• Giggle at the Ghostly Mix!

    Because remixing these songs never gets old.

    26 kommentaari:

    1. Awesome, love this remix.

      My favorite line from that song is 'Pinkie, ya gotta stand up tall'. IDK, it just resonates with me somehow.

    2. umph umph umph umph umph umph
      ts ts ts ts ts ts


    3. I never liked eurobeat remixes.
      But this...



    4. This is awesome.

      Now we need some pony dubstep.

    5. awwww yeah, I submitted this to ED last night.

    6. It was really good, aside from some of the odd vocal cuts.
      At the beginning, I thought it was just gonna be a 'crank up the bass a bunch, done!' but then it really started up and it was glorious.

    7. My daily head-bobbing quota has been satisfied.

    8. This is more like 'Get down with the Ghostly'! Very cool!

    9. @Grez

      Same here. At first I was like "wait, it's just a boring beat over the song?" and then the awesome started. Giggle At The Ghostly is the best song in the show for remixes.

    10. First the Super Ponybeat now this. I'm just amazed at how awesome musicians we have here! Keep up the good work!

    11. The ending was awesome!

    12. Finally, a song with lyrics I can listen to without shame!

      >implying I feel shame when I sing the lyrics as loud as I can anyway.

    13. it was pretty "meh" in the beginning, but it grew on me by the halfway mark.

    14. Absolute quality! Haha I'm loving this stuff XD

    15. Wow, awesome remix! I'm impressed. :)

    16. @Sir Leadhead

      That's my favorite line too, definitely. I'm not sure what it is about it; it's just got this kind of epic, determined vibe about it that really hits a deeper part of me.

    17. I love how MLP somehow brings out the best stuff. It has quite possibly THE best implementation of Guile's Theme (w/ Sonic Rainboom), the second amazing Sparta Remix (w/ Fluttershy Scream, second after TF2), and the funniest use of Moonbase Alpha that at least I've seen.

      And now, this unexpected gem.

    18. seriously these guys who keep making remixes need a place to put them up for download.

    19. @Anonymous

      This. I think all Eurobeat Brony's stuff is awesome, but I'm just not a big Eurobeat fan. This however, has earned a spot on my iPod. Also, I demand more like this. For great justice!

    20. I'm a fan of Eurobeat but not that crazy about Eurobeat Pony's stuff because it doesn't include lyrics.

    21. 13yo sister: the volume is too loud! My ears are hurting, but I can't stop listening, its so good!
      me: it's really good.
      brb, showing all 21 episodes of ponies to a family member actually inside the marketed age group.

    22. I disapprove such remixes. They are dumb. I really like electronic music, especially trance music. But this one is not very original. Everyone can put these baselines under every song and call them "remixes". The remixes by eurobeat bronie are far more creative. For that reason I prefer eurobeat bronie's although they are not my flavor. The 8bit interpetations by RainbowCrash88 are in my opinion far more superior because of the challenge to create a faithful gameboy sound.

    23. Now with 20% more OONTZ OONTZ OONTZ.

    24. I could listen to the chorus of this one all damn day.

      And as a matter of fact, I am.


    25. @Anonymous

      Kinda thought the same thing to begin with, but as I listened through the whole thing, it started to grow on me.

      I found because it wasn't trying to be too elaborate, it meshed well with the vocals without being too 'euro-ized', like the winter wrap up one suffered from. Then again, it's all subjective, of course...
