• Flutterguy Jazz Remix // FiM Benny Hill Theme Remix

    Two Simple Remixes from SandJosieph on Youtube.

    11 kommentaari:

    1. #1- I was excited to hear a remix of fluttershy's singing, but the music behind it is perfectly fine too

      #2- got a little creepy after a while

    2. I personally thought the first one needed some saxophone to go with that lovely piano.

      The second one was neat. Kinda sounded like elevator music in a way (no offense)

      also the embed windows for both videos are a little too small.

    3. More like this would be delightful.

      The second one didn't get creepy after a little while, it got creepy almost IMMEDIATELY.

    4. #1 was pretty upset with the lack of Flutterguy's oh-so-smooth voice

      #2 agree with anonymous, I felt kinda violated after a while... or... violating...

    5. I welcome anything jazz.

    6. #1 is totally rocking the two-tone ska keyboards, which I kinda dig. But it does need more Flutterguy vocals. Flutterguy's song is what got me watching MLP in the first place, after all.

      Even still, it is super rad. Good job!

    7. #1 is more like reggae or something, I wouldn't call it jazz since it needs a little more than a I-I-I-I progression. It's catchy, but isn't jazz.

    8. Heavy Weapons Pony30. aprill 2011, kell 11:33

      I bloody LOVE jazz. It was the first thing I thought of when I heard Flutterguy. I thought "That is the voice of a smooth jazz singer.

    9. I liked both. ^_^ The second one had a Baby Elephant Walk vibe to it, but slower and on two legs... Baby Flamingo Strut?

    10. ЎHola!

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