• A Guide to Life from Friendship is Magic!


    Life got you down? Spending too much time sitting on the internet with no ambition?  Luckily, our favorite pastel equines are here to give us some much needed advice on improving life in general!

    I found this over on ponychan and thought it was pretty cool.  Lets hear some success stories! 

    44 kommentaari:

    1. Cool. I'll be sure to read it when I'm feeling blue.

      Also, Spike is self-aware. He needs to be terminated before he learns too much...

    2. "Pinkie pie advice: Get high on sugar"... Well, I'm kind of diabetic, but sure, why not?


    4. Oh i remember this.
      The original appeared some 5 weeks ago.

    5. Fucking Spike...of course, that might be what he meant.

    6. Oh Spike. I thought you LIKED the Playpony section with Rarity.

      Also I agree with these. They all give good advice. (except Spike. Love me some well written ships)

    7. Oh, a re-formatted version of this.

      As aluzird said, been around a while. But this version is actually not an eyesore.

    8. >Well written ships
      HAHAHAHAHA... Oh wait, you're serious?

    9. lol everything is true except for spike. porn is awesome <3

    10. This reminds me of the time I got drunk and had an argument with Mr Rogers ghost.
      He won.

      Also, c'mon Spike, that pony porn makes some people REALLY happy.

    11. I think Spike needs to learn the magic of friendship with benefits.

    12. Hey Spike, you should take some of Fluttershy's advise, and shaddup

    13. @AnonymousThe most epic fanfic on this site happens to be a ship...

    14. Its not bad advice but its stuff we all ought to know already.

      Then again, never hurts to hear it again.

    15. Followed Pinkie's advice and tried to snort mustard.

      It didn't end well.


    16. Short, but concise, and covers all of the important points. Twilight Sparkle's advice is instinctive with me, but the rest I have to consciously remind myself now and again. I should print a copy for my wall.

    17. Well that was nice. I can take all of their advice to heart.

      Except Spikes.

      Screw you, I thought you wanted Rarity porn!

    18. For everyone against Spike's message:
      He's just trying to keep it all for himself.

    19. Wow. This is some pretty good stuff. I mean, people have been telling me this kind of stuff for years... But only when I'm hearing it from ponies am I actually motivated to do it. Is this weird?

      And as much as it might hurt me. I... actually kindda agree with Spike. They're ponies guys. Dirty thoughts about ponies are bad =(

      Humanized ponies however, I totally approve of.

    20. Hey folks, thanks for some of the comments thus far about the piece. The original file is bigger than what is featured here, though I will provide a MediaFire link for those who are interested in printing a higher quality.


      Come and add me on Facebook to show your support! Thanks a lot, everyone!

    21. I'm kinda in a tough time, so this really helps out.


    22. Honestly, speaking from the viewpoint of a brony, how the heck did an excellently produced cartoon show on the HUB produce such a large response? It made previously cranky, cussing, and heavily sexualized teenagers take up kindness, exercise, and academic study??? No. way.

    23. HAHA Spike just asked the impossible of the Internet.

      Other than that, I like seeing things like this, we all have our down times and everypony could always do for some improvement...I especially need to listen to Rainbow Dash, it certainly wouldn't hurt for me to get some exercise.

    24. Oh Spike, you'll understand when you're older.

      He's just a baby dragon, after all.

      Also, screw you Pinkie, parties are totally better with booze and weed.

      All in all, this is ridiculously wholesome. I approve.

    25. Here I was, feeling pretty shitty about my life, thinking that everything I did on the internet, including coming here to Equestria Daily, was a big time wasting mistake and I should be doing something productive. Then I come here and see this. And you know what? I feel so much better that I really am going to be more productive, but I don't need to give up ponies to do it.

      P.S. You are all crazy, Spike speaks the truth. All hail Spike, prophet of best advice.

    26. Sorry Spike, the internet won't listen.

    27. Thank you to whoever made this. Thank you so much.

    28. well, damn. Typed lotta of text and then internet error, all lost. But AJ commands me to be strong, so here we goes!

      TS is absolutely right. Quet with watching YTP and playing stupid games! Well, the second is already done thanks to accident with my videocard. No more stupid TF2 witch take me out life for almost 2 month.

      AJ, by precious pony! Must Obey. Deleted all whining in my DA journal. Fells better. Gonna be strong. Next time when feel like going to whining I should make some physical exercises.

      Pinkie. And now I feel sad, because lotta sugar causes a bad skin condition for me. (and skin condition is a reason why I am sometimes so Shy that I'm afraid to go out home). It's a hard thing to abandon one of the most awesome thing in the universe (sugar) but with it stuff doesn't roll. Also need a party. Have no party for so long time. Now I just should stomp my hoof and keep not eat things with sugar.

      RD, I'm OK with this. Like the gym and my bike. Have a Plan to make about 125 km without long stops in may. (long = more than 10 minutes) Love my bike, but It's getting old and need some repairing works and new stuff instead of old. Now off to go to the Gym!

      Thnak you \B\rony!

      And Spike, shut he flock up. I like pron. And I have not even started to draw it yet. No way I will not draw it. :trollface:

    29. I love it; in fact, I think I'll save it to my pony folder so I can meditate and act on it.(Good lord, I have a pony folder now thanks to FIM; Lauren, you magnificent bastard, I LOVE YOUR SHOW!!!!)

      I especially like Spike's advice the best.

    30. I'm all for Spike's advice. This show should remain innocent, to me that's a large part of it's charm.

    31. I like how 99% of these comments are either disagreeing with Spike, saying other people disagree with Spike, convincing Spike that he's a hypocrite, or getting mustardhigh with Pinkie Pie.

    32. IMPORTANT: take the adviceof these ponies.
      LESS IMPORTANT: weed and alcohol and drugs and sugar and mustard are all ok if you can moderate what you put in your body. Do those things around your life, don't live your life around those things.
      UNIMPORTANT but RELEVANT: people will masturbate to what fancies them, but it isn't like they are jizzing on your face. The fapping takes place in private, and whether or not you see the material someone masturbates to, if you don't like it, ignore it, and get on with your day. You have so much better things to do with your time than picture other people masturbating to ponies and pony afillyates.

    33. Sage advise indeed!

      I was struggling through a fairly low point in my life when a friend suggested I watch the show. The personalities of the characters, writing and humor won me over. The positive, uplifting message and general cuteness has done a lot to make my days brighter.

    34. Who ever wrote this, their heart was in the right place. However it just feels too much like propaganda to me, very presumptuous. My tendency was to analyze it and I ultimately rejected a lot of the message. Which is exactly what you should do, not absorb and regurgitate what your told, but do what feels right. I mean, where is that in there? "experience lots of things and then make your own conclusions", how about that? But don't take my word for it...

    35. @Spacepsy
      I c wat u did thar...

    36. I like it, but Spike's sections should have said "except Rarity porn" off to the side.

    37. Very good advice...I shall try to take it all to heart. Or, the majority with which I concur. I mean, I already follow...well, the entire left side of the page for the *most* part. Can always try harder to be better and live up to more, though.

      Funny thing is, I literally *heard* Spike saying his line there...and yet, I certainly have no issue with pony porn (I usually like it too ^~), and of course as everyone's said, one would expect him to love at least the Rarity pics...so while I could totally hear him making that request, I don't think he'd reeeeeeeally truly fully mean it...if ya know what I mean. xD

    38. Good stuff! I could actually "hear" each character saying each of their bits.

    39. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    40. @BlitzWing00 yeah I like how each panel is written in the same manner said character speaks. Very cool.

    41. Even thouhg this was around for awhile, Id prefer this version of the guide rather than that previous eyesore.

    42. @Display Name
      It's the Internet. Of course everypony's arguing about porn. That's how it works.

      And yeah, snorting mustard is a bitch. LEMON JUICE, on the other hand...

    43. I already read that one, but I love it. Is 100% true.

      And Spike is right, too... Stop the pony (and every other animal) porn, guys!!!!

    44. Silly Anon, the pr0n can't be stopped. I haven't seen any and don't really plan to (I know i'd ike it though =/ ) I just don't want to kill all the innocence in my life.
