• Events On The Horizon

    Here are the plans for the 2 next months or so (assuming I don't die from some pony induced coma).

    April Friend Off
    The April Friend off will be officially posted on May 2nd.  Currently my "event" folder has 20 entries and counting, so that should be interesting! Especially considering everypony always enters on the very last day!

    After that, I have some other stuff planned... Obviously these aren't set in stone, and can change based on feedback below.

    OC Pony Competition (Updated)
    The First event will be an OC pony Competition. It's supposed to be completely ridiculous and mary sue all over the place.  One bracket will be MS Paint, the other will be for more professional digital artists.  Still working on the specifics here.

    I got back in contact with the reward guy.  These are actually some pretty badass prizes!

    Price Tiers

    1. €59 Steam Game (Brink, Crysis 2, etc...)
    2. €29 Singularity
    3. €18 Magicka Complete Pack

    MS Paint
    1. €45 DUNGEONS - Steam Special Edition
    2. €19 Cargo! - The Quest for Gravity
    3. €18 Magicka CompletePack

    Total Prize Pool: €188

    The 300 word event will probably happen first, so some things are bound to change.

    Still really cool though!

    300 Word Short Story/Poem Event
    There are a few fanfiction based pony community/websites in progress right now.  One on DA, and two just out in the void.  So lets give all the fledgling authors some ideas for content!  The first 300 word story event was undeniably successful, and Cereal Velocity is willing to host a new one with his new author powers.  He is still deciding on any special rules for it, but keep an eye open!

    Anyway, I'm sure we will run all sorts of neat stuff over the pony break to keep the interest going.  Pony can never die!

    18 kommentaari:

    1. I feel for you bro... If I can't handle 1 week without ponies, I have no idea how I'll manage until Season 2 starts.

    2. I actually don't mind OC ponies too much. That, combined with the fact that I have the artistic skill of a goldfish, makes me want to enter the MS Paint competition just for the heck of it. Let's do it!


    3. Can I pull a Hasbro and just take the outline of Twilight and change the colors with the paint bucket?

    4. Pony-induced coma sounds like the most pleasant kind of coma.

    5. Wonderful! A drawing contest designed for those of us with no artistic skill whatsoever!
      *Goes off to draw some unspeakable abomination of a pony*

    6. hmmm..oc uh? maybe I can give it a chance, now I just have to kidnap a kid with better artistic skills than mine

    7. I don't see why people hate on OC so much. Well done (and I repeat WELL DONE) OC can be just as entertaining as following the zany adventures of the mane cast that is the drawfriend section.

    8. FUCK YES! MS paint is where I'm best! I'm definitely in.

    9. well done OC's are fun to read/draw. I wouldn't mind reading all about an alicorn named Marey Sue who is best friends with celestia and takes over equestria for her when she runs out of insunlin and... well yeah, maybe that would be a bit over the top, but if it had good prose, i would still read it, and perhaps enjoy it.

    10. How can you tell if it's from MSPaint?

      If something like this: http://raiilynezz.deviantart.com/gallery/#/d3bvdoo can be done in MSPaint... then using PS or Gimp wouldn't be different at all.

    11. @babadingldoo:
      Screen cap with submission?

    12. @hawkysu
      Open image in MSPaint after saving it from Photoshop?
      Copy paste into MSPaint from Photoshop?

    13. Will we need eyes where we're going?

    14. @Baba:
      Didn't think of that.
      Well, then that person should just feel bad. We can't prevent people from cheating, but let's hope that people don't.
      Or we could require that the person records the whole thing, but that's just stupid.

      Don't cheat people.

    15. so what if we dont use steam, heh.

    16. OCs dont have to be self insert and i'll prove it one day

    17. This tempts me to draw up my OC pony band to go with the song I'm submitting (hopefully) for the 300-word contest.

      Now if only I had their looks plotted out well enough that it was actually worth ruining them completely.
