• MLP Chess

    Chess brony has created this massive reworking of classic chess, for Ponies.  He has described it below, in detail (In fact the entire thing was submitted as a story post, which was surprisingly helpful, if a little confusing).
    Description: MLP Chess is a thing known as a chess variant. In chess variants, the general idea is the same as chess (turn-based, boards, pieces) but there are certain elements changed, such as the setup, different pieces and even turn order. This is one of the milder ones, meaning that it plays a lot like FIDE, *the* chess.
    MLP Chess

    Additional Tags: Chess variant

    21 kommentaari:

    1. Ow... my skull, can I get this in english please I only understand regular chess.

    2. interesting VERY interesting i'll try to understand the rules and play a bit i don't think i can do it tough

    3. Oooh, it was finally posted here! Maybe someone will actually make an online play version sometime now. <3

      Also on that wiki I really like the Ponya page.

    4. One day I'll learn this. Then, I'll teach it to a friend. Then, we'll have epic chess matches! Thank you chess brony!


    5. welp, time for an artistic pony to start making chess sized figurines.

      Could be Luna V. Celesita themed. The pawns could be guard ponies.

    6. A very fun read! The biggest hindrance I'll have to trying it out will be getting a second chess board (I only own one) so I have a big enough playing surface and enough pieces. I'm almost tempted to pare down the numbers on each side and try it with the standard 8X8 board.

      Thanks for sharing!

    7. How about... NO.

      Chess is a great game because of its simple rules that yet can make a very interesting gameplay. Complicating things is unnecessary and dull.

    8. @MyLittleBrony
      Well, it isn't that complicated. I read the rules and... Fuck I don't even comprehend any of that crap. Continue.

    9. I acknowledge it must have taken the creator a significant amount of effort to create this game, and I applaud him for that. However, I can't see this game being played by even the most zealous MLP fans.

    10. @AnonymousI'll try anything twice.

    11. Without the visual elements found in the flash games or role-play elements that we found with the tabletop variant, the chess game itself becomes boring and bland even with new rules. Even if you used figurines of the ponies in place of the standard pieces, what's the point of adding new mechanisms to complicate things?

    12. It's more pieces, more moves, and more ways to win than normal chess. You also need a bigger board.

      Still, it's a new way to challenge yourself if you are bored by regular chess, which is good.

    13. Well, it's kind of like Star Trek with their 3D chess. It's a chess variant. It won't catch on with everyone, but to some, this should be interesting.

      This isn't really "complicating" chess. The rules of normal chess are as arbitrary as any. Consider Chinese Chess, which has similaities to European Chess, but a few key differences. For example, the "horse/knight" in Chinese chess cannot move in a a direction if there is a piece blocking it in a diagonal position.

      Chess is interesting in seeing a few set rules being used in different ways.

      Personally, I won't be playing this, but it is certainly interesting.

    14. Didn't someone post some simple stand-up cut-outs of the mane characters? You could use that for the pieces -- You'd need to make new ones for Celestia and whatever you want for the pawns.

      Also make the opposing team Nightmare Moon with the characters being 'evil' versions of the mane cast (another possibility is to use other enemies but that would make things way more confusing).

    15. You know talking of chess what do you think a chess set in equestria is like? I mean I know there can't be a lot of horse shaped pieces because then it'd be confusing. You couldn't tell some pieces from others

    16. Mad hatter it should be as obvious as your name.

      All the peices have a style of clothing marking their purpose, they also wear hats to individualize their appearances from each other.

      Pawns would be simple Earth Ponies, Rooks and Bishops are winged pegasus with different hats and clothing styles. Knights are armored unicorns that teleport around the board. Luna and Celestia are Queen and Tyrant resepectively.

    17. I assumed you would just replace all the pieces with knights

    18. @gingerale
      ~Maybe someone will actually make an online play version sometime now
      >>That's the first thought that crossed my mind. The hardest part I would imagine would be hooking up the players on multiple computers, not the rule set. I'd envision a pretty simple display with a chat client, ideally some animations for the chess pieces since they are character-based. Probably would take a week or two to whip up depending on your experience and available time, at least that's what I'd budget for it if I were to attempt something like this.

      I'd feel more inclined to pair off the characters for each side (to avoid one player simply being the 'evil' version of the other), so one player would have, say, Twilight, Pinkie, Rarity, Celestia and the opponent would have Flutter, Dash, AJ, Luna - each having respective moves to the opponent. Would be interesting to have prince/princess rather than king/queen. I presume those roles would likely be Spike and Big Mac. Toss in some fillies/BG chars (or heck, make them all parasprites) for the pawns and that'd just be a normal chess set give-or-take (duplicating pieces as in the game described above).

    19. Haha, someone picked up my idea.

    20. Wait... what?

      I mean, it's creative, and certainly interesting...

      But why, of all things, a chess variant?

    21. >even when there's a white team (day) and black team (night) there's still no Luna

      What's the pony word for RAGE?

      ~Display Name
