• Giant In the Playground Pony Week

    The guys over at the Giant in the Playground Forums Hold a vote every few weeks that assign what avatars everyone will use.  This week just happened to be ponies!  And look at the monster they have created...

    Yes, that is 130+ Pony avatars.

    And they are still producing them.

    I was told I could invite you guys to join in the festivities and request a pony avatar of your own!

    Just hit up the forum post below!

    Ponytar Thread

    (Note: They don't have the best forum server ever.  If you get a 503 error, please don't spam refresh, it makes it worst!)


    1. The order of the stick cast in pony form.... life just got a little more complete

    2. Bottom row near the far left: I freaking love that lawyer unicorn... and doctor McNinjapony

    3. The best one is the Pinkie one at the top-left.

      Oooo, words!

    4. myomy so many OC ponies.

      Also, worth checking out the link just for the reference to the "how to draw pony" tutorials in the OP. Those were amazing, educational, and hilarious at the same time!

    5. Cool and all, but I already have one ^^

    6. Dr. McNinja Pony on the left made my day.

    7. Mine is the Kyon-pony. I loves it so much.

    8. Derpy is not playing right!

      Do it like Waldo or Carmen Sandiego Derpy!

    9. How is this possible?

      I just can't imagine why/how so many....men ( and these are obviously men ) are getting obsessed with ..MY LITTLE FREAKIN PONY.

      T'aint natural I tells ya.

    10. I spot DJ P0N-3 AND Derpy!

    11. On one hand, this is awesome. On the other hand, the GitP forum servers have never been that strong... And the ~2000 of us (based off poll responses, I'm sure there's a more accurate reading) going there at once is likely to overload them.

    12. Hah, I see my avatar of me riding Derpy Hooves


    13. @Anonymous

      ...drat. An excellent point. I've asked sethisto to pull the thread link, and anyone else looking to put a request in should hold off until we figure out somewhere better to take them; probably a chan thread.

    14. Mien Gott! AlterForm! What have you done!

      *braces for the tidal wave of requests.....

    15. By the way, here's GitP pony discussion thread, if someone wants to discuss in a new community:



    16. I almost cried tears of joy when I saw the OotS cast as ponies. Figures the GiantITP community would have a brony following, since OotS has such a fantastic storyline, it would make sense that they'd like MLP as well.

    17. @Shady Pony

      Hey, the GitP crowd has been connected to this place for way longer than you realize. Fanfiction, art, a certain legendary project to hand out free muffins and get people sing the Evil Enchantress song... all sorts of stuff has filtered in here from there.

      It's like Pinkie Pie. Don't forget to check your mirrors...

    18. >tons of unicorn pegasus OC
      >furry furfag fursona bullshit
      >blogbrony should add greentext to blog

      fuck this shit

    19. The week has technically ended, but we are totally still making ponytars. Heck, mine is still up as my active avatar. ;p

    20. They're so awesome! I asked two hours ago, and I already have my new avatar! :D

    21. >OOTS as ponies

      That's great. I lol'd with the Nale pony.

    22. @Anonymous

      Nah, considerin' the split seems to be 6:4 colts and fillies, it's not nearly as bad as you'd think.
      Now us mention are a touch more prolific, but I blame that on timing.

    23. In case anyone stumbles upon this still, we will still be taking requests at the linked thread above. Response wasn't as terribly server-crushing as I had feared (note to self: learn from Twilight re: panicking), so the only hitch will be avatarists finding time to handle all the new requests. Please be patient with us, we will get to you eventually.

    24. Princess Zelda pony!

    25. Blah, I should have sent mine into Alter as well...Is this the final version or are you still willing to add a few?

    26. For those of you interested in roleplaying as your shiney new pony avatars (or whatever other character you might feel like playing) Check out the Free Form Role Playing (FFRP) subforum waaay down at the bottom of the forum's front page. We're a bit hidden, but we try to have a good time. In particular, you may be interested in this thread: http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=195043
      The Out-of-Character portion for our resident My Little Pony Role Playing setting. Links to the in character and recruitment thread are in the opening post there. Don't be afraid to poke your noses in and ask some questions. We're friendly folks over in the Playground. Check out the Nexus setting, too, if you're up for a bit of Free-form insanity.

      A warm welcome from all of us over on Giant in the Playground. We hope you have fun with us if you choose to come around.

