• Opening Instrumental Remix // Voice only: Hush Now Quiet Now

    Above you can find an instrumental/piano remix of the intro theme, and below we have Hush Now Quiet Now voice only edition! Only a few more of these to catch up on!

    11 kommentaari:

    1. This is completely unrelated to the songs (mainly because I can't listen to them at the moment), but I just realized something.

      My school had a field trip to the move theater where we got to watch "Insidious", and even when everyone in the room was screaming, I was sitting there laughing genuine laughter.

      I didn't realize until I got home that I had been giggling at the ghosties.

      >MFW MLP made me laugh at my first horror movie

    2. i cant help but wonder if we will ever get a version of Fluttershy's song without that interuption

    3. I like how Sweetie's mouth is just open for a few seconds... and then she smiles.

    4. MAGNIFICENT Or did I have to say anything else?

    5. Oh Sweetie Bell... you so crazy!

      Also, @10:12 anon... your school takes you to field trips to the movie theatre... so see Insidious? What? The only cool field trip that I ever went on was to the museum!

    6. @10:25 anon:


      I especially laughed at the part where she's checking the cupboard. I mean, come on. The entire "scare" of that bit was that a random old guy jumps out at her, laughs, and then runs off. That's pretty hilarious.

    7. DAMN! I knew Sweetie Belle could sing, but without the instrumentals getting in the way I'm even more impressed. Also, I just now noticed that she managed to knock over a chair with her singing. How did I miss that before?

    8. That instrumental is amazingly beautiful.

    9. @McGack Someone did try to fake a complete Fluttershy lullaby on YouTube a month or so ago, but I couldn't understand what she was singing.
      Not to be confused with the ones that just loop her two lines over and over.

    10. Interesting, sounds like they were still doing Foley effects even during the musical number.

    11. Beautifully made opening song, sounds like it could be used on a title screen for something
