• Flash Game Story Contest

    Remember that Tech Demo I posted a few days ago?  Well the creators over at the Derpy Hooves site are looking for help with the storyline!  This one has a lot of potential so don't be shy! I know we have a ton of authors here. 

    If you are interested, check out the information after the page break (copypasted for my convenience!)

    [MLP:FiM Flash Game Story Contest]

    Fillies and Gentleponies,

    The development team of MLP:FiM The Flash Game is holding a story contest for their game.  The main goal is for some pony to create an interesting storyline that will fuel the actual game, it needs to be detailed and long enough so the game can be built upon it.

    [ The Game ]

    MLP:FiM The Flash Game is a platformer style game.  It will have large multiple levels with mini bosses and of course at the end, the final boss.  Think Megaman or Sonic the Hedgehog style games.  The game will feature unlockable characters which will be used to access areas in levels that you could not access before to advance in levels.  Each character will be unlocked after defeating one of the mini bosses.  So its a cross between adventure and puzzle solving.

    [ Rules ]

    1.  No Grimdark.
    2.  No Shipping.
    3.  Primary gameplay must focus around the main ponies, not including Trixie, BonBon, Lyra, Spike, etc.
    4.  It must remain completely in line with what you could imagine actually happening in the show.
    5.  Stories are not to be posted anywhere.

    The reason we do not want the stories to be posted anywhere is so the mystery of the game is kept a secret to the general public.  Otherwise if you know the story beforehand, its not as fun.  Stories will be judged by the development team and the author will be kept unknown to them until a winner is elected.

    All Submissions are due May 15st, @ 11:59pm EST.

    E-Mail your story to PostMaster@DerpyHooves.com
    Subject:  MLPFiM Flash Game Story Contest
    Development Site: http://www.derpyhooves.com/mlpflash/

    18 kommentaari:

    1. i just lost... [ The Game ]

    2. I just lost... [ My Pants ]

    3. I am totally up for this challenge. Good luck bronies

      ~Tilily "Sweetie Belle" Bright

    4. If there is a "nuke" powerup fo some kind, could it be derpy dropping pianos on ponies/enemies, please?

    5. >>3. Primary gameplay must focus around the main ponies, not including Trixie, BonBon, Lyra, Spike, etc.
      >>main ponies

    6. Order the characters should appear Applejack/Pinkie, Rarity, Twilight, Fluttershy and finally Rainbow Dash(Rainbow Dash is a game breaker). Derpy hooves is a special character you get by doing side objectives.(We are talking Derpyhooves.com here)

      Also Megaman and Sonic the hedgehog's backgrounds are full of grimdark. That said, I would like to add Bucky O' Hare NES style in with them, it's a classic Nintendo Hard game.

    7. Confound these ponies, they drive me to write!

      I'll have to come up with something for this soon.

    8. Think I'mma try my hand at this!

    9. So is the theory that one person will write the entire thing? It would be nice if different people could somehow contribute pieces of story -- side quests, subplots, dialogue for bit-part NPCs, that sort of thing.

    10. Imagine a game inspired by the Cupcakes fic... yes I do want.

    11. @Hayquill: Actually that's not a bad idea, I'll bring it up, but it would probably have to be done as a group who communicates with each other, making it so the story makes sense. And actually you could do that anyways and submit it as one. I'll let Timesoda make those decisions though. :)

    12. I suggest skype if your going to do such a thing

    13. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    14. I can also provide a chatroom system, if you've ever wandered into DerpyChat at DerpyHooves.com, it would be that, but I can duplicate the system which would have multiple rooms for multiple groups.

      Also if anyone has questions, send them in, Timesoda the team leader is AFK for the next few days on personal matters, so there'll be a delay in getting answers, but after that i'll probably compile an FAQ for people.

    15. A Pinkie Pie level set in the Everfree Forest with music inspired by Sonic 2's "Mystic Cave Zone" would be all kinds of win and mindfuck.

      Jus' Saiyan

    16. I would say Sonic, are you crazy, but as an old school genesis sonic fan, and the fact that Mystic Cave's level music is one of my all time favorites, I'll just say brilliant. We do have David Larsen working on music, he's been featured a few times here with his piano medleys.

    17. Oh OH! I know!

      An action JRPG in old school style. The ponies must be really fitting to this kind of gameplay.

      I may have two inspirations for this:
      1.) Terranigma
      You are a pony living in Lunaria. You screw your hometown up and in progress you begin to restore Equestia.

      2.) Alundra
      More or less a "OC visits Ponyville and an heroing Equestria"
      You go around, explore Equestria in Zelda style, dive into the nightmares of your fellow ponies and free them, visit ancient dungeons, and explore the dark story behind Equestria.

      Or something like this, I am really quite the adventure pony.

      If my other suggestions suck, I present you:

      DERPY EX
