Muffins edition!
Also slow news day edition, zzz
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67 kommentaari:
8: Don't worry Fluttershy, you'll get used to it. And hey, you might even learn a few things.
VastaKustuta21: If I were a pegasus, my wings would be fully extended right now.
1. Muffin top, muffin top, oh oh the muffin, muffin top!
VastaKustuta2. Tis beautiful as it is slightly sad.
3. Awesome is as Rainbow Dash does.
4. Ace fighter pilot Rainbow Dash in her Rainbow Jet with Rainbow Missiles... she's the manliest pony alive.
5. What is with the human pics, fluttershy and the phoenix.
6. I chose that snobby pokemon too Trixie, to bad it's not the best one but it does have it's admirable strengths and nice evolution ladder ethics.
7. Super Trixie lost her hat.
8. Oh Fluttershy, didn't you ever wonder why Photo Finish got you into that special number made out of medicinal leaves.
9. Horn Extensions for the lonely Unipeg pony Luna.
10. It seems the horn extensions worked and Twilight had a magical night.
11. Okay that's cute and Spike is trying to get into Rarity's good graces.
12. Ridiculously cute sleepy Sparkle.
13. First it was Nightmare Moon now it's Night Mare Shadow.
14. We all want on the other side too, even if it meant becoming a pony... to bad that I want to be a vegetarian pet fox of a pony.
15. Specially treated cage to withstand the suns temperatures.
16. Favorited, you can't say more then that.
17. Earlier Pinkie road Fluttershy into the hole against the Diamond Dogs, now Rainbow is riding her.
18. Elementary School my dear Dinky! Why aren't you there?
20. That Artificial Intelligence is a crime against ponies everywhere. Poor Pinkie will have to get her bladder replaced.
21. Why the human picks and why doesn't Rainbow have big angel wings sticking out of her back or at least giant hawk wings.
#21: George Takei: Oh my.
VastaKustuta21: those arent ponies
VastaKustutaLook at number 12 carefully now look back to number 10.
VastaKustuta#2 Godly!
VastaKustuta#8 Poor Fluttershy, once Photo Finish thrust her into the spotlight, even her fellow ponyfolk been unable to resist enforcing 34
#11 Is awesome, I can imagine him doing that to impress his crush
#17 Inspired work from the "Party Hasn't Ended" fic, I like it!
#21 Whyboner.jpg and WHY JOHN JESCO?!?! Your art is amazing, but this isn't fair!
VastaKustutaNuff said!
VastaKustutaOh Snap!
"Wow... These are drawn very well..."
VastaKustuta"Aw... DAT'S SO COOT."
21: *instaboner detected*
#21. I'll be in my bunk.
VastaKustutaLawd jesus that last one.
VastaKustutaSo good.
All of these were great!!!
VastaKustutagood job everypony!!!
Love 8, 20, and 21!!!
Christ, AJ in number 21, *drool*
VastaKustutaD'awww sleeping Twilight was pulling an all-nighter looking up romance.
VastaKustuta4. Hmm, on the one hand pilots aren't allowed to let their hair hang like that, there isn't a aircraft out there that looks like that, and stylistically Rainbow Dash's cutie mark would be a far more appropriate helmet marking. On the other hand: Rainbow Dash as a pilot. *sqeeeee*
VastaKustuta13. Reminds me of those old posters for "Star Wars: Episode I: The Phantom Menace" that had a young Anakin with a shadow shaped like Darth Vader's. Foreboding, anyone?
14: Is that supposed to be grafitti?
VastaKustutaGood stuff
VastaKustutaIs #19 a continuation of that one creepy image of Pinkie in that dark room looking down at Rainbow Dash?
VastaKustuta2. I'm not the hugest Celestia fan. Nothing to do with her capabilities as a ruler - more like the fact that she just comes across as very hard to read, compared with the other super emotive ponies. But she looks gorgeous in this picture. All Hail the Queen.
VastaKustuta8. *heh* Come on Fluttershy, you know you like it too! Are you telling me that if I check your computer I WON'T find a saved copy of #21?
17. D'awwww... loookit that, wittle sweepy Dashie. I bet Pinkie is gonna make sure she gets right to bed. *evil grin*
i cant rememeber the amount of times i've seen #14
VastaKustutaalso last pic is almost rule 34 (but then there is a lot of rule34 on Pchan anyways
15 is probably the best Philomena fanart I've seen so far.
VastaKustutaLove #13, the weight of a great burden
VastaKustuta#21: 0,.0
VastaKustuta#17 is double awesome all the way around the sky
VastaKustuta#10 is daww... can someone explain who the youngin pegasus pony is or the story behind the picture?
VastaKustutaI don't see it.
VastaKustutai heard there is going to be an R rated version of this
*unzips pants*
Number 21.
brb guys
The last picture...was quite lovely...
This just in, as many readers of the web blog, equestria daily, view the twenty first entry of the latest art friend collection, sales of hand lotion and vaseline sky rockect by 20%. Now if you excuse me I have to... um... take a very long bathroom break.
VastaKustutaThe lil one in 10 is wearing an ankh, yes? I think that other anon was implying that she's a Twilight rugrat, but if that's who she's supposed to be, what's with the ankh? Just curious ^^
VastaKustuta#8: Poor Fluttershy...having to see that we're capable of perverting and corrupting her wholesome image like that.
VastaKustuta#11: Ok Spike, this is where it doesn't become a crush so much as an obsession...
#18: Derpy Holmes? Yes, I believe I like this.
VastaKustutaOnce again, thanking megasweet for my request!
#13: GAH! RUN!
VastaKustuta#17: Awww. She ain't heavy, she's my lover.
VastaKustutaIf she's wearing an Ankh, does that make her Death of the Endless?
Can someone tell me where you can submit art for this? My gf drew a very excellent Dash picture and some others and Idk where I can submit her art
VastaKustuta^ You can post it on Ponibooru yourself, and if you want to submit it here, there's a link for exactly that on the left edge of the page.
VastaKustuta1 Muffins 4ever
VastaKustuta4 I fell the need .. the for Dash
10 The fourth pony of D'aawmageddon
11 Try knitting
12 Books don't have all the answers, dear.
13 Now that's foreshadowing.
18 I never guess. It is a shocking habit — destructive to the logical faculty.
"The Sign of Four" Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
21 We need serious, professional help.
#5 and #21 isn't poni related.
VastaKustuta21. Human Rainbow Dash ain't that busty, in my mind, and Human Applejack wouldn't wear something so impractical. Other then that thumbs up.
VastaKustuta21... dear god.....yes
VastaKustuta#21. Huumina humina humina!
VastaKustutaI love how most of the commenters are enthusiastic about #21, but there are just those few who have to complain that both it and #6 have nothing to do with ponies.
VastaKustuta...makes me want to call the Whaaaambulance.
@Cody MacArthur Fett
VastaKustutaThis is not ordinary pilot ;]
To be honest... cutie mark is in the layer hidden underneath I just... >_> forgot about it. It was supposed to be in the middle of helmet. My bad! I should repair it someday.
VastaKustuta@18 Elederpary, my dear muffin.
VastaKustuta@21 Habbadawhabagaah..?
Hey boys, you wanna tone down the OMG TITS BRB FAPPING talk?
VastaKustutaSome of us here are in fact *female* y'know. :/ *rolls eyes and sighs*
VastaKustutaIt' not like it's a secret that males masturbate (and women too). Stop being so taboo about it.
Number 21 must go.
VastaKustutaAnd of *course* that's the reaction I received for my comment, completely missing the point as expected. >_________<
Of course everyone does, but that doesn't mean this wonderful fandom should become an uncomfortable environment for ALL it's members. Plus it's totally making our creative and normally delightful fandom look like a bunch of pathetic teenage /b/tards. I thought we were trying to *escape* that stereotype?
I actually enjoy humanized pony art, sometimes even when they are abnormally busty. That doesn't mean I want to scroll through 50 objectifying comments about how fappable they are. Sheeesh.
oh man joseco got assimilated. i thought i recognized the art style....
VastaKustutaalso 14 depresses me. IT'S SO TRUUUUEEEE
Hmm, I thought I submitted something. Maybe I did it wrong, maybe I just suck. :D
VastaKustutaAnyway, great job drawing guys or whatevz!
IMO 13 should be made into a poster. Really epic. And yeah, it does reminds me of the old SW: episode 1 posters, before the movie came out.
VastaKustuta21 is actually kinda awesome except that Dash should be taut and ripped rather than curvy and busty. AJ looks great though.
VastaKustutaGood God, the things being said about #21 are absolutely disgusting, you people need help.
VastaKustuta#17 Made my poor heart melt.
#7 is the wrong version of the image;
VastaKustuta#18 has a colored version.
Nice stuff, either way.
2# Celestia is GORGEOUS!
VastaKustutaBut I love Luna! lol
What's with the obsession for abnormally large boobs and showing as much skin as possible? All I can think of is how much their backs must ache right now.
VastaKustuta#8 is probably one of my favorite .jpgs ever. Just saying
VastaKustuta19: OH NO CUPCAKES!!! AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!
VastaKustuta21: Some sick-o friend of mine sent me an image similar to it. But the two show their ****s. And tell you what, I beat the crap out of 'im
I'm guessing number 14 is from the conversion bureau
VastaKustutaOh my goodness. Yes, i like it.
Seth, i think you broke half of the brony community with #21...
VastaKustutaHow did I get here?
Trixie and Snivy?
Spike being cute?
Twi being adorkable?
I love this fanbase!