a social networking websites for Bronies called http://www.rainbowdash.net/

      Its like twitter! You can post various happenings on the internet or upload content regarding everything pony. And I'm also going to offer free email accounts!

      Check it out please! -Cabal Pony

    9. What sold it to me was the awesome music that almost always plays in the background when Photo Finish is on screen =3

    10. I actually found her a bit annoying. I'd rather see an episode with Hoity Toity, felt like they could have done more with her.

    11. I loved photo finish almost too much. I've seen that episode so many times. It's like she has some kind of....MAGIX

    12. Photo Finish had the whole episode to shine - an advantage over the other two - but I also voted for her because she had such snazzy-lookin' assistants.

      If this poll had been cast in terms of awesome-per-second, though, I would've voted for Sapphire Shores, without question.

    13. Thre's no way she could have been beaten, because she has...DE MEGICS!

    14. I voted NOBODY!
      Because I don't like any of them.

      I'd be tempted to vote Photo Finish, if she'd speak more german, since I understand it, but all she said was "Wunderbar!"...

    15. Saphire Shores. I really want to see more of the character. I like that she makes an effort towards friendship but fails because she doesn't fully realize how high up she's standing (and doesn't even realize she failed). xD
      Anyone else notice how ridiculously tall she is though?

    16. Hoity Toity > all
      The voice, the narcissism (even thought they're all narcissistic), the clothes.

    17. Oh come on, where's the love for Sapphire Shores?! I really want to see more from the "pony of pop," especially after the few seconds of realizing just how seeeensational her voice is! Of course, I am a huge music nerd, but I reaaally want to hear her stuff <3

    18. I voted Sapphire Shores mostly because in the first 20 seconds of that episode she tried to hypnotize Rarity with her... plot.

      Also dat top hat.

    19. How can you love Sapphire Shores? She's a nigger...

    20. I forget who I voted for, but I remember that I hate Sapphire Shores, but love love love her theme music.

    21. In many ways, it's not surprising that Photo Finish won. She had the most screen time of all the other ponies and really had that distinctive accent. Can't seem to decide if its German or Russian. Sounds a bit like Edna from The Incredibles.

      Because the others weren't flushed out as much as characters, they felt more like plot devices rather than characters.

      Personally, I wouldn't mind seeing Saphire Shores developed more. Her lack Cutie Mark immediately caught my interest.

    22. I liked Sapphire Shores design the most, and even though it was a glitch, considering how her outfit was and how it should've displayed her cutie mark, I dug the fact she didn't have a cutie mark. Happy accident imo.

      Photo Finish had an awesome theme, but she served her part in the episode. I'd be more interested in seeing more SS.

    23. @Anonymous
      It's definitely supposed to be German, especially with the "wunderbar".

    24. What about the Wonderbolts? I rather liked them, and they seem pretty famous...
