Lunaclouds Edition! Check the source for super resolution!
These drawfriend posts are becoming a daily occurrence! You guys are crazy!
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60 kommentaari:
@3 & 8:
VastaKustutaWhat are those robot things that keep popping up in pictures with Ditzy? I feel like I should know but I don't.
~Display Name
16 needs to be a shirt NOW!!
VastaKustuta13 is fantastic. Simple, yet captures Rarity perfectly.
VastaKustutaHats off to you, sir. Or madam.
#13 is absolutely gorgeous. I love that person's shading and style.
VastaKustuta#16 I'm always on board with Team Luna
#20 Really cute Applejack. :)
So I might get that "Team Luna" thing on my car... :3
Oh gosh. Pinkazoid! That is awesome!
VastaKustutaNow that... is greatness.
Yay Pinkazoid. :P
Also 21 is so cool.
#14 Dat filename.
VastaKustuta#13 - WOW. That is one fantastic rendering of Rarity. It's like she's jumping off the screen, seriously! Hats off to you, brony!
VastaKustutaPinkazoid: made of pure win.
VastaKustutaoh wow this drawfriend is awesome!
VastaKustuta#22 coincidental that i was thinking this today and now is here wow thats weird :D
VastaKustutaIt's the Flatwoods Monster. A creature supposedly spotted in Flatwoods, WV in 1952. Here's the Wikipedia article:
Why this artist keeps drawing Derpy hanging out with it, I don't know. He's done one with The Mothman too so, maybe he's a WV Brony who has an affinity for the local myths as well as MLP.
HAH. The last picture is just pure gold.
VastaKustutaThe two before it were great, too.
You genuinely might not be able to keep up if the fandom grows much larger.
VastaKustutaNot exactly something to complain about though. Go go gadget drawfriends!
Freaky coincidence: I got a Frosty in Flatwoods last Tuesday.
VastaKustutaThey're becoming daily? They should've always been daily.
VastaKustutaJust change the title to Daily Draw. :)
VastaKustuta2 Ran out of walls, Pinkie?
VastaKustuta5 be afraid, be very afraid
6 Yin and Yang
12 the bling needs to 20% cooler, yo.
13 very good technique, well done
14 new entry for the shipping chart
15 angry AJ in 3..2..1
16 is there any other?
19 I suggest Dark Side of the Nightmare Moon
21 got into the cupcakes again
22 I'm going to pink out
Pinkazoid picture is WAY too fitting. Haha.
VastaKustuta#7 is my absolute favorite. I love it so much; it's contemporary, faithful, and just plain stylish.
VastaKustutaCheck out Pinkamina
VastaKustutaA farmer full of gloom
While working in the southern field
She got zapped by a rainboom!
She turned into the Pinkazoid
With laughter as her call!
She cracks up friends and family
By breaking the fourth wall!
22- FUND IT.
VastaKustutaAlso, what the heck is the flatwood monster?
16): *signs up*
VastaKustuta22): hold i need to go get my eyeballs repaired now
Hey Pinkazoid, want to go get a mint?
VastaKustuta21 and 22
VastaKustutaHoly shit I am so happy
#13 = incredible!
VastaKustutaI'm getting really lax on checking EqD lately. But #5 and #21 are win! <3
VastaKustuta#10 Are you ready? 3, 2, 1, GO!
VastaKustutaI think Agent Shy would totally ace the teddy bear mission.
stolen from ponibooru...(22)
VastaKustutaCheck out Pinkamina
A farmer full of gloom
While working in the southern field
She got zapped by a rainboom!
She turned into the Pinkazoid
With laughter as her call!
She cracks up friends and family
By breaking the fourth wall!
I'm the guy who drew Pinkazoid. Thanks for your comments! Here's the FULL version:
Quick Pinkazoid!! We need to stop Candlejack before it'
VastaKustutaNo! It's CandleDASH and you KNOW what happens when you sa
VastaKustuta#22: With a nod to ponibooru...
VastaKustutaSuper-pony extraordinaire
Pinkazoid! Pinkazoid!
Runs around in underwear
Pinkazoid! Pinkazoid!
Plays a mean one-pony-band
Pinkazoid! Pinkazoid!
Parties known throughout the land
Pinkazoid! Pinkazoid!
Her brain's overloading
It has a chocolate coating
Textbook case for Sigmund Freud
Pinkazoid! Pinkazoid!
Check out Pinkamina
A farmer full of gloom
While working in the southern field
She got zapped by a rainboom!
She turned into the Pinkazoid
With laughter as her call!
She cracks up friends and family
By breaking the fourth wall!
Her home base is the bakery
Pinkazoid! Fricassee!
Somehow knows she's on TV
Pinkazoid! Chimpanzee!
Eats the hottest of the sauces
Pinkazoid! Freakazoo!
Plays mean poker with no losses
Freaka me! Freaka you!
She's here to save the Equestria
Hey, that rhymes with "digestia!"
Watch and she'll be overjoyed
Pinkazoid! Pinkazoid!
I totally AWWW'd at #21.
VastaKustutaIs #15 an Out Of This World / Another World reference? What a weird end to a weird game...
VastaKustuta#13 looks almost REAL. Damn. Like a Rarity figurine or something.
VastaKustuta11 and 13 are interesting contrasted against each other. 11 has this glossy plasticy look that I don't really like as a style, while 13 is still a little artificial looking, but in a pleasing ceramic way. Also the artist managed to make Rarity look 3d, which is awesome.
VastaKustuta#1 is going on my desktop
VastaKustuta#16 *signs up*
#22 Is just too perfect for words!
*hugs Luna*
#7: Wow, you really did it with the original comic's art style. Great job!
VastaKustuta22. This is a thing of beauty.
VastaKustuta13. made me stop and go "whoa." Well done.
VastaKustutaWow, small world. I've met the artist who did "Pinkazoid" in person. Years and years ago, long before ponies. :)
VastaKustutalol 12 is great!
VastaKustutaHah! Right? I'm glad I'm not the only one who found that weirdly funny.
Dash looks ice cold. She 'bout ta drop a bomb on it, son!
VastaKustutaOn it.
Check out Pinkamina
VastaKustutaA farmer full of gloom
While working in the southern field
She got zapped by a rainboom!
She turned into the Pinkazoid
With laughter as her call!
She cracks up friends and family
By breaking the fourth wall!
^ Oh, damn. That's been posted like three times already. Sorry. Derp!
VastaKustutaTha Team Luna is the best!!!!!
#10: YES. Elite Beat Agents AND Ponies!
VastaKustutaAgent Shy here...yay.
Sorry I just got over being within two miles of a violent death dealing tornado. And a otherwise mild case of starvation.
VastaKustuta#22 Holy HEFFER FROM ROCKO'S MODERN LIFE,did I cause that? I mean during my april fools story competition. I entered one of my ill advised somewhat poorly written stories, but wow at least the idea is still strong in some ponies mind.
I need a vinyl sticker of that Team Luna pic.
VastaKustutaFor my car.
#17 - Awww, poor Derpy!! I just wanna hug her!
VastaKustutaLove the Rarity's in this week
VastaKustutaNewest comment.