• PMVs: Why Don't You Get a Job // Reel Big Fish // If You Can Dream

    I still haven't thought of a good title format for these posts. Anyway have some PMV's. Offspring's Why Don't You Get a Job up above (Poor Twilight =[) and Reel Big Fish below/If you can dream below!

    18 kommentaari:

    1. Liked the last one, because it was pretty and didn't swear twice a verse.

    2. Holy crap Reel Big Fish. I haven't heard them in for-goddamn-ever. That made my day.

    3. dude the reel big fish one was intense.

      and omg the third one....HNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH

    4. Thanks you for reminding me the awesome that is The Offspring. Forgot they even existed...

    5. I LOVED that Reel Big Fish one.

      Mind-blowingly awesome.

    6. O_O I JUST listened to "Why Don't You Get a Job"!! And now I come here to find this?! Ponies....they know...

    7. Reel Big Fish! Yes.

    8. Its sad they put so bad music to ponys... its depressing. I wish someone would do thin lizzy or iggy pop... I had an idea put total forgot but also the fact i cant edit lol.

    9. I loved the first and second ones! The third one, however, created a violently awkward atmosphere between me and my dorm mates...

    10. @Anonymous
      dude, not cool. just because you don't like it doesn't mean it's shit, it's offensive to people who actually do like it, because you're pretty much saying they got shit taste. that ain't cool. it would be more appropriate if you would just say that you personally didn't enjoy this, but not stating it's a fact that it's not cool.

    11. @gravityequalszero

      this is why i wear headsets XD

    12. What, what? As others have noted, it's "Get a Job" is by The Offspring, not RBF.

    13. Reel Big Fish one is freakin amazing.

    14. So, that's been a bunch of Offspring+Pony stuff this last week. First "You're Gonna go Far Kid" and now "Why Don't You Get a Job". I've got fond memories of rocking out to the Offspring from when I was younger, so I count myself as one of their lifelong fans. Keep up the sweet video/music mashups bronies!

      Also, the 3 one - D'AWWW. Caused a violent reaction in my HEART from total cute overload!

    15. @undead431

      He didn't call anything shit as you imply. You're overreacting big time. He stated what is clearly his opinion.

    16. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    17. The second one is pure win. Great bit for Scootaloo.

    18. I love the offspring, so glad I found this! And I gotta say, Dash as Dexter Holland=Win.
