• Masterlinkx Pony Channel Shut Down...Again

    It's most likely the work of trolls, but once again, Masterlinkx's Youtube channel has been terminated for copyright infringement. 

    You all may remember when it was shut down before, but eventually reinstated.  Hopefully Youtube does something about it. 

    I don't think this is any reason to panic.  Thankfully no other pony channel has been terminated.  I think Hasbro knows how much of an impact Youtube has had on the success of this show.  They would be absolutely crazy to crack down on it considering 70% of us don't have the Hub. 

    76 kommentaari:

    1. Gotta love trolls.

    2. Will it ever stop!!!!! (also it looks like another blow to the Hitler brony!)

    3. Haters gonna HATE

    4. I don't think Hasbro wants their logo on objectional pony stuff, such as Hitler brony and Masterlinkx "illegal" video.

    5. Guys, it's not coming back, and it's not the work of trolls.

      Hasbro is fine with rips of the broadcasts going up online, but Masterlinkx has been using the iTunes episodes as his source files, and that's a big no no. And if he doesn't cut it out, you probably WILL see Hasbro start cracking down on all the other uploaders.

    6. Parasprites gonna parasprite.
      /subscribes to different pony channel

    7. Lets wait few days and hes back again. And then banned and then back again!

    8. ...uh, it doesn't look like it's down. I'm watching right now. A good number of episodes are still up.

    9. This is the work of trolls.

      Is it really this easy for ANYONE to make such claims and get someone shut down?

      YouTube needs to get it together.

    10. it's not trolls guys. How would you feel if you made something and people refused to pay for it?

      I'm surprised it took THIS long for them to take it down again.

      Spend some MONEY. Support this show FINANCIALLY that's how this works.

    11. @Anonymous

      You must be looking at MASTERLINKX, the alternate account.

      The one in question here is MAST3RLINKX, with a 3 instead of an E.

    12. The show is mainly supported by the toys.
      ALso I would buy a DVD of the original english Season 1.

      How high are the chances, that they sell them in Austria, where I live :D

    13. this seems to happen every 2-3 weeks

    14. @Anonymous Lauren and the team are funded through Hasbro's merchandise sales. Apple takes upwards of 90% on iTunes sales.

      Don't bother. Want to support the show? Spread the word and buy toys. "Spread the word" includes sharing the episodes, of course. There's plenty of good people for that.

      Also better link to recent one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4RBCk0xDnxk

    15. @Anonymous

      Except there are no DVD's out yet and there are no show designed pony toys, so there's no way to support the show.

    16. Bridle Gossip & Stare Master we're the videos flagged.

      Everything will be back by May 16th the latest.

    17. @Anonymous That'd be silly. My Little Pony, Transformers, and lots of other things have been around for ages: you really think they were all that wholesome and legal all this time?..

      Seeing how FIM team were sent directly to 4chan by their supervisors when the show first came out, I think they know their strategies at least a bit.

    18. So his channel exploded... then... then it EXPLODED AGAIN?!

    19. I could totally see them trying to pull down the high def videos and leaving the standard ones up there. They thinking they're loosing out on future profits. I really hope they realize there are fans out there who would buy the season 1 box set six times if they released versions with one of the mane cast ponies on each one.

    20. @Anonymous

      It's ok everypony, I got this one.

      The mlp franchise makes its money from the merch. The show does not and has never made hasbro dollars.

      Parasprites took the channel down a few weeks ago, and it was reinstated not long after. This is likely what is happening now.

      For many of us, 'the hub' is not something we get or can purchase. There is no dvd available to buy.

      Hasbro puts each episode up for download, for free, on their website shortly after airing.

      The entire Bronie movement has flourished due to the availability of the episodes on youtube. Bronies make up a large percent of the show's audience, and as such are a large percent of the consumers buying the merch. You need only look at the /merch/ board on ponychan to confirm that yes, grown men are buying little girl pony toys.

      Consider these points before getting up on your anti-piracy soapbox in the future.

      Tolerance and Friendship

    21. probably a bunch of his old nintendo fans trying to get the pony vids down

    22. Kill me, I'm a PONY29. aprill 2011, kell 15:42



      ...hopefully not...

    23. i have enter a secons a go and is not shut down

    24. Cody MacArthur Fett29. aprill 2011, kell 15:47

      You know, I'm surprised Hasbro hasn't gotten their Hub channel on YouTube to start posting full length MLP episodes. They'd get the ad revenue from people watching the show, and we'd get a source of MLP videos that can't be taken down in the process. Sounds like a win-win for everyone . . . Well, almost everyone, I doubt the trolls will be happy.

    25. The troll has to be a disgruntled MASTERLINKX fan from before MLX became a brony, I just know it. The "fan" (I use that term very loosely) doesn't want to accept love, tolerance and ponies, so he's trying to put down the false Ban-Hammer on MLX for whatever messed-up reason he has swimming through his anti-pony head.

      *sigh* Even so, being a brony means tolerating and loving the SHIT out of everypony, even if they act like total dicks.

    26. @Floofy H9 times if they make copys with the mane cast and one with Spike, one with Derpy and one with Angle.

    27. The claim is perfectly identical to the fraudulent precedent. Nothing whatsoever suggests consideration for the possibility of a coincidence.


      Ah, see you guys? It's just trolls failing at trolling again. All that has to be done is to file a counter notice. Besides, it does say "3rd party" notifications and Hasbro is not a 3rd party.

    29. Parasprites gonna parasprite.

    30. @Anonymous Im afraid you are incorect all of MAST3RLINX's videos are rips from the hub.

    31. @Cody MacArthur Fett
      Bah, trolls are never happy. They're just perpetually angry, with a hint of envy and even a little ignorance thrown in.

      Full Pony episodes that they can't remove would merely be an inconvenience for them. But it would cause them to move onto another, easier target, at least for a while.

    32. I have to admit, it sounds to me like Anonymous #5 may have a point. But really, who knows?

    33. @Anonymous If that was the case they would have to take down all the Transformers Material under the same category

    34. Eh, I don't really use his channel much, though the YTP was funny. I've taken to downloading all the episodes to rewatch them so eh.

    35. Yea, it should obviously be the work of trolls. I mean, it's thanks to the internet that FiM has become so popular -- And guess where most of the internet watches it?

      Plus, they just sold the sketches for a combined fee of over $15,000. Sure, it went to Japan, but surely this shows that people would be interested in other merchandise as well...

    36. @Ebon Topaz

      >And guess where most of the internet watches it?

      Um... at their local drive-in theater?

    37. I wanna know who this "Hasbro" is so I can love and tolerate the shit out of him.

    38. @Sandman

      And give them a joy ride with RD. Get her to sonic rainboom and do 90 degree turns, it'll be fun!

    39. 1st time : OH NOOO!!!!!!
      2nd time : NOT AGAIN
      3rd time : Banned again?... oh nooo...

    40. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q61a2vgzaC0

    41. Gosh, I didn't realize how lucky I was to have the Hub (in glorious HD!). Anyhow, this comes to mind:

    42. pardon my language but, holy fuck not again!

      Well, still loading this weeks ep. Fought too much with it to junk it now.

    43. Celestia-loving mother-toleraters!
      I'm sorry, but I'm so frustrated I could just scream!

      At least there's other folks uploading HQ versions. Sigh. Maybe Masterlinkx needs to change his username to shake these parasprites.

    44. I have no qualms about watching it online where ever I can, but I also intend to buy the DVDs when they're available.

    45. Maybe some of you colts are too young to remember a time before the internet when you HAD to pay for stuff.

    46. I may love and tolerate the shit out of people, but I can also beat the shit out of people too.

    47. @Anonymous I'm up for pulling a Jay and Silent Bob if you are.

    48. I dont know if it is work of the trolls but i can tell a lot of bronies are Pissed off because of (including me). Honestly i can see why it was taken down, but this is the internet we need stuff to keep us entertained.


      Are you going to file a counter-DMCA claim? You should if you have not already. I have a strong feeling it's not HASBRO doing this. Anyone stating otherwise is likely a troll trying to discourage you from posting ponies.

    50. @Anonymous

      "Maybe some of you colts are too young to remember a time before the internet when you HAD to pay for stuff."

      Oh no worries. I plan to buy a dvd as soon as one is available for purchase. In the meantime, GIVE ME PONIES OR GIVE ME DEATH

    51. No way I'd ever buy the show from iTunes. I don't do business with Apple. I doubt Hasbro sees much of the iTunes money either. No, it doesn't justify "stealing", but I'd be far more inclined to pay for the show if it didn't come with washed out colors in proprietary format from a shady vendor.

    52. Hitler WONT be pleased.

    53. Not only do most of us not have the Hub, the ones who do most likely aren't home when they're playing pony episodes. Just some silly parasprites, guys. No need to panic.

    54. @Anonymous

      I couldn't help it I had to reply to this. I know it's been said a thousand times but I'll say it again.
      The show mainly serves as a toy commercial. By sharing the episodes on sites like YouTube you are advertising the toys. It's free advertisement and you're doing Hasbro a huge favour.
      If they know what's good for their business they won't touch the YouTube uploads.

    55. There is kind of a way to get all the episodes posted on one channel and make it more difficult for the site admins to shut it down. Each episode would need its own youtube channel that has only the video for that one episode or part of it. There then needs to be another channel that favorites all the videos from each channel, compiling them in one place. So this would let a compilation of all the episodes to exist on youtube and be more difficult to shut down completely.

    56. @Anonymous I've always thought that strategy was stupid no offense

    57. This is really starting to irk me. YouTube is the only place I can get my hourly dosage of Pony, for a few reasons.

      1. I absolutely refuse to endorse Apple. Apple products and Apple accessories are my least favorite things in the entire world (hell, I even dislike anything with a lowercase "i" in its name, whether it's made by Apple or not). My apologies to Applejack, who happens to make her living off of the selling of apples.

      2. My internet is so crappy I can't download 1080p episodes unless I wait four hours for it to finish. Literally the cheapest internet plan available from Verizon. You have no idea the slow-paced hell I have to go through on a day to day basis.

      3. There is no DVD set available as of yet.

      4. I, like 95% of everypony else on this blog, don't have access to the Hub channel, nor will I ever have access to the Hub channel.

      MASTERLINKX and other bronies who post MLP episodes on YouTube are my only way of watching MLP:FiM. Without them, my life would surely wither away to nothing.

      tl;dr TROLL GENOCIDE

    58. You know what else is stupid about this? The fact that apparently 3 different "Hasbro"s filed complaints. Just like last time. Yeah, I'm pretty sure Hasbro would only file a single complaint and not 3 separate ones using their name for each one.

      Obvious troll is obvious.

      Nevermind that Masterlinkx is the only to get hit by this claim...again. None of the other HD pony channels are down, so yeah.

    59. Goddamnit. I watched Cupcakes Around the World more times than all the episodes combined, and now it's gone. ishouldhavedownloadedthemp3.txt

    60. @Rainbow Derp Truer words were never spoken. I myself have the HUB, (one of the few Bronys who do apparently) but I am rarely home on Fridays when the new episodes come on. I watch the show whenever I can but it was always nice to know I could go to Masterlinkx to catch up on what I missed even before the HUB updates it's site.

    61. @AnonymousOh is ~that~ why they look so good? Well my love to the Master all the same, Keep fighting the good fight!

    62. There is another channel I have been relying on. They have almost all the episodes in BEAUTIFUL 1080p, and in one complete video rather than 2 chopped up. The only downside is it sometimes takes this brony a little long to get the episode up (usually between Mon. and Wed. following a new episode). Nevertheless, this channel has never been hit by Hasbro (as far as I have seen), and is probably our next best option. Channel name: angrytigerP Link: http://www.youtube.com/user/angrytigerP

    63. Why does everypony seem to assume it's trolls? I mean, it isn't like Masterlinkx ISN'T blatantly stealing a corporations intellectual property. Maybe Hasbro simply wanted to set an example by taking down the largest supplier? Secondly, why are you all ANGRY about it? He is breaking the rules, and it is only by Hasbro's general lack of shit-giving that any episodes are on Youtube at all.

    64. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6zkMY6BZSIw


    65. @Vaitin

      Hey, where are the others Hd pony channels? The one of MLX was the only one i knowed about.
      I would appreciate a link.
      Thx brony.

    66. @Anonymous
      I put a link in my previous comment for another 1080p channel (angrytigerP)

    67. I miss Cupcakes around the world ;-;

      Should have saved it to my goddamn HD

      Maybe he could reupload it to somewhere else o.o

    68. To the trolls saying that you have to pay for stuff because it shouldn't be free, I'd like to let you know that the show is not actually available in iTunes for anyone outside the states. It definitely doesn't show up in the Canadian store that's for sure. If there's a DVD or Blu-Ray that comes out for it, I'll be the first in line to buy. I've already purchased the toys and therefore have legitimately contributed to their funds. So therefore, don't be such a dick about people watching the show on youtube because if it wasn't for stuff like that, I would probably never have bought anything My Little Pony related.

    69. @ 5:16 Anonymous:

      LOL! Speaking of remembering a time before the web and getting stuff for free, I remember borrowing a ton of books from the library, I remember broadcast TV, especially commercial-free PBS, I still get commercial-free radio, I remember making cassette tapes of albums borrowed from friends and family, and I remember buying books for 2nd-hand shops. Hell, I remember when electronic calculators were all the rage. I still have my TI-30.

      Watching MLP:FIM on youtube is not free. You have to pay your ISP and you have to buy the hardware and software to do it.

      So, new century, same old story. 8^)

      You should read Neil Gaiman tell how people sharing his books in Russia for free created a new market for his works in Russia and thereby a new revenue stream. Radio works the same way: you get the music for free, but that just fuels demand for albums.

    70. funniest thing is, they spelled hasbro "habsro" i mean it said habsro 3 times. someone please arm the orbital rainbow cannon?

    71. @Anonymous

      If your looking for an active Group in Austria (meetups are in Vienna) join US! We are the "Eqaustrians"


