• Leathercraft Pony!

    I think we have seen ponies created out of just about every form of media now.

    And a quote from the artist on how it was built!
    "Leathercraft Pony is made from suede, so she has a nice cuddly texture. She is sewn together with a baseball stitch except for her feet, which use a more traditional leathercraft stitch. (I can't sew regular fabric to save my life)

    Her mane/tail is wool felting yarn, aka 'pencil yarn' which I needle-felted. It turned out pretty decent. Especially considering I taught myself how to do it 2 days ago. -_-' Still, I might use raw wool roving and revisit her mane sometime in the future."
    This is really impressive! You guys continue to amaze me.

    You can find the thread below on Ponychan!

    Leathercraft Pony

    21 kommentaari:

    1. "just about every form of media now."

      I'm still waiting for My Glassy Pony.

      But wait, I have no money! Yarharharhar~!!

    3. for serious, this fandom is amazing.

      I just like looking at this stuff. It's inspiring, may take up a few new hobbies myself to make awesome pony goods. since, you know, hasbro sucks and cant make their own licensed stuff worth shit.

      hmm... maybe I'll pick up woodcarving again, havent done that in a long time

    4. Uh wow - I'm, I'm speechless... MY work featured on Equestria Daily??? What can I say except - thanks everypony!!! ~Janice

    5. i need a cuddly pony :(

      i guess i better learn how to stitch...

    6. You really want to know what I think?

      The arm size is tight, the middy collar doesn't go with the shawl lapel, the hems are CLEARLY machine stitched, the pleats are uneven, the fabric looks like toile, you used a backstitch here when it clearly calls tor a topstitch or maybe a traditional blanket stitch, and the overall design is reminiscent of pret-a-porter and not true French haute couture.

      But...uh...you know...um...whatever you want to do is fine...

    7. @T DUDE:

      Oh sweet Celestia I thought you were actually ranting until I started reading the list.

      ...It's really hard to express laughter without emoticons.

    8. That pony looks amazing. Definitely my favorite of the homemade ones that I've seen.

    9. Sad that barely anything Hasbro has put out so far just doesn't compare to this.

    10. @Janice

      Hardly surprising, your work is amazingly detailed and professionally done! I love seeing things like this, they're so obviously labours of love.

    11. @Display Name

      Ya, he almost had me, too. :P At first I was like "Angry ranting on Equestria Daily? This must not be! D:" and then I was like "Ohhhhhh~. XC *facepalm*"


      That was well played.

    12. These ponies, man, they things they make people do.

      Very nice.

    13. damn! i was designing with just paper and imagination a simpler version of customizables pony papercrafts!! :( i have no purpose now.

    14. wait a second that is not made of paper..leather? i read wrong! niiice i will keep designing the papercrafts so.

    15. Leather--

      Dude, this fandom, man; it tires me out from all of the epic.

    16. Sooo...somepony does this for s***s and giggles, and comes up with a beautiful piece, and Hasbro can't make anything that looks remotely like anything from the show with their millions of dollars.
      Way to be on the ball, Hasbro.

    17. Wow, impressive :D

    18. I'm sorry, but I can't be the only one for whom "Leathercraft Pony" sounds like something that would require a private fitting session with Madame R.

    19. I'm sorry, but I can't be the only one for whom "Leathercraft Pony" sounds like something that would require a private fitting session with Madame R.

    20. @Escher

      I think you mean 'Leatherwork' ^^
