• Drawfriend Stuff #58

     Crossover Madness edition!



    51 kommentaari:

    1. Rarity taking a shower, what a sight o-o

    2. *looks at the one below number 7 (missing a number)* oh... my... *explodes*

    3. #13: "Because a pony always needs to look their best, even when they usually think they already do."

    4. Ok, that's it #7.5 has made me explode from awesome'ness.. TWICE.

    5. I love that Applejack engi.

      THE HAIR

    6. #13
      Spike: "Avert your eyes, heathens!"

    7. 3 the book is always better
      7 Charlie's Pony's (needs Spike as Bosley)
      8 The first sign of D'aaaawwwmageddon or Spring
      take your pick.
      11 PonyBuck's? I run on Pinkin Doughnuts
      13 When did Spike install this camera?
      15 Trixie the Great and Foxy
      16 Sleeping through D'aawwmageddon
      17 and lo D'aawwmageddon shall come swiftly on the wings of d'aaww... what a cute bow.
      18 19 the rivalry continues

    8. hnng fluttershy
      hnng sweetiebelle
      ibimb rarity in shower

    9. Yo, Sethisto! Wanna add these in the next one?

    10. #9 Seems to be referencing something, but I cannot place what it is. Either way, it's extremely well drawn

    11. #9 MLP:FiM "the Movie" theatrical release poster?

      If such a thing exists, I must go questing to see it. Now!

    12. #18:
      Luna: You no longer need to sacrifice for your ponies, You no longer need to wear the weight of your crown. I've taken care of everything.

      C: What is this? What are you doing my sibling?

      L:Succeeding you.. Sister.

    13. On 13 I had to actually step back and ask myself out loud, "Do I really need a picture of Rarity in the shower?"

      The answer, of course, was yes.

    14. @Anonymous:

      Number 9 is in the exact same composition as the theatrical poster for Star Wars Episode V: the Empire Strikes Back.

      This, naturally, makes it the most awesome thing ever.

    15. Also, #5 is AWESOME.

    16. Empire poster yesssss

    17. That is my favorite movie poster of all time or something like that. Now enhanced with poni.


    18. Awesome collection here!

      ...For some reason, whenever I see Celestia, I also assume end up associating her with a troll.

      Confound these bronies.

    19. There is a great deal of sexy in this update.

      I now have a craving for plums, or possibly eggplants.

    20. #9: On the other hand, I NEVER want to see Applejack sliced open like a tonton... so maybe I won't go see the movie after all.

    21. Straight hair Rarity is the best Rarity.

    22. #7 - I'm a big fan of this one. It's always nice to see the two sisters together, not as rivals, and it's heart warming to see Luna smile. So generally a feel good picture, then.

      #20 - That is really well done! A lot of technical excellence in that picture, especially the way light and shadow are used. Good show!

    23. #2

    24. Cheers all~
      I'm trying to convert a friend of mine to the pony side. Right now she's obsessed with the Akatsuki from Naruto though, so to do this I need crossover art, stat. Anyone think they can help?

      For the herd!

    25. Strange that no-one seems to know what number 1 is. Regardless, I love it, and I would definitely pay money for a version of Archon re-done with ponies. The two settings cross over so well like that it's uncanny.

    26. @Naruto anon...
      There's a comic from CSImadmax in which somepony sports one of those fancier Sharingans. Check her deviantart.

    27. @Anonymous

      #1 is a reference to Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, I'm positive. Those look like stands that they've called out, and Celestia is DEFINITELY wearing Jotaro's signature hat. It's even connected to her hair like Jotaro's is. Pretty sure Luna's supposed to be wearing Dio's headband too :)

      <3 JJBA

    28. @Re. Naruto anon
      It might take more than that. Probably needs to at least be fangirl squee level.

    29. THANK YOU to whoever drew #11.
      The world needs more Vinyl fanart, and seeing her work with hardware other than a mixer (I think it's called?) is great.

    30. @Brian
      >Star Wars poster

      *sticks a cupcake in my eye for failing to see the reference*

      In my defense, though, I've never actually dabbled in Star Wars, but I still should've been able to recognise that poster

    31. #1 definitely is based on Jojo´s Bizarre Adventure Part 3: Starlight Crusaders. But I have to admit those are some wicked-looking "stands" for both Celestia and Luna!

      Perhaps Twilight & Trixie would have made a better fit at the pic since Twilight does feature a "Star" as a cutie mark (Jotaro´s stand is named Star Platinum after all...) & Trixie talks & behaves just like Dio.

      Nevertheless the pic is awesome! Nice to see there are Jojo fans in this fandom!

    32. GAH! I seriously want #18 without the bloody crown in the picture. It's great artwork, I just don't care for the crown thing, and what it means. :/

      Oh well, probably the only one.

    33. My favorite set so far

    34. #10: "Give me back mah hat. Now." So cute.

      #14: Stupid sexy twilight.

      #17: D'awwww!

    35. Oh wow I didn't expect to see that as the headline picture for this update. I'm glad people like it :)


      The original pic for this is an incomplete sketch done by a random /co/ anon (AFAIK, I'd love to know who actually did the sketch because it's seriously great). I just kinda decided a few days ago to try my hand at inking and coloring it because I thought it was an awesome picture of two series I absolutely adore, and I'm trying to teach myself how to use illustrator and photoshop :)

      I agree that Trixie and Twilight would have been a better fit for Jotaro/Dio, but unfortunately I'm no artist so drawing them myself would have looked pretty bad. The headwear is actually something I added, really just to make the reference a little more obvious, and also because horses wearing hats are silly :P The original sketch just has them in their normal crowns.

    36. @ThatNarutoGuy
      Not sure, but I THINK I saw a Naruto pony some time, but... yeah, I'd have a hard time finding it here, sorry.

    37. #5 is oddly fitting.

    38. HHNNNGGG, 13, why do you make me feel these emotions?? I promised myself I wouldn't...

    39. 4 is awesome. Karthus pony go!

      13 is awesome cause I have a strong inclination to continue looking at that one

    40. is... that blood on the crown in #18 ._.

    41. 7.5... Where can I find the rest of Oro's work. If he is even called oro. Ive scoured google looking for anything else, and no dice. any help here?

    42. At #13... I know she's nude, but after being used to seeing ponies like that for so long, it feels like she's taking a shower with her clothes on.
