• Pinkie Confirmed for Living at Sugar Cube Corner

    Feel free to slap me if this is old news, but last I checked we still didn't know if Pinkie Pie actually lived at sugar cube corner or not.  We caught a glimpse of "something" in feeling Pinkie Keen, but I guess that was part of sugar cube corner as well!

    Check out the screencap below, and also a link.

    Pinkie Pie's Relation to Mr. and Mrs. Cake

    31 kommentaari:

    1. This is more or less what I had been assuming, but it's good to know regardless.

      Also, this show *really* needs to afford Mr. & Mrs. Cake more screentime. The mayor, too.

    2. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    3. We never really had 100% proof, but EVERYONE assumed it; so did I too be honest. Glad to know from Lauren herself.

    4. @Tekaramity
      No... LUNA needs more screen time.

    5. +1 On Luna, though my intuition says she'll be 2nd seasons focus.

    6. Is it weird that learning this from Lauren just made my day?

      ...and also +11 on more Luna (and happy Luna this time!)

    7. +1 to Luna.

      Plus infinity to Derpy!

    8. Now I'm assuming that the Cakes can't have kids themselves so Pinkie is a bit like their surrogate kid. D'aww.

      With some of the stuff that Pinkie does it only makes sense that the people who put up with her have parental feelings about her.

    9. they let her "rent" the loft upstairs and also pay her in sweets? But she's their best customer and not employee...

      some minor logical conflict there...

    10. Who said she wasn't and employee and a customer?

    11. In Applebuck season she said that she got to run Sugar Cube Corner by herself for the first time. Implies that she helps out with the shop.

    12. @Anonymous
      It certainly seems like she works there, and they let her rent upstairs at the same time, lol.

    13. Yeah, Tinyfeather's first comment in that thread makes the claim that Pinkie works for them, and Lauren's post following it implies that that is indeed the case.

    14. I always assumed she was an employee (why else would the Cakes leave the shop in her care in the first place?) who dumped most of her paycheck back into the shop to fuel her candy habit. I think it's sort of cute that the Cakes would just remove the middle man and give her the option to be paid partially in sweets.

    15. I agree with it easpecially afther the Cutie Mark Chronics where I learned that we can't see Pinkie Pie's relatives because it seems they still ignoring her even many years afther Pinkie Pie made them a big party.

    16. @g3fizzypop
      I don't really think Pinkie Pie's family would ignore her. Despite the dour nature they seemed to like her just fine. Assuming the story was true and Pinkie's family really does run a rock farm somewhere, they're probably still out there doing so while she lives her adult life in Ponyville.

      You never know; maybe we'll end up seeing one of her sisters all grown up later down the line too. It'd be an interesting episode if her salt-of-the-earth family came to visit and face the general craziness of Ponyville.

    17. Speaking of Pinkie's home being a Rock Farm... Rarity + Rock Farm = makes sense in context now.

    18. I'm surprised people can't believe that Pinky can live with the Cakes and not be related. One of the things I love about this show is that the characters and world are so well fleshed out. I don't think I've seen a rental/work relationship setup like this inside of western animation.
      And she must do a really good job if the Cakes let her get away with some of those eating binges she does. My guess is she bakes less and more likely takes the roll of caterer/party organizer for the Cakes with her mad party skills.

    19. Word of god, good to know.

      1. Rarity owns and runs a shop, Twilight studies, fluttershy and dash own their own homes, AJ runs the family farm and Pinkie rents an apartment.

      I don't remember ever having so many i_know_that_feel.jpg moments in a cartoon.


    21. @Anonymous

      I like the theory that the purple sister dyed her fur, puts on a fake accent, and now goes by Photo Finish.

    22. Think about this. What other show developer can make a once crappy franchise become good, give it a huge internet following, AND is so involved in said internet following?

    23. I nearly died when my art showed up on here. OMG. <3 Thanks! :D

    24. Glad to see this confirmed, to be honest. The idea of Pinkie renting an apartment above Sugar Cube just fits her character SO perfectly.

      She really is like an aimless 20-something who works at the comic shop while trying to figure out what he/she really wants out of life, lol.

      Gotta love Pinkie.

    25. @Anonymous

      I wouldn't exactly say Pinkie is "aimless". Her talents are sociability and partying...she pretty much organizes all the parties in Ponyville which Sugar Cube Corner caters for, so she brings them big revenue. I'd say she already figured out what she wants out of life already.

      But yeah I know what you mean.

    26. Heh. I always assumed they were distant relatives, and Pinkie was apprenticed with them.

      This makes sense, though.

    27. Fantastic! That's one more pony mystery solved!

    28. So basicly, if the ponies were human their jobs would be:
      Rainbow Dash: Athlete, and something to do with weather.
      Fluttershy: Vet
      Rarity: Fashion designer (and boutique owner)
      Applejack: Apple Tree Farm
      Pinkie Pie: Party Planner and part time shop worker
      Twilight: Obviously still at some 'speacial university' and librarian.
