• New Pony Store to Replace the Old One

    Sadly... Shoe Brony got closed down... not for copyright on the pony stuff, but for Dr. Who!

    To combat this, Purple Tinker has opened up a new store, with all new shoe designs.  In an attempt to avoid any copyright issues, she has taken off the cutie marks and just kept the overall color scheme. (The Purple Tinker shoe above is an exception!) 

    But fear not!  For these shoes are canvas shoes, and a simple guide (found below with the new store) will allow you to add any cutie mark you want.

    As always, all proceeds will go to Charity.

    New Pony Shoe Store
    Canvas Shoes Iron-On Guide
    High Resolution Cutie Marks (You can find more on DA/Google for other ponies)

    46 kommentaari:

    1. Sweet! I'll sure try to pick up a pair once I get the money. Too bad about shoe brony though, and now I have to add my own cutie mark. Yay customization!

    2. HA! I just love those little code words for the name of the shoe. Juuust enough information for us fans but still technically legal (though it helps that all profits go to charity, which is always a good thing).

      Hopefully this little venture won't get shut down this time.

    3. That's the hope, Batty. Also, the fact that we're simply using colour schemes and not actual copyrighted designs (e.g. cutie marks, TARDISes, etc.)

    4. There was atleast 2 shoe bronies
      ..mine got taken down because of pony copyright. ;_;

    5. Well, this time we're taking all reasonable precautions. No pony names, no pony likenesses, no pony cutie marks.

    6. They were taken down by Dr. Who? Really??

      Huh. Hasbro is more chill about these kind of things than I had originally speculated.

    7. Purple Tinker is the guardian angel of the pony community. That is all.

    8. Another person on /co/'s remaking shoes as well but with the cutie marks

      I don't think he's finished yet though

    9. Believe it or not, I didn't reference the original Shoe Brony designs whilst making these (though I did mentally refer to the Twilight Sparkle shoe design he used, as I bought a pair of those!). These were all made from scratch. I think I managed to work in a few designs Shoe Brony never got to.

    10. I ordered the luna shoes with the cutie mark before they got taken down....will I still get my shoes?

    11. Is there anything you can't do?

      Absolutely amazing.


    12. @sunset spurt

      When you order from Zazzle, they let you track your orders, and they should send you email updates when things have shipped... If you can't find an update in your email box or via logging into your account on zazzle.com, call Zazzle directly and ask them! They can't just keep your money and give you nothing.

    13. @Zarkanorf:

      Scuttlebutt has it that the BBC C&Ded the original Shoe Brony over the TARDIS image on the Dr. Whooves shoe (WTF?), and Zazzle yanked first just that one design, then his entire store. :(

    14. These new buttons on the top of the page, they're orgasmic!
      Is there a pony equivalent of that?

    15. @Anonymous

      I love the new buttons as well, although I can already hear the outcry from all the flankhurt Pinkie Pie and Rarity fans.

      On topic: I wish there were boots. I would love to have some Luna-themed Doc Martens.

    16. @Anonymous

      There are Keds high-tops available via Zazzle. On a per-request basis, I will be making high-top versions available of any of the existing designs.

    17. Yikes, same price for shoes where you have to add your own marks. Sorry, but I'll pass. $65 is already a lot for canvas shoes, then you have to further customize them.

    18. I tried setting the profit margin down to 0% (which would have made them $50 or $60 or something), but Zazzle wouldn't let me :(

      And I certainly would have included the cutie marks, but then I would have just been shut down like Shoe Brony :(

    19. @Anonymous

      Pinkie pie and Rarity have blue in their cutie marks =[ They don't show up!

      Same with Trixie... I might change the background color just for her.

    20. Is there anything Purple Tinker can't do? even though I don't plan on buying any (I prefer my boots), I still feel the need to say: Purple Tinker, you're amazing! If i lived near you I would come and give you a great big hug :3

    21. @Hito chan Thank you, Hito! Unfortunately, Zazzle doesn't do boots, but they DO do high-tops. If anypony is serious about buying high-tops, I will do requests.

    22. I would totally buy Trixie or Luna high tops to replace my old converse. :P

    23. Just as I was planing to buy the dark Lunas...
      Now I have to go drown my money in little children's toys instead of fashion apparel that would make me look (20^20)% cooler.

    24. I'd love high top versions, since I only wear high tops. I'd have loved to have Rainbow's cutie mark on them though ah well

    25. K, if I can get an email to prpltnkr @ gmail.com with a pledge to actually buy the Trixie, Luna or Rainbow high-tops, I'll put 'em up.

    26. I created and submitted a Rainbow Dash ("Flyer") hi-tops design. Should be approved and added soon, hopefully.

    27. tinker, are there female sized shoes as well? girl bronies need their fix too! :P

    28. @Anonymous

      Zazzle offers slip-ons (!?) for girls, but the Keds are available in men's sizes only. However, Keds/Converse type shoes are pretty much unisex. I can definitely make some of the slip-ons if anypony requests 'em.

      I'm a girl brony myself, and I wear my Twilight keds proudly :)

    29. haha right on. I'm a 7 1/2 /8, what size would you recommend I get?

    30. If you're a girl, just subtract around 2 from your girl's shoe size to get your guy shoe size. So if you're 7.5 or 8, try getting a size 6 men's shoe.

      NOTE THOUGH: I just found that I WAS WRONG, there ARE lace-up ladies' shoes available! I will be making all of my styles available in girl's styles.

    31. hooray! i shall wait for those then :) thanks again for all you do!

    32. I just submitted my first take on a women's shoe design. The problem is that the way the women's lace-up shoes are assembled is utterly different from the way the men's/unisex design are assembled. So the shoe will look a bit... different. Much more emphasis on the rainbow. I am open for suggestions once it hits the store.

    33. Sneak preview of the women's shoe design. Feedback? http://www.purpletinker.com/rainbow.png

    34. the link doesnt seem to be working :(

    35. They look great so far keep up the good work :)

    36. Oh my gosh I love!!!!

    37. Just fir that tiny Tardis pic on back side of shoe? damn.
      Well, without cutiemarks they look different, less brony(

    38. Damn! I just got my ShoeBrony Wonderbolt shoes in the mail yesterday! Good timing I guess.

    39. Yeah, I wear my pre-ban ShoeBrony Twilight shoes every freaking day. That's why I was upset enough to build up this new store to try to recapture some of the awesome.

    40. Wartortle Triforce7. aprill 2011, kell 22:20

      Wow, I want one really bad...
      I wonder which one I can get without being found out that I'm a brony. Probably Moon, Muffins, DJ, or FourthDimension. But I want Flyer so much!

    41. Good thing I got my Dr. Who shoes before the shut down. Good to see some sort of continuation though.

    42. Wow, Looks like a lot of bronies have bought their shoes. I thought that nobody buy them. (maybe I tried to calm myself coz I couldn't buy it)

    43. Only thing is, the tongue on 4th Dimension isn't blue like the old one. :C It can at least be light blue (I'll add the lines myself, Whiteout and Sharpies anyone?) I started editing a version of it but couldn't change the tongue color myself.

      I don't care if it isn't consistent with with the mane body color scheme.

    44. I can make a variant with a blue tongue if you'd want.

    45. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
