• Drawfriend Stuff #65

    Twilight is a bad ass edition.  (High quality of this found HERE)























    24 (High Quality HERE)

    50 kommentaari:

    1. 23) "The name of the person written in this book is already your best friend."

    2. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    3. #21 must become reality. That's the perfect design if Weird Al agrees to a guest spot for the show.

    4. Okay thanks, Anonymous.

      #6 - Reach-around, eh?
      #13 - Blind as a bat
      #18 - Was not expecting the curlers.
      #21 - Like I said before, Haha! Absolutely genius!
      #24 - New background image!

    5. #1 looks awesome, what is it cross of? if it is cross?
      #2 rainbow dash vs wonderbolt? need to see an ep of that. (rainbow boom and sonic boom at the same time?)
      #4 dammit, 10 thousand years, poor luna.
      #5 that is so epic. Povity? Ponism? The Church of Ponies?
      #8 sweet. adult luna?
      I <3 Luna
      #9 when i first saw fluttershy, i was like 'meh.', second time i was 'hmmm...', now thx to this i'm all 'OMGSOCUTE!'
      #11 dammit, why does it look so good... RARITY! STOP STARI- *drool*
      #16 do not want :/
      #21 SALAMI!
      #23 just yes
      #24 can you actually see it in hume world? or is it purely fictional constellation?

      Another drawfriend full of win. YES!

    6. 1.So this is how Fallout Equestria got started.
      2.I shall name him Flash Windy.
      3.Oh look, a bee next to a beautiful pony.
      4.It's lonely, those nights without her sister.
      5.It's a play! Only Trixie and Fluttershy's rumps are still visible in the rafters.
      6.I'll shine your horn, if you'll shine mine.
      7.Meh you've seen one Rarity pin up you've seen them all... night long.
      8.Luna it's time for dinner, get your head out of the clouds.
      9.Awkward puberty Fluttershy is so cute.
      10.My Touhou sense is tingling also DERPY!
      11.I kind of like Rarity with a straight mane, of course standing next to Trixie generosity might be going a tiny bit too far.
      12.Looks like she's farting light.
      13.Uh, oh I smell scandal, because everyone knows that Photo Finish is in fact... Rainbow Dash.
      14. A cute group pick if Applejack wasn't looking at Pinkie with lust.
      15. Where is she now? The Great and Powerful story of one mare simply known as Trixie.
      16. Human Celestia seems more of a tyrant then pony celestia.
      17. This is adorable, look at it does it not make you cry "cute".
      18. Looks like Derpy isn't the only one in love with some odd source of nourishment.
      19. Rarity in "Mare against the moon".
      20. Fashionable Fluttershy.
      21. Weird StAL playing an accordian made of Salami?
      22. Applejack as a filly, stop trying to assasinate people with adorable already it's not working. We're only getting cavaties.
      23. Write someone's name and they'll be your best friend FOR-EV-ER! Unfortunate implications if one of those friends is a Filly Fooler, write a fan fiction about it please!
      24. Celestial Constellation.

    7. 1: Woah. Just woah.
      4: Aww, sad Celestia makes me sad. But not as sad as sad Luna. I like the idea that she really misses her sister that much.
      5: Horns aren't touching. :D
      6: O///O;
      10: Tiny Derpy insert! Yay! Otherwise kinda WTF. Which isn't to say Derpy isn't WTF too.
      12: Um. This would be a bit more awesome if she didn't look like she was sneezing.
      14: The cake is with Pie.
      15: Haha, Trixie's mane looks like a big thing of toothpaste! I'm so sorry... XD
      18: But I thought caffeine made her explode...
      20: Nice use of phoenix feathers, Rarity!
      21: So very yes!
      23: *falls over cackling*
      24: No, Anon2, this is no constellation I'm familiar with.

    8. #5

      Is this what I think it is? "The Creation of Adam," pony-style?

    9. 15. Aww... T~T
      21. YAY!!! 8D

    10. #6 Trixie places hoof on her horn and rubs sensually. All the while making sure her target misses her rump getting rubbed as well, poor Twilight can't resist such a Great and Powerful pony's clutches.

    11. #1 reminds me of Hexxus, so I'm currently imagining Tim Curry voicing a pony.

      DO WANT #21

    12. WEIRD AL PONY!!!

    13. Salami, are you crazy?

    14. But it's tofu salami....

    15. 23: I'll take an apple... AND EAT IT!

    16. i love this :3
      there's many talented bronys out there
      one question blogmaster
      how can i upload one a picture made by me??
      i don't have a deviant account

    17. #21 oh bronies... it's a bologna! His first hit song was "My Bologna"
      A little history lesson from your uncle shuffle.

    18. gae bolg twilight? ow yeah!

    19. "Horn sensitivity."


    20. Hahah, lovin the Weird Al pony.

    21. #1 looks like it comes from a scene in Haphestus' Dr. Whooves fan fic "Terror and Time Lords" That's kind of what I'd imagine The S'muz to look like.

    22. 23... I'll take a cupcake... AND EAT IT!

    23. 23 - That's how Twilight made those friends so easily!

    24. No Spike again.

      Now I'm getting depressed.

      That fursona pegasus pony is beginning to get more art than Spike.

      Stop posting that fursona pony.

    25. Another DrawFriend filled with so much more pony to love.

      4. D'awww. I miss Luna too! Bring her back to the show Lauren, please!

      6. Aww, how cute... wait, a bird and a bee? ...what, "horn sensitivity"? Looks at the imagine title. *gasp*

      15. The other side of Trixie. No, she's not sorry about the ursa. She's still as great and powerful as always. She's apparently just thinking about Twilight.

      17. D'aww Filly Fluttershy, aren't you just the... Ah, I could just eat you up! So adorable.

      20. Haute Couture, please!

      These all brightening up my day. Way to keep this awesome pony picture train a'rollin DrawFriends!

    26. 1 Sailor Pony.. I think
      4 Is the moon tired? she looks so pale
      Within her misty veil:
      She scales the sky from east to west,
      And takes no rest.
      Before the coming of the night
      The moon shows papery white;
      Before the dawning of the day
      She fades away.
      - "Sing-Song" Christina Rossetti
      5 is connected to 23
      6 Trixie's massage therapy
      8 Nothing that is can pause or stay;
      The moon will wax, the moon will wane,
      The mist and cloud will turn to rain,
      The rain to mist and cloud again,
      Tomorrow be today.
      - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
      9 17 22 D'aawwmageddon marches on
      10 “There are few hours in life more agreeable than the hour dedicated to the ceremony known as afternoon tea”
      - Henry James
      11 This is trouble
      12 First rule of Pony Club, nopony talks about Pony Club.
      15 "Success builds character, failure reveals it."
      - Dave Checkett
      18 and cupcakes, Pinkie, and cupcakes.
      19 "Beauty is a form of genius - is higher, indeed, than genius, as it needs no explanation. It is of the great facts in the world like sunlight, or springtime, or the reflection in dark water of that silver shell we call the moon."
      -Oscar Wilde
      21 my my my pony la
      23 I call your attention to "Natsume Yujincho" and his grandmother's "Book of Friends"

    27. how i love drawfriend stuff :)

    28. awesome

      Why?...because magic cannons...period.

    29. #3: I hope our sweet Flutter doesn't catch a bee in her bonnet...

      #11: Rarity and Trixie, Equestria's resident 'femmes fatale'!

      #17: It looks like Fluttershy didn't, after all!

      #21: I was expecting this one! I am certainly NOT disappoint!

    30. oh 24 is sooo amazing! i love luna! she's got a billion stars in her realm, celestia only has one!

    31. 20: That's awesome, so that's what Fluttershy's dress would have looked like. Very Eloquent!
      21: Weird Al Pony...perfect!
      24: Wow!

    32. @Anonymous
      Alas no, it is a commission for a DeviantArtist by the name of FireEsper. He apparently also wrote a fanfic portraying the Smooze as a cosmic monstrosity or some kind of nether-creature. (haven't read his fic yet, can't seem to find it)

      (faux-petulance) An' here I was thinkin' I was bein' so creative. (faux-petulance)

      Anyway, I would love to request a commission to any of the *extremely* talented artists that frequent this blog. Do I just ask, or what?

    33. #6 ohgod I just saw that on Rule34 about an hour ago...

    34. Yes, #1 is a commission of a scene from my fanfic, by the ever-talented MadMax herself.

      It's not smooze, not a cross-over, not from anywhere else, not terribly well-written (currently working on a second draft).

      Thanks, Max!

    35. #6 Ok, so pegasus have wing erections, and . . . do unicorns have something similar? Sparks fly or tiny shocks of electricity charge up? Or maybe it's just Twilight's mind being blown away by The Great and Powerful Technique.

    36. #24 There are no words for how awesome this one is! *hugs Luna*

    37. To everyone freaking out over the Salami with Weird stALion Yankovich, It's all okay, because Weird Al is actually a Vegan, so I would imagine nothing would really be changed. But other than that, YES I FUCKING WANT 21 TO BE A REALITY. ITS TO DAMN PERFECT. COME ON AL. NOTHING COULD HONESTLY BE BETTER THAN A PONY SONG WITH WEIRD AL IN IT. I KNOW I'LL BE WAITING UNTIL SEASON 2, BUT I DON'T GIVE A SHIT.

    38. I'm so addicted to Luna, she's so mystical and beautiful pony after Celestia! no matter what i do...eat...sleep...drink...I think for her alot! I guess I'll have to control myself!

    39. #1; Epic Twilight;Out Now.

    40. 1: Is that a couple Gae Bolgs from The Last Remnant? Give her that kickin' aiming eyepatch if they are. :3
      18: Oh... jeez... just wow lolz.
      19: If I see her on some roof, I'll be paranoid for life.

    41. #1 has got to be from D Grey Man. She's an Exorcist fighting what seems to be Jasdevi{the Twin Entinty} of the Noah Family.... or not XD

      Love these.... just started from Drawfriend 1 and ended up here before I snooze. These are all awesome and many props go to all of the Artisians. Great jobs and congrats on all the hard work you all put into these fantastic pics!!!

    42. 18 maked me lolz
