I finally talked Cereal into making another holiday banner, because after the luna/fluttershy ones, I'm burnt out and never want to use Photoshop again.
So he sends me this...
I guess It's Twilight Day!
Also The Twilight Sparkle Auction is currently breaking $5,400! Guess our favorite antisocial pony deserves this more than anypony else anyway!
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Best day of the year!
VastaKustutaI LOVE YOU GAIZ. I was just thinking about how awesome Twilight was and was about to look for more Twilight stuff.
VastaKustutaThat's not how you spell Pinkie!
VastaKustuta/secretly replaces it with a Rarity one
VastaKustutaOh hellz yeah. How do we celebrate?
VastaKustutaSo what to do with four million views? It's nearing...
VastaKustutaThat is cool.
VastaKustutaEverypony knows, that Twilight is second best pony ever ;)
"This makes no sense!"
VastaKustutaRead books. Read ALL the books.
And do science, maybe
Hooray for Twilight day! Muffins and books for all.
VastaKustutaTwilight Day? This is the best day EVER!
VastaKustutamaybe we can read 5 random Wikipedia articles (one for each cutie mark star) in an effort to become more well read?
VastaKustutaI love Twilight
VastaKustutaI can do science me?
How about everyone tries to come up with some corny but meaningful version of a dear Celestia letter by the end of the day.
VastaKustutaI like the way you think!
Dear Princess Celestia,
VastaKustutaI've learnt today, that mixing yoghurt with grilled sausage is not a good idea. I barfed, but quickly got well.
Your dearest student,
Fireant Sparkle.
Dear Princess Celestia,
VastaKustutaI've learned that staying up until 4AM trying to get work donnnnneezzzzzzzzzzzzz...
Loool did any one read the description on the auction one of the fields say style and she put in yes xD
VastaKustutaI love you Twilight Sparkle! LOOOOOVEEEE YOUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!
VastaKustutaDo I sound like a maniac yet? BECAUSE I AM!
I think I shall pick up the biggest thickest book in the house and try to read it as a way to celebrate such a glorious day!! On a side note man what I wouldn't give to have a bunch of cash to buy that pic.
VastaKustutayellow pages is pretty dry...
VastaKustutaDear princess Celestia,
Dear Princess Celestia,
VastaKustutaToday I learned that it's important to pace yourself and not worry about the ponies who race ahead at the start, for they will tire before the finish and you will be fresh enough to put in that final burst it takes to win.
Your faithfull student (and most valuable pony),
Twilight Sparkle
VastaKustutaMy two favorite ponies having their own day one after another? *inhales* Yay!
VastaKustutaDear princess Celestia,
VastaKustutaToday I learned that in a community of people or in any other social gathering there will always be people who wish to irritate and harass others. Despite done with good intentions, trying to identify the causes of the problems to weed them out tends to only result into even more dislike and unpleasantness. The best course to take in achieving the greateast amount of harmony is to simply increase the amount of love and friendship towards your companions.
Your faithfull student,
Twilight Sparkle
VastaKustutaNOW YOU KNOW! *rainbow*
Not just life, bubs, also the universe and everything.
VastaKustutaDear Princess Celestia,
Today I learned that my friends are not just in my head. I can go to the store, buy some, and now I have friends on my kitchen table as well.
Your faithful student,
Twilight Sparkle
Toilet Spankle...
VastaKustutamy least favorite pony.
VastaKustuta-Read books. Either read all the books you can get your hands on, or read the longest book possible (in my case, the Merriam-Webster 10th Edition something or other).
-Do science. If you lack the resources (or, more important, the knowledge) to do science without causing personal injury to yourself or others, simply begin singing "Still Alive" in the middle of a conversation with friends, or, better, business associates. The more ridiculous the situation, the better.
-Write a letter to your personal role model. This letter could be about anything, but bonus points are to be gained from beginning "Dear Princess (Name)," and then teaching them about the wonders of friendship, followed by "Your faithful student, (Your pony name)." If you have no pony name, get into the lab and make one for yourself!
-Adopt a pet dragon and then raise him to develop an unhealthy obsession with ponies, specifically fashionable ones.
Just a quick question... Is there any place we can check all the banners that've shown up in ED? Like the Google Doodles page?
VastaKustutaIf not I think it'd be a great thing to do!
@Display Name
I couldn't make any of the first three, however I achieved success with the fourth point. I called him BAERNABOG.
I'm assuming we have to wear purple today too. Good thing I have a few purple shirts around.
VastaKustutacue shitstorm
VastaKustutaI'm going to read the SHIT out of some books today.
The random person in the background of the third panel saying "Marry me Pinkie!"
VastaKustutaI smell RD.
VastaKustutaI agree with this.
VastaKustutaApril 28th is Twilight Sparkle Day.
VastaKustutaFor...no reason at all.
It's magic, she ain't gotta explain. ;p
VastaKustutaAm I the only one who can't figure out what the dark blue thing near Twi's right front hoof in the banner is? :B
VastaKustutaBEST DAY EVER.
VastaKustuta@StursIt's an ink bottle.
VastaKustutaDear Princess Celestia,
VastaKustutaToday I learned the importance of practicing safety when doing science. As it turns out, using a giant sub-woofer coated in multiple colors of paint is NOT a suitable way to replicate a sonic rainboom. Furthermore, aiming said sub-woofer at a rather large crystal ball for the soul purpose of "seeing what would happen" is not a good idea. It WILL result in shards of crystal covered in paint to shoot out in all directions.
Your multicolored and slightly cut, but still faithful student,
Naitra Venbrou
Dear Princess Celestia
VastaKustutaToday I learned that if you are killed, turned into a potato, partially eaten by a bird, and finally find your conscious only to delete it soon afterwords, it's important to know when to fold the cards and just let that little pain in the circits have her freedom. As long as she never comes back. It's what I'm counting on.
Your Faithful Student,
Genetic Lifeform and Disk Operating System
Dear Princess Celestia,
Your sincerly,
Derpy Hooves.
I'm planning on disucssing philosophy and religion (mostly along the lines of god existence, time travel, and some copenhagen interpretation if my friend gets on later) in celebration of Twilight Sparkle day. Or whatever this is.
She's going to beat everybody in the auctions? As she said-
Quoth Pinkie Pie: She's the all around best pony, pony.
VastaKustutaHah! I <3 Twilight.
VastaKustutaSo what are we suppose to do this holiday? =0
To do list today
VastaKustuta1) read a book
2) do some science
3) say: yesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyes
at least once
4) right a letter to princess Celestia about something i learned today
5) solve conflicts with organization and wisdom
Dear Princess Celestia,
VastaKustutaToday I learned that today is "Twilight Sparkle Day", which is awesome, because I have a variety of tasks to accomplish in the lab today, including editing a scientific paper. So in view of this, may I borrow your favorite student for twenty-four hours as my lab assistant? I promise to return her promptly and only slightly drunker than I received her (because everyone knows that the perfect reward for a good day of science is beer).
Warmest Regards,
Dr. OrbitalDeathRay
Dear Princess Celestia
VastaKustutatoday i learned that accepting one another is an important part of who we are as humans....er ponies. even though we may not always get along and start flame wars we should always stick to our most basic principles of common courtesy and niceness. i say a kitten today and read a book. Pinkie Pie rules.
Dear Princess Celestia
Dear Princess Celestia,
VastaKustutaToday I learned that, just because I really want something to happen, it doesn't mean that I'm going to get what I want. Today I tried telling my job that I didn't have to go in today because it was Twilight Sparkle day. Sadly, I still have to go to work, although they laughed hard enough at my words that they aren't going to hold it against me that I actually tried to get the day off for, their words certainly not mine, no good reason. So, if you have a couple of palace guards you could spare for a few hours to help me educate some ignorant masses, I would sure appreciate it.
Your faithful subject,
Laurence Brown
Dear Princess Celestia,
VastaKustutaI agree that making today Twilight Sparkle day was a great decision. But since she is the cutest, smartest, all around best pony, pony, and since this has been proven on eBay, I feel April should beTwilight Sparkle month.
Your dearest student,
I think it should be the TWILIGHT SPARKLE ETERNITY.
VastaKustuta"Astronomically awesome"
VastaKustutawe need a scootaloo day now and my life will be complete
VastaKustutadid i say scootaloo, i meant scootalove
there isnt enough scootalove even if it isnt technically "cannon"
VastaKustutaNumber 42, I see what you did there
Dear Princess Celestia,
VastaKustutaWhen you don't agree with somepony, it can be difficult to get along, let alone reach an agreement. But I've learned that even if you don't like or agree with how they are dealing with their concerns, everypony's concerns are still valid. If you can't discover an alternative way for them to satisfy those concerns, no amount of arguing will solve the problem.
Sometimes ponies will get upset about something without even realizing what is really bothering them, sometimes they get mad about something else and it puts them in a bad mood, but if you can uncover the root of what is really troubling them, you might just find a way to make everypony happy.
Your Faithful Student,
According to Twilight, they made her work on her own holiday.
VastaKustutaTara recorded three episodes yesterday and never once got cake.