• Hasbro Visits Project Merch

    For those of you who haven't been following Project: Merch, here is a quick rundown.

    A while back, Purple Tinker set up a huge survey to gather information on what kind of toys bronies would buy.  The goal was to ship it off to Hasbro/Hot topic and try to convince them that there is a market for more advanced pony toys. 

    While reviewing the logs, Purple Tinker ran into this!  Apparently Hasbro at least notices our existence! 

    It may be jumping the gun, but hopefully this brings some better toys for us in the future.  Nightmare Fuel Pinkie Pie needs to be rotated out already!

    51 kommentaari:

    1. Awesome! I really hope some good new merchandise comes out of this!

      If Hasbro is smart, they'll realize that we have more pocket money than little girls, so we'll be a viable market for them to tap!

    2. @Ceets and hopefully ship it to other countries we mexibronies here want some pony toys

    3. This is quite awesome. If Hasbro makes show accurate ponies... well dang, I'd buy them if they were up to fifteen dollars even, probably 20 if they were large enough.

    4. Next up: Dealing with overprice.

    5. I myself don't really care for toys, but official mlp hoodies would be freaking awesome! I know I'd buy one for every character!

    6. hopefully if it is a success they will ship it to other countries mexibronies here want show accurate pony toys

    7. I would absolutely get a Rainbow Dash and Luna toy. Maybe a hoodie too.

    8. @Anonymous
      >Implying we still won't pay for it even if they make the exact same toys with a better faces/manes if they weer 10 bucks or soemthing

      tbh I really just want a good plushie :X

    9. I just want some Trixie toys.

    10. They're be utterly stupid not to jump on this bandwagon, there's plenty of us, I mean I guess the BronyNation is at least 20,000+ going off just my own unique visitors, you make an exact replica toy for $20.00 USD, times 20k, that's an extra $400,000 in their pocket, small fries but money is money.

    11. I hope this means they are thinking about making some stuff for older fans. I for one wouldn't mind having a nice, show-accurate Twilight sparkle or Applejack, or perhaps a shirt (as long as the MLP connection wasn't too obvious).

    12. http://www.purpletinker.com/projectmerch/results/
      Here's a link to the site, in case anypony wants to see it who hasn't yet.

    13. I agree Anon.
      If the t-shirts were only obvious enough that bronies or people who watch the show would know then I'd totally wear them.

    14. Holy crap, that's awesome.

      I wonder if the auctions of Lauren's sketches have caught Hasbro's eye, too? I bet the going price on those things would have them salivating. Bronies seem to have some deep pockets. I don't know how you could work for a company and look at that without going, "...Oh."

    15. To protect the innocent, Purple Tinker, in her own reaction, has been replaced by Twilight Sparkle.

    16. @Phoe

      It only takes a few wealthy people competing for something they really want to drive an auction to stratospheric heights.

      That doesn't necessarily mean most bronies would pay $50 for Rainbow Dash pins, for example.

    17. @Zarkanorf
      I've known Purple Tinker personally since 1995. (we're both computer geeks and frequently chat about tech and such)

      Seeing a screenshot of one her UNIX shells made me do a double-take. :)

    18. @Phoe

      That's what started show-accurate Transformers as well as limited-edition models for other shows.

    19. @1:14 anon:

      You just took the words right out of my mouth.

      But then again, I'd probably buy pretty much anything Luna-related if it was good, and who WOULDN'T buy something Dash-related?

    20. If they released some Trixie merchandise, Hasbro's stock price would go up several percent on his purchases alone! :)

    21. @zorinlynxSethisto's purchases I mean. (silly is me)

    22. @DerpySquad
      That's assuming everyone buys them (they won't) also cost of manufacturing, like the materials, new molds, hiring more people etc. And it's not like Hasbro will get all of those $20. The actual store has to make money too.

    23. How hard is it for a company whose JOB is toy merchandizing to realize 20-something nerds usually have pretty good disposable incomes. Plenty of ppl spend cash on realistic figures of Transformers or Boba Fett or whatever, and bronies will spend similar money on well-made pony merch.

      Fruthermore, the market for Japanese character goods both in Japan and internationally shows that there are also a fair few people who will pay 70 odd dollars for really nice toys and 3 or 4 hundred dollars for really REALLY nice figurines.

      I will say right now, show-accurate mid-size Rarity (mai waifu) plushie using nice materials? I will happily pay over 200 dollars for it, srsly. Do the whole mane cast? Have my thousand dollars, and I'm not even joking.

    24. Accurate Fluttershy plushie Hasbro, make it happen.

    25. I want to be able to actually find MLP stuff that isn't kids cloths. I tried Meijers today because of the recent reports of Europonies being seen there, and there was nothing but Barbie and Littlest Pet Shop.

    26. @Anonymous

      Yeah maybe that's how you feel about it, but 200 dollars for a plushie? hey i'm not rich i can't even afford a PS3 o_O

    27. @Anonymous:

      What if this $200 Rarity plushie had KUNG-FU SEWING GRIP?

    28. @Display Name

      I still wouldn't be able to afford it ;-;

    29. I'd purchase plushes of the mane 6, the big plushes I mean.

      Maybe some shirts.

    30. @Display Name
      > kung-fu sewing grip
      > kung-fu sewing


    31. That doesn't necessarily mean that they've viewed it in an official capacity. It could just mean that a janitor that works at hasbro has checked it out during his lunch break. It could be anyone from their corporate network, not necessarily the people who could make any use of it.

    32. Rarityfag here: I know there is a range of ages and incomes here, which is why I tried to give an example range of products that sell well in other "fandoms".

      Basically- they could shift a huge load of quite-nice 20 dollar toys, a medium load of very-nice 80-dollar toys, and a smaller but significant amount of ridiculous 400-dollar super luxury collector type stuff, all of which would be worth their while if the Japanese market is anything to go by.

      At the moment they only offer the very cheapest end, and for some reason not show-accurate...which mystifies me (check out Japanese toys of Anime shows, even at the low end of the cost scale, to see that making reasonably show-accurate toys really isn't that hard).

      Thinking about super kung-fu-grip Rarity plushie now.....hhnnngggggg....throw in a selection of outfits for her to wear and...MY MONEY, TAKE IT

    33. You'd think Hasbro would friggen milk the hell out of this show on their own consent.
      Still, showing that the fanbase has probably quadrupled never hurts.

    34. Shit if they actually took this to heart and started making show accurate merch, I would not only buy things for myself, I'd buy them for my boyfriend's baby sister because she loves the shit out of MLP. DO THIS HASBRO AND MY EXPENDABLE INCOME IS YOURS.

    35. ..and financially-challenged anonypony: hang in there! I've been there too, it really sucks when you're tight for cash, but make the most of your skills, don't give up, and it'll get better.

    36. I hope to CELESTIA, that they will make better MLP toys. Branching out to an older market would be great! And if they had a accurate Rainbow Dash toy, I'd just DIE. If Hasbro doesn't see what a great opportunity this is, then they're not all too bright...

    37. I'd totally rock a Grey Derpy Hoodie or a Derpy Mail T shirt

    38. The filly Twilight .gif makes it even more better.

    39. I still want a plush Trixie that insults you when you hug her and then insults you for NOT hugging her.

    40. pacce: best idea ever.

    41. @Display Name You got it wrong. Applebloom has KUNG-FU ACTION SEWING while Rarity has KUNG-FU ACTION WHINING and COMPLAINING with KUNG-FU ACTION FASHION DESIGNING.

      @Pacce Do it. NOW!
      Even better would be if she could make insults about the other ponies by knowing they're there.

    42. HASBRO look here - if you don't take the ideas in this thread and make it real RIGHT NOW, then I'm afraid we can no longer be friends. No, I don't care how magic you are.

      Side note - I went down to the local Zellers last night (in the mall where I was anyways) on the off chance that they had any of the small 3" figures (w/ pet) that came out last year around this time. It must have been my lucky day because after 10 minutes of searching I FINALLY found Fluttershy, and it was the LAST ONE in the entire store.

      Now, I am a 24 year old man, and normally have no problem talking to girls - but I have to admit, I had a miniature panic attack when I lined up to pay for my purchase and saw that the employee operating the check-out was a 20-something girl. I knew that NOT buying Fluttershy was NOT an option, so almost subconsciously I started mentally making up lies about why I needed this, on the off chance that she asked.

      Thankfully I made it thru the check-out without being judged too harshly, and now my newly won prize is sitting on my nightstand! Woohoo!

      Moral of the story - this is what I would go thru all over again if Hasbro put out a new line of show-accurate merch! So, get to it Hasbro!

    43. @5:12 Anonymous

      And it would be so much worse when you did it simply because you'd have a trolley full of stuff cos Hasbro launched it all at once.

      Then again, I'd do it too.

    44. Keep in mind that they can't pump stuff out within a few weeks. Full-scale production takes MONTHS.

    45. A key thing to note here is that to alter the toys at all they need to potentially replace pretty expensive machinery.

      If they don't have an easy way to swap moulds or what not they may need to see pretty high potential for profit before they bother trying to approach the market.

      More likely they'll look into things that're easier to market first. Maybe shirts and stuff, and if they sell then we'll see fancier, quality pony models or something.

    46. I just want a decent-sized, show-accurate Sweetie Belle plushie. The day I get to cuddle Sweetie Belle is the day my life will be complete.

    47. I...highly doubt it


      they're so off target that they're hitting themselves

    48. For people who don't think this kind of thing is possible: check out these special edition "snow miku" figures made for a Japanese snow festival. Game-accurate, some insane levels of detail, posable, coloring and shading, 40 dollars. Plus t-shirts, mini-plushies and various other support items for between 10 and 150 dollars.


    49. 12:21 Anon that was one of the funniest things I've ever seen. Still chuckling as I write this!

      But yeah, I'd love some hoodies or jackets that are coloured thematically with the mane six. :D

    50. As some people have pointed out there is a long development process involved for toys and other merchandise. The toys we are seeing roll out now were in development for a long time before the show came out and became popular.

      As the show's popularity has only really skyrocketed within the past three to four months Hasbro hasn't had enough time to get items for us out on the market yet. They still have to design them, line up contracts with factories to make them, and make deals with distributors to sell the merchandise.

      Now if we don't start seeing better merchandise sometime during the summer or when season two is about to arrive then I think we can start wondering what the heck is wrong with Hasbro. Good to see that it looks like they may be doing some market research on us though!

    51. @Anonymous

      Research mesearch. Hell, all they have to do is google "Friendship is Magic" to discover there is a huge untapped market. And a very sizable portion of that new market is the venerable white male 18-35 demographic
