• Filly's Sychtube- Pinkiethon Tonight!

    The Filly synctube is doing a Pinkiethon tonight in honor of the best episode ever. Join in on the fun! Until the room fills up, I guess.

    Here's the room!

    And if that room is full, Filly says go here instead!

    10 kommentaari:

    1. This would be great if Pinkie wasn't the worst character

    2. It says "Cannot establish a connection to synchtube. Are you behind a firewall? Sorry, we are looking into it!"

      Since I can't seem to find it, does anyone know what port needs to be unblocked on a firewall to use synctube?

    3. That would be an error, Anonymous 2. Try refreshing the page, synchtube just says that on occasion when it crashes

    4. @Anonymous
      try the second room. i couldn't get into the first one cause it was full and it gave me that message too.

    5. It gives me that message for every video on synctube, it seems?

    6. That's the thing. I ~do~ have a firewall in the way, but there is no information on what port I need to open to use synctube. It seems like a pretty basic piece of information to include on their site, really.

    7. I'll email the synchtube guys for you anonymous. I don't know if they'll respond tonight.

    8. Worst Character? Psshaw

    9. Both rooms full, http://www.synchtube.com/r/twizzle is running the same playlist, synched. Hop in if you need a spot.
