• Molded Singles Found at Big Lots!

    Magpie over on Ponychan found these at a local Big Lots store after driving to 4 different locations.  I guess that means they are rare, but at least they are finally creeping into the US! 

    Now before you rush to your nearest big lots, here are some things to remember...

    1.) Not every Big Lots location has these in stock! 

    2.) If you call and ask, make sure you specify! G3 has similar sized toys in a 3 pack, and a few singles, so save yourself some gas money and be very clear about what kind of pony you want!  Keywords: Molded, Small, Pony Names, 2$ price tag, singles. 

    3.) As of right now, the 4 pack with Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Twilight, and Pinkie is still unaccounted for (aside from the crazy 21 dollar one on amazon), so expect these to be in single form!

    Now go find us some ponies! Feel free to report back either on the ponychan thread, or below in comments to help your fellow bronies out! 

    46 kommentaari:

    1. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    2. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO i'll kill myself NOW

    3. >"Slow News Day Edition" drawfriend post
      >followed shortly after by news

    4. Well it is a slow News day Display Name... there's going to be a lot more news tomorrow, a whole boat load more. Until then I've been watching let's plays of Sam & Max point and click games.

    5. Hmm... I have a Big Lots in my town. I'll have to go check it out this weekend.

    6. FuckYea.jpg

      They appear to be almost identical to the ones I've seen advertised on Nickelodeon (my 15 month-old brother watches Spongbob, he hasn't responded well to the ponies but then again he doesn't actually sit and watch Spongebob either). The only difference to the ones in the advert on Nick and these is the hair isn't that synthetic crap but also molded plastic, I think the plastic hair is better.

      Definitely going to keep an eye out for these, now, I want a Rainbow Dash to brohoof while I'm shooting Super Mutants in Fallout 3 and flying my Rainbow Dash Hydra in GTA:SA

    7. Oh god.
      This will be awkward.

      My mother works at Big Lots.

    8. @Anonymous:

      I was just pointing out the irony there.

      ...How do you know there'll be lots of news tomorrow? Seeing as the episodes are sort of scheduled, I wouldn't consider that to be news...

    9. Well, I know what I'm doing tomorrow morning. I've got a big lots about four miles away, but I never go there. Now I guess I have a reason.

    10. No fluttershy? :( That is very dissappointing...

    11. I would just like to say for any curious brony- these same toys can be found on Hasbro's website for the same price.

    12. Well, I know where I'm going this weekend!

    13. What? No Fluttershy?!

    14. the pack set can be found at maijers for 10 bucks, at lest the one in Fort Wayne Indiana has them

    15. big lots tomorrow, every one.

    16. -and a cry went forth across the land. Scalper hooooooo! sad, but true.

    17. CONFOUND IT! If only someone hadn't wrecked my car yesterday, I'd be all over and hit every Lot in town.
      And I swear, the kid probably did it because he hates Pinkie, or whatever it was I was playing. "It was loud" fills too many descriptions, as the tracks' volume is upped 50%, and the speakers were maxed.
      I don't care if it's 'disturbing the peace.' THEY WILL HEAR IT IN THE NEXT TOWN OVER, AND THEY WILL LOVE IT, OR LUNA HELP THEM...!

    18. closest Big Lots is 40 miles away. looks like I'll be checking out ebay or amazon

    19. I'm in Ohio, and the Meijer's and Wal-Marts here all seem to have the four-pack for $10, but I've yet to see the individual packs.

      *Goes to Big Lots to hunt down Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash*

    21. What in the hay ?!

      2$ US ??

      It must be the Store where they are bought, because in the Canada (Quebec at least), Toys-R-Us and Zellers are selling them at :

      4$ CAN (tax. not added) !

    22. I wish this stuff would hurry up and reach the UK.

      Not that I'd ever want to buy My Little Pony toys, HAHAHA.


    23. I wish I knew if this stuff was in Australia yet, but then, I don't even know if we're getting the show here. All I do know is we're not even getting the crappy first model runs of the G4 set till May.

    24. @Anonymous Think you could get her to give me a discount?

    25. YES!!!!!
      I just went to my local Big Lots and they had em!
      Unfortunately they didn't have Rarity though... and in fact they only had one left each of Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Pinkie Pie. I would have liked to have bought 2 of each to leave one in the original packaging.

      They also had a lot of the creepy (in my opinion) larger size brush-able hair Fluttershy.... but it looks more alien than pony, so I didn't get one...


    26. I had a long day at work. I was tired and glad to be home after an hour-long commute. I sat down at my computer, popped up Equestria Daily, and saw this article.

      It wasn't until I was on my way home a second time did I realize that I, a grown man, had just immediately rushed out to my local Big Lots to buy My Little Pony toys without a moment's hesitation, and was totally glad to have done it. I'm not sure if I should be annoyed or satisfied by this realization.

    27. If you can't find them anywhere else Entertainment Earth is taking preorders on the tube set for next month http://www.entertainmentearth.com/prodinfo.asp?number=HLP29657

    28. that 4 pack isn't unaccounted for, it's avalible at Meijer.

      I took that picture myself

    29. can anyone tell me how to contact Sethisto?

    30. Holy shit, I'm so going to visit my local Big Lots as soon as I can.

    31. @Paul
      Have you tried to look at the ''Sumbit to Equestria Daily'' tab, at the begining of the page on the left...

      There he gives his email for submission of various material for the blog.

    32. @nova_25

      Thank you, i never noticed that link before now.

    33. For Poland Bronies out there:

      15.99 zł, nabyłem w "smyku".

      Rather mediocre quality if you ask me.

    34. They're a lot more show-accurate than the other products available, that's for sure. There are a few liberties taken with the colors and details, but it's nothing that can't be fixed with some minor touch ups if you're industrious. Pinkie Pie is spot on though.

    35. They're available at the Big Lots in Hinesville, GA. Although for some reason they have like a dozen Pinkies and only two Rarities and Applejacks. I had to restrain myself and only buy one of each in case there are fellow bronies in the area.

      But if they're still there next Friday, I'm totally buying another set, one to have a pony parade on my computer, the other to stay fresh in the box in case I lose one of the others.

    36. I checked at a big lots last night... All they had were fucking g3 crap... Gonna hunt some more today after the new episode... only an hour and a half left!

    37. weren't none at my Big Lots, just G3 junk. Not sure if I'll drive a 1/2 hour to another and try. I just might.... for pony!

    38. Anyone know if any of the Portland area Big Lots have them? I got some bronies thinking about carpooling to pick up some.

    39. Oh and that would be Portland OREGON

    40. Yes! I went to big lots and they had ponies there! I got all 5 (I didn't buy the fluttershy brushable) and they are awesome, there wheren't many left though. It makes me wonder how many bronies are in my area.

    41. It's a good thing I waited till the last minute to register my car this year, cuz the DMV I went to today turned out to be half a mile away from the one of the few Big Lots in the Northridge area. Lo and Behold, I found pony! They had all except Twilight, so I guess it's a good thing I'm traveling near a few other shops on a long drive tomorrow.

    42. i saw them selling in my country (czech republic) for 3.50 dollars pretty cool :D and they didnt make fluttershy figure which is not in blind bag that suck...

    43. Vegas Bronie here, reporting that the Big Lots off of Boulder Highway had about 3 sets yesterday (now it only has 2 sets :D ), so any Vegas area Bronies feel free to head to a Big Lots, hopefully that one isn't the only one that has them.

    44. I've seen these in my local Toys R Us, I live in Canada by the way. Here they sell for a ridiculous $6 though.

    45. In Poland they cost $6 too. I feel discriminated - -
