• Episode 26: The Best Night Ever Confirmed for Grand Galloping Gala!

    Thanks to everyone who sent me this! I admit, I have been slacking on reading Lauren's DA for news.  Anyway, it looks like we actually get to see everyone hit up the gala for the season finale!  Will everything from Ticketmaster come true?!

    What are your predictions?

    74 kommentaari:

    1. ohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh

    2. I had really hoped this would be the case.
      Now I'm just fulla joy and goo.

    3. I had a feeling. But didn't I hear that there would be no Luna until season 2? Does that mean Luna doesn't get to go to the gala?

    4. Oh dear lord.

      Rarity is going to get sexed.

    5. I don't know which episode i'm more excited for... Cutie Mark Chronicles with filly ponies, or the epic gala episode... >.<

    6. Things aren't going to go to everyponies original plan, but lessons in friendship will be taught, good times will be had and in the end everypony is going to agree that it was truly the best night ever.

      Also, there will be a great musical number.

    7. OH. MY. FUCK.

    8. Is that Lauren's subtle way of indicating Big Mac will appear?

    9. @Anonymous More than likely Luna will be in the background and When they no Luna til season 2 they ment as an important character.

    10. This episode will deal with how not to get your hopes up.

      Everyone is disappoint.

    11. *Cue Rainbow-Dash-esque fan-explosions*

      Also, what Naxts said. =D


    13. @smx

      *phew* Anyways, I'm super excite!

    14. I agree that things will not go as planned but good times are had by all. I doubt the musical number.

      1.Twilight does something to look foalish in front of Celestia.

      2.Fluttershy doesn't get any time to enjoy the gardens.

      3.Rarity doesn't meet the man of her dreams, because they are just dreams.

      4.Applejack doesn't make any money all night because of someone elses catering.

      5.Rainbow Dash doesn't enjoy the style of the party or for some reason the Wonderbolts can't make an appearance.

      6.Pinkie causes a huge disturbance or it's not her kind of party, maybe a combination of the two.

    15. lauren faust is awesome and i expect pony's as far as the eye can see

    16. The gala is going to be held at night, so Luna has to work.


    17. @smx Lauren elaborated on that, saying that Luna will not appear at all till season two, when every pony is attending the funeral for neglected characters.

    18. ohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh >sparkle eyes

    19. My body will never be ready for this episode.

    20. ohmygodohmygodohmygodohmygodohmygodohmygod
      *inhales deeply* yay.
      still no luna though, sad face.
      conflicting feelings are conflicting

    21. @l0x0r

      *insert sad Luna picture here*

      and watch as a bunch of Fan fics are written about how she feels about this.

    22. how... I ask.. HOW THIS DAY CAN BE BETTER!?

    23. @Anonymous

      Dear poster Mr. Anonymous 7:59, Fluttershy could explode three times throughout the episode and Rainbow Dash could perform a double Rainboom with a lemon twist.

    24. @SlyWit
      Sparkle eyes.. and now I'm reminded of American Woman.

    25. why luna wasn't invited??? you can be a trollestia sometimes lauren! *shake fist*

    26. I grown man should not be excited about the Gala.


    27. @madmax

      Because if Luna felt happiness for more then a few minutes then Equestria would explode.

      or maybe Celestia is just a massive Troll who enjoys her sisters misery.

    28. "I grown man should not be excited about the Gala."

      Best comment ever.


    29. I hope Rarity gets snubbed by the duke guy, and goes along with Spike as leftovers.


    30. *Takes deep breath*

      Twitchy tail. Rocks fall. Everypony except Twilight DIES.

      3 minutes later Season 2 starts.

      Trixie changes name to Faust and revives everyone, except they're not quite the same. Gilda becomes a spandex wearing superhero and Luna learns to make friends after a thousand years of solitude and lonliness. But then she accidentally sites on all the revived ponies, re-killing them. So she has to re-revive them and THEN THEY'RE FINE AGAIN AND EVERYONE LIVED HAPPILY EVER AFTER

      Real prediction: Return of the Rainbow of Darkness and Rainbow of Light. Fluttershy discovers SeaPonies. Twilight gets a promotion to godlike status (all toys of her in that form will be pink, btw. Just to put off fans), Luna is impressed by what friendship really is after only thinking of it as a force that destroys things. Sets up for Twilight to leave a while while Luna fills in for Twilight for a while.

      S2 starts SURPRISE Twilight went back to her tiny form so she could be with friends, she just has to practice with Celestia every week in her big form.
      or something. The wings are permanent.

      And now for me to get some sleep. Awesome news to see, though.

    31. Lets hear it for linear story telling in the season!

    32. oh gosh¡¡¡¡¡
      awwwwwwwww yeaaaaaaaaaaaaa¡¡¡¡¡¡¡

    33. Luna must really be a recluse if she doesn't show up at the Gala held in her own castle, lol.

    34. Applejack's plain old apples don't catch anyone's attention, what with the sugar cubes and sugar canes and sundaes and sasparilla, and she won't make any money, or at least not enough to cover the cost of hauling all the apples there in the first place.

      Rainbow Dash gets thrown out as soon as she tries to tamper with the Wonderbolt event.

      Rarity's assumption of Celestia having a nephew is shown to be completely unfounded, especially considering that Luna, Celestia's only confirmed sister, has been imprisoned in the moon for 1000 years.

      Fluttershy isn't allowed into the gardens. They're PRIVATE gardens, after all.

      The only one with realistic expectations, oddly enough, is Pinkie. And there will probably be lines for EVERYTHING, throwing that one out the window as well.

      "Dear Princess Celestia...

      Life's a bitch.

      Your faithful student,
      Twilight Sparkle"

    35. My hopes and dreams are now complete....

    36. I predict that it's going to be a Celestia-tier episode. I don't really want to take pot shots at what the story could be, because the currently suggested ideas are plausible (for the most part). But...

      Twilight never discloses her reasons for going to the Gala, so... I'm thinking that she goes there, everypony else heads off to do their own thing, and Twilight is left alone in the middle of the Gala not knowing what to do - thanks to her social ineptness creeping back in due to her friends disappearing into the masses of ponies.

      In the end, Twilight starts to feel lonely and like she's not valued as a friend the same way she values her friends, the others realise that they were only thinking about themselves which is rude considering Twilight is the one who gave them the tickets AND pulled at Celestia's heartstrings to get enough for all, so the LEAST they can do is hang together, and make the whole night the best night for everypony - including their newest friend Twilight Sparkle.

      I'm also imagining Twilight speaking to Luna as they are both alone, but this isn't going to actually happen in show's canon. Still, it would make a good spinoff fic is the episode allows it.

      And... I'm imagining a pony version of this video, with the same song, being used as the ending scene before the end credits hit: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bm7Gv9rjC-c

      Then it'll be the BEST NIGHT EVER.

      @Meteor Metal

      No. Just... no.

    37. I have only one prediction: Derpy Hooves/Ditzy Doo WILL be in the episode somewhere in the background OR the fans will get angry at the lack of her presence.

      That is all.

    38. so much for a Grand Galloping Grimdark.

      Oh well should be awesome anyway.

    39. @Jebin Zedalu

      To much grimdark, not enough friendship.

      And now... I go!

    40. @Batty Gloom Really? I can predict there'll also be ponies in this chapter.

    41. This is what I think will happen:

      The party begins as planned, but then Luna attacks with her army. Celestia and the main cast gather some other ponies and flee in a spaceship, which Luna and her lieutenants(includes characters like Trixie and Gilda in their ranks) pursue and board.

      After some fighting between the two sides, the ship ends up crash-landing on an unknown planet because nopony was piloting the darn thing. The impact kills everyone on board, and many years pass before volcanic activity re-activates the ship's life support systems, resurrecting Luna and her allies. They destroy the life support system and leave the bodies of their former enemies behind to venture out into the unknown world. When they reach a nearby mountain, Trixie, against her master's wishes, fires a few taunting shots towards the ship. Unknown to them is that those shots knocked a large boulder into the ship, which caused the life support systems to re-activate once more, resurrecting Celestia and everyone else.

      Key Events of Season 2:
      -The ponies discover the human race, and they vow to protect them from Luna's wrath.
      -Spike becomes best friends with a young human named Bumblebee.
      -Luna comes up with several schemes to gain enough power to teleport her and her minions back to Equestria.
      -Gilda and Rainbow Dash both discover how to weaponize cassette tapes. They utilize this talent against each other frequently.
      -Trixie constantly insists that she should be the leader of the evil team.
      -Ponicron threatens the universe, turns Luna into Nightmare Moon.

    42. ;akldfhjadf;glkajdfgkl;adjflkadsfhalsdgihajdfgadklg

    43. Dear Princess Celestia,

      Today I learned things sometimes go to way you expected them to, and even though a pony can become disappointed (or straight up heart broken!!!). You can always trust that a good friend will do everything possible to make you feel better. Even if the disappointment is being turned down by your price charming.

      Your faithful student
      Twilight Sparkle

      P.S I respectfully suggest having insulin available near the dessert buffet next year.

    44. all I can say is that they better be wearing those dresses Rarity made them.

      if they break that continuity, I will probably cry.
      Rarity worked so hard on those beautiful things ;_;

    45. @Anonymous

      That's one of the reasons why I think it's such a crying shame that Luna won't be at the Gala. I'd love to see Rarity weave a dress for her.

      Perhaps making something like this canon. Luna deserves to look as beautiful in the cartoon itself.

    46. Whoops! Broken link is broken. So... here's a not broken link.

      I'd love to see Luna in this in the show, or something like it.

    47. >Rainbow Dash and Pinkie at the Gala
      >"Best Night Ever"

      Hang on, I think I read a fanfic about this.
      Yeeeeah, probably not... but this ep title is right up there with "I've got plans" in terms of deliberate misinterpretation potential.

      Seriously, though, I'm going to predict something similar to Anon -- Twi gets stranded, ends up drifting from pony to pony and not really being able to participate in what they're doing, and they finally realize what jerks they're being.

      On the other hoof, it could be a mostly Twi/Pinkie/Dash ep. Dash doesn't really need to bust up the Wonderbolts' show to get their attention, considering she already got their undivided for a full day. Rarity will be too busy networking, AJ selling stuff, and Fluttershy will be geeking out in her own way that Twi isn't fascinated by.
      And then Celestia's nephew falls in love with the soft-spoken mare in the garden. Cue Rarity's murderous rampage.

      I'm suspecting more linear storytelling in season 2 as well. The execs will be overseeing them less strictly with a season under their belts, and Lauren clearly did everything in her power to make the Gala an underlying theme for this season -- starting with the very first ep after the pilot!

    48. Of course Luna won't be in it, she'll be busy tending to the moon. Like how we never see Celestia during the day because she--- wait.

      (Joking aside, OOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHH FFFFFFFUUUUUUCCCCKKKKKK I haven't been this excited since earlier today when I saw the hyperadorable incredibly well-made fan pics of filly Luna and filly Celestia)

    49. I know exactly what will happen.

      The season will end when the credits roll.

    50. http://www.ponychan.net/chan/ep/res/3401.html#i3603

      THESE are my thoughts.


    52. I don't think im the only one who can sense it, but ill say it first.
      twilight enjoys canterlot. She has a great night with her friends at the gala. Celestia says her friends are wonderful and her friendship training is complete, she can stay home in canterlot now.

    53. wheee! it's good to be the king. otoh, I was hoping for a two-parter epic cliffhanger, but this will be fine too :)

    54. ...ooh. They actually did it.

      This news makes me so happy I don't even care that the countdown to my being Jossed has officially begun. :) Bring it forth!

    55. Yay! :D

      (Also: OHMYGODSHOHMYGOSHOHMYGOSH! 1996480 pageviews!)

    56. Aw,to be honest I hoped it would be in season 2. So Luna would be there...

    57. Well, it would not surprise me for the season 2 opener to be be set just after the gala with the mane 6 still in Canterlot. This could be done by having it the day after, or through Twilight and/or Celestia arranging a brief stay in the capital.

    58. Heavy Weapons Pony6. aprill 2011, kell 02:23

      I CAN WAIT!



    59. If Rarity has some kind of little romantic fling with HIM, granted he exists, much butthurt will flow.

    60. I hope they do some action thing with it and not just a dance party ep... which we have all seen a mil times before

    61. ._. I got in that picture?!?!?

    62. What I would like to see:

      Pinkie Pie discovers the wonders of cocaine and an unlimited buffet table.

      A bunch of hot young fillies on spring break spot Rainbow Dash- "OMG you're that amazing winner of the best flyer contest!! we're, like, sooo drunk right now...if you know what we mean"

      Twilight Sparkle turns up in a PVC bondage dress and Goth makeup "didn't I tell you guys I'm into Bauhaus?"

      Fluttershy realizes she fucking LOVES whisky mixed with Baileys*.

      Applejack and Spike scam the gaming tables, wearing monocles and smoking cigars, surrounded by babes.

      But anything is cool with me as long as mai waifu Rarity doesn't marry some loser pony.

      (*angel bunny accidentally drowns in the garden fountain...and nothing of value was lost.)


      My chest tightened a bit when I read that. My fucking god I am SO EXCITEDDDD


    64. Aww, poor Rarity is going to get her heat broken!

    65. She just said "YUP" LOL
      one word explains everything!

    66. I took this screenshot! I feel awesome now :D

    67. Fuuuuuuuuck. Yooooooooooooouuuuuu. Biiiiiiiiiiiittttttccchhhessssss. I have fucking work. I don't have time for a fucking dance. Rarity... Can u help
