• Milenio Publishes a Pony Comic!

    Now I know most of you can't read this (Maybe someone can translate in the comments below for us?)  But it's still pretty interesting.  Apparently Milenio is a pretty huge newspaper over in Mexico, and I guess ponies have taken over or something because they were added to one of their comics!

    If you want to find it on the actual website, scroll to the bottom where it says "Moneros" and use the arrows, it's the 4th one in. 

    Pretty cool!  Can we get a friendship filled takeover of funny-pages across the globe now?


    1. >mfw attempting to read comic

      somepony please translate this lol

    2. Uh, can I get a translation up in here? Not that I don't care about Twilight Sparkle rocking an assault rifle, mind you, but it loses something without context.

    3. "I told you it was a very dangerous band, my Tomander!"
      "Yes! Yes! Yes! I am calling the cavalry!"
      "Calling Cerdotado! Emergency!"
      "A Mercenary Group is attacking us! Help us! Help us! Help! Emergency!
      "I don't remember if I told the Tomander that I was taking me some vacations. Oh well, it doesn't matter!"

      Credit for Anon8:

    4. As much as I love seeing Twilight and Pinkie using machine guns, couldn't the newspaper get used by Hasbro for this? Or does copyright laws work differently outside the U.S.? I could never see this happening with an actual U.S. paper without permission.

    5. The artist that draws El Cerdotado visits 4chan regularly, so I guess he found it from /b/.

      What it says:

      "I told you it was a very dangerous group, commander!"

      "Yeah, yeah, yeah! I'm gonna call the cavalry! Calling Cerdotado! Emergency!"

      We're being attacked by some drug dealers.

      Help us

      Help (This is in English)


      Cerdotado: "I can't remember if I told the commander that I was leaving for vacation. Well! Whatever."



      "CALLING *name* Help! etc"

      "I don't remember If I told the *commando's name* if I was goijg on vacation... Meh, who cares. "

    7. First panel:
      P1 - I told you they were a dangerous group (gang?)
      P2 - Yes, yes, yes! I'll call the cavalry!

      Second panel:
      Calling the "acerdotado" (I guess it's a character from this comic).

      They are attacking us, assassins!! Help us!

      Help us!



      (I have no idea what's "cer", maybe a reference to "acerdotado")

      I don't remember if I told the Major that I was going on vacation.
      Well, who cares.

      Don't find it specially funny, aside from having ponies shooting at what seems the military. Guess you'd have to know some context about this comic.

    8. Ninjas, ninjas everywhere.

    9. Ponies going international?
      Slowly taking over the world?
      ...It was inevitable.

    10. 1: "I told her that they were a dangerous troop/gang!"

      2: "Yeah yeah yeah, I'm going to call in 'The calvary!'"

      Panels: Various ways of calling "help"

      3: "I don't remember if I told him I was on vacation," Something happy to himself, not sure.

      My spanish is two years rusty, hurrr.

    11. jajajaja xD OMG I cant belevie the Cerdotado also liked ponies xD
      ok a really bad translation goes likes this:
      -"I told you they where a really dangerous gang commander"
      -"Yes yes yes(more like a "i know") I´m going to call the cavalry(reinforcements)"
      -"Emergency calling to the Cerdotado"
      -"I dont remember if I told the commander that I would take some vacations... O well doesn't matter"

      The comic is because rigth now here in mexico we are in vacations. ^^
      (hope the bad translations are good for you =D)

    12. guess I was a little slow =P
      now I have to go and buy a newspaper...

    13. -"I told you they were a very dangerous band, Tommandant"(Yes, Tommandant, no commandant, somethig to do with tomatos, I think))
      -"Yeah, yeah!I'm gonna call the 'calvary'"
      -"Calling Pigest, emergency!" (It's not called exactly like that but you get the idea)
      -"The hit men are attacking! Help us!"
      -"I can't remember if I told the Tommandant I went on a vacation. Well, whatever!"

      That's it more or less. Not much to do with ponies.

    14. Aside from the awesome reference in the first panel, this comic barely differs from the ones state-side.

      Something about the humor in most newspaper comics just annoys me. It's like the artists think their readers are idiots, so each comic is made under the assumed obligation that each and every stupid joke has to be painstakingly set up and explained.

      I'm glad that a majority of web-comic artists don't seem to be struggling with that.

    15. >mfw struggling with my old spanish to produce a decent translation, and then... everywhere...

    16. Hahaha ... If I had known edition of the Milenio newspaper that came out this comic, I would have bought.

      The ponies now more present in the Mexican newspapers.

    17. >ponies ratatatat-ing the Mexican government

      It's obvious they're a band of cartels sent to deliver a massive shipment of the new drug called "Pinkie Pie".

      If they can't push back the opposition, they'll have to secretly send Agent Muffins across to make sure the delivery goes through.

      ~Display Name

    18. deviantart page:

    19. Maybe if it was in English, a REAL language, I would care.

    20. oh no! a parasprite!

    21. Soon...

      Mi pequeño Pony: La amistad es mágica

      It will be awesome!

    22. Read the diff translation twice, didn't get the joke.

      Oh well...

    23. Being Spanish my first language, I don't get the joke. Anyway, it's probably because I'd have to follow the comic from the beginning (to know the characters and all that).

      But most importantly; MLP FiM on a newspaper? And a Mexican newspaper, knowing that for now the only version of the show is in English? AWESOME

    24. I can read Spanish well enough to get the gist of it (more or less).... *giggles*

    25. Ok I read the translations.

      I still don't get it.

    26. @Ewyndall Not much to get. Even with Spanish as first language and a decent understanding on the context, there is no joke. Is like reading VGCats.

    27. Holy cow, *runs off to buy newspaper*
      please tell me this is on today's paper...

    28. The main character in the strip is called "El Cerdotado" he started as a college project like 25-something years ago, he's been published in the newspaper for 12 years I guess. Basically he's a pig with all the powers of Superman but he's corrupted and lazy because ..... he's a pig. Anyway this strip deals with the fact that he's on vacation leaving the police alone against the ponies.

    29. ok epic that ponys made a comic but

      1 the joke is lame like all newspaper comic strips jokes

      2the ponys seem pointless you could literally have the exact same comic strip do the exact same joke but replace the ponys with bandits or drug dealers or something and if the reader hadn't seen this they wouldn't even know it was edited

      3wtf why make ponys fight the mexican government what happend to love and friendship?

      all that said it makes me happy that ponys are spreading especially if it spreads to a new medium of converting new bronys that wouldn't otherwise learn about the show

    30. Now that my faulty Spanish has been backed up by the numerous translations, I have to say... I don't get it. Why are there ponies? I get the idea of Pinkie Pie fucking with reality, but Twilight? And is that supposed to be Fluttershy on the car? *facehoof*

    31. @ToonNinja

      They are Hired Mercenaries. They were hired to kill Ponies but as you can see this isn't really working out.

    32. Does anypony know what day the comic was in the newspaper? IF it was in the newspaper? I wanna go out and buy it right now.

    33. It's today edition. April 19th

    34. @Anonymous

      Para todos mis bronys:
      Este comic fue publicado el dia de hoy, 19 de abril, acabo de comprar el periodico Milenio y les puedo confirmar que sale en la edicion de hoy, en la seccion de "Servicios y Pasatiempos", corran al puesto de periodico, Sanborns, Walmart lo que sea, mas cercano y con suerte aun lo alcanzan (son las 5:13PM)Suerte a todos, y alguien porfavor mandele rosas al tio este que lo dibujó.

      To everypony else,
      Don't mind me, just giving the heads up for my mexican bronys regarding this paper.

      God I love this community.

    35. Hello everypony! Just went out to get the newspaper.. it's there! I'm really happy :D

    36. Commander: "Call in the cavalry!"
      Twilight: "We ARE the cavalry."

    37. Wow, First time comment here, i mexican and as you can see, my english is bad but understandable, the comic in a newspapers mexican never expected but made me laught :) The ponies rulez the world,

      and a notice

      i uploaded the episodes with subtitles in spanish in my youtube´s channel and uploaded in Mediafire,for bronies in latin america and europe :D

      my channel: www.youtube.com/juanpanda

      episodes subtitles in mediafire: www.mediafire.com/mlpjuanpanda

    38. Translation:

      "Poneis are attacking Monterrey City, N.L."

      -Told'ya it's a dangerous gang "Drunkmander"*!
      -Yes, yes, yes! I'm gonna call the "cavalry"

      -Calling Cerdotado!Emergency!

      - We are attacked by a group of assassins/mercenary group! Help us!

      -Help us!





      -Mmm.. I don't remember if I told the "Drunkmander"* that I was planning to go out on vacations! Bleh! Who cares?

      *Drunkmander is a mix of 2 words: Drunk + Commander



    40. Don't try to understand the comic, since for us mexicans it doesn't make sense sometimes (even it was banned from a well-known newspaper in Guadalajara, my hometown).

      Polo Jasso (the creator of Cerdotado and a well-known comic artist in our country) just wanted to jump into the Pony bandwagon, using the ponies as a methaporical example of drug cartels fighting against law like bronies fighting against parasprites. It's kinda forced and it doesn't work as well as I liked, but he's good getting famous personalities and characters into his own world, even giving them some odd personality traits.

      As for the person implying Spanish is not a real language, got some news: Spanish is the second most spoken language in the world (first is mandarin chinese) and Mexico is the country with the most spanish language speakers. Así que mejor bájale de huevos cabrón, si no quieres unas patadas en tu cutie mark...

    41. @Bunnyfriend "Así que mejor bájale de huevos cabrón, si no quieres unas patadas en tu cutie mark... "

      Ah, ha ha ha ha ha! I understood that perfectly! Funny! X-D

    42. This seems WAY funnier than the syndicated stuff we have in U.S. Newspaper Comics these days.

      You'd never see a mercenary battle for one.

      Luckily, all the smart US Comic folk are on the web now.

    43. @Starbuck

      He´s a mexican cartoonist from Monterrey who has a comic strip called "El Cerdotado", a sort of Orson-like pig who parodies supeheros and everyday mishaps.

    44. @AnGeLrOkA Gracias, aunque más que un Internet prefiero un peluche de Spike <3

    45. @Bunnyfriend
      Thanks, but I'd rather have a Spike plushie <3

    46. Pig-ingfitted = CerDotado

      I said it was an extremely dangerous Poni-gang

      so is, I'll call in the cavalry

      emergency calling Pig-ingfitted!

      some gunmen attacked us!!



      I do not remember if I told the commissioner that I was going to vacation?, well who cares!!

    47. @Bitbrony

      Just to let all know, the part where the character says: "ya voy a llamar a 'la caballería!'" (I am calling the cavalry!") is also a joke. In Spanish the word for horse, as you sure know, is "caballo"... so... since the criminals are cute little ponies/horses... : D Just wanted to make it clear, in case you did not notice it. By the way, read this http://polo-jasso.deviantart.com/journal/40004116/
      It is a comment by the Cerdotado author. Some of you may also translate it into Spanish, but the remarkable thing Polo-Jasso said was the fact he did not used ponies in his comic strip by any special reason. He did it and that was it. Actually, he had another opcion: care bears ^^U He choosed My little Pony.
      Hope this little comment helps : D

    48. @Bunnyfriend Yeah, I agree the ponies/drug cartel metaphor seems kinda forced. I wonder If the cartoonist is portraying the Zetas cartel. As you may know, one of their logos is a horse.

    49. death to the ponies!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    50. Well, is a well-known fact that english is a "idiotproof" language... even the U.S. people can speak it!

    51. @ratinha Dey

      So, "Tomander" is a Spanish pun on the words for "drunk" and "commander"?

      No wonder this strip is so hard to translate.

    52. Cerdotado is a pun between 'cerdo' spanish for pig, 'dotado' spanish for gifted and 'cer' is a pun for 'ser', spanish for 'being'. So, Cerdotado's name stands for 'gifted pig being'. Pretty cool huh?

      Also, tomandante stands for spanish verb 'tomar' which is used when referencing drinking (alcohol) and commander.

      By the way, read the author's journal in Deviant Art (huge fan of his work here) and he says that the purpose of including the ponys in the strip, aside from being a brony himself, is the WTF factor (most people in Mexico still doesn't know MLPFIM exists). Hope that helps :D

    53. @Moonlight nothing to do with tomatoes, it is a word play in spanish, from "tomar" that means "to drink" (in this context) and "comandante" meaning commandant, meaning that he is the commandant but also that he likes to drink (alcoholic beverages) very much.

    54. @Anonymous Why do all north-americans believe the world spins around north-americanness? Being a native english speaker doesn't make your language a REAL one.

    55. The point of if was to portray something ridiculously inoffensive as ferocious adversaries to our police officers, it could have been ponies, or as well as it might have been care bears. They are having a tough time because they are incompetent and because the Cerdotado hadn't tell them he went on vacations.

      Don't try so hard to find explanations to everything, just enjoy.

    56. si no la controlan no la fumen.....
      es solo un chiste sin sentido y como tal debe ser tomado, un momento gracioso y listo no se que tiene de malo no plagia derechos de autor ni nada por el estilo

      tiene que recordar que los que hacen pendejadas y media para burlarce del mundo son ustedes gringos son racistas sin sentido y hacen menos a cuaquiera que sea mejor

      It was just a comic strip making fun of the war against narcotrafic nothing more nothing less.
      And for the sore looser who says Spanish is not a language, man im so sorry, it must suck being like you, poor little bastard T_T.

    58. This is wrong, if i was Lauren Faust or Hasbro i would totally ask for them to remove it. Not only pictures ponies like drug lords, but also Moneros always sells that stuff at a very very high price.
      Good that its not an interesting comic and its boring, but if he draws again something like that ponies could be in troubles, since Monres is known to steal charatcers from other sources.
      Maybe well have "MY little ponitos drug lords in Mexico" in his comics or something like that not related to MLP directly but a bad joke could be.

    59. Cerdotado is a very famous series of comics published commonly in the Monterrey city newspaper, and i do not would ask to remove them if i was Faust or Hasbro, its only a tiny tiny comic.

    60. WOOOAH! I saw that on the newspaper. Im from mexico ^-^. Back when i saw this, i wasnt a brony or i didnt even knew about the show. Yep, Mileno is 20% more cooler. Cheers from mexico! :D


    61. ¿Ponys Zetas? ¿Qué chingados?

    62. @adanfime
      Eeyup, that day Milenio have to re-do an edition of the same newspapers just to cover the growind demand of ponies en México... y aun así yo no consegui uno... me entere mucho despúes T_T

    63. @Moonlight

      Tomandante in this case is used as a pun of the words "comandante" = commander, and "tomar" = booze up

    64. Don't take it too seriously: The Cerdotado is an anti-hero that doesn't have the values to be a hero, yet doesn't have the willpower to be a decent villain. The author picked ponies as just a random villain.
