• Discussion: What episode did you start with?

    We haven't had an actual discussion post in a while, and I'm going to give fics a break for a bit (Until late tomorrow morning at least)

    So what episode did you start with?  According to that poll from a while back the majority of bronies actually started watching in March, so only a fraction of us were exposed to it initially. 

    What was your initial reaction?

    241 kommentaari:

    1. lol, "Fall Weather Friends". My initial reaction was "OMFG! Cute!"

    2. The basic:
      Why the hell am i seeing this?
      Hmm it's kinda good.
      More MORE!!
      Pony for life.
      The end.

    3. Episode one as a joke after finding it trending on kym now i am obsessed with it so im a brony for life

    4. Well the first episode I watched was the pilot episode, but I wasn't introduced to the series until Green Isn't Your Color came out.

      I'd been noticing it gaining in popularity since... I think it was February, but it could have been earlier. I wasn't game to try it until a friend sent me the link to the first episode, and I've been hooked ever since.

    5. First two episodes on youtube, from Masterlinx old account long before it got destroyed by a troll.

      My reaction was... best newest cartoon to date and nothing else could touch it with a torch. It had minor flaws but I learned to love the show.

    6. What episode did i start with? what does that mean exactly?
      The first ep was the one i saw first as i watched them all in order.
      But if you mean what was the first ep i had to wait for then it would be Feeling Pinkie Keen

      My reaction?
      "Lol this is cool :3"

    7. Started like how it was shown... with the pilots. Was thinking why oh why am I watching a My Little Pony cartoon. Then I saw Twilight Sparkle and everything made sense.

      Love for the series cemented with Ticket Master and rest is history.


    8. I started with episode 1. There were already a few episodes out when I started, so I finished them up. Now I wait for Fridays.

    9. I started off with Episode 1 and watched all the way to Episode 9 (Bridle Gossip) which was the last episode out at the time.
      I did it all in one sitting.

      My reaction before I started watching was something like "My Little Pony? Eh, I'll give it a shot."

      After I finished Bridle Gossip, everything for me got ponyfied.

      I crave more ponies.

    10. I just stumbled across a link to it,I cant remember where now >_>
      I like a lot of children's shows anyway,so I thought I'd give it a go. I think this was February.
      The first episode I watched was the pilot,and I watched the rest of the episodes in order.
      My first reaction was that they were so cute and why the hell did they use words like everypony...
      Then after watching the rest of the episodes in one day,I was addicted.

    11. I watched the pilot arc, and then stopped to take it in. It was cute, funny, and altogether charming. I really liked the way it was going.

      I continued watching the next day and I was like "What the hell happened to all that magical girl stuff?"

      And then I realized I like this episodic style just as much.

    12. First one I saw was Dragonshy, watched it through Cox's free on demand. At the time I thought it was not bad but not something that I would watch regularly, but over the course of a few weeks from that I gradually got hooked. And yeah, this was all during March and the April Fool's week.

    13. Started with episode one (Mare in the Moon), back in February. Originally, I thought it was hilarious that /b/ was flipping out over some kids show, so I decided to watch an episode or two just to understand the joke better. However, when I actually started laughing at the Pinkie Pie gags in the second part, I realized things had gone better than expected, and watched up to Boast Busters in the first sitting. :D

    14. I started with Ticket Master, and oh my gosh, It was a good coincidence - episode was SO awesome and adorable, that I decided that I must spend some more time with the Flashy New Ponies. So I go to Episode 1 and watch everything in pretty much two nights. I got ponyfied, and this is horrible - my Wife don't get me at all, and start to giggle after I create a T-Shirt and a pin with Pony Pride World Wide.

      But Ticket Master sold me with the scene, when Twilight is pulling petals from the flower to count her friends, and than eat the petals with such cute, sad face. Dawww :3

    15. Started with the first episode a few days before Over a Barrel aired, and been addicted since.

    16. I started with Dragonshy, near when it first aired.

      "What the fuck, man? Why are you trying to get me to watch My Little Pony? I..."

      *Angel acts like a little asshole*


      And here I am. Reading fan fiction about Luna.

    17. Technically, it was Applebuck Season but the first on I actually paid attentin to was Bridle Gossip. 'Flutterguy' totally sold the show for me.

    18. First one I watched was EP 8, "Look before you sleep".
      After that, I had to watch Applebuck Season, simply because I liked AJ so much. The rest should be clear;

      Anyway, it happend around the end of February, if I'm not mistaken. And since I liked Ponies beforehand already, it didn't take much to work it's magic on me.

    19. Someone was posting ponies on a forum I was in, so I joined in with a pony avatar just to annoy people. I Googled MLP:FIM to see the characters (off the "alignment chart" pic), picked the coolest looking one (Trixie) as my avatar, and then eventually ended up watching Boast Busters. Liked that, so I went back and started at the pilot.

    20. I started with the beginning of The Mare in the Moon, but I accidently clicked on a related video and was too lazy for "such a show" to go back. So I watched Feeling Pinkie Keen. I really liked pinkie and Twilights sarcasm so I watched the other episodes afterwards.

    21. As far as when I started watching, it was probably when Show Stoppers or Dog and Pony Show came out, but I only watched them after I finished everything else. The first show I watched live on HUB was Gren Isn't Your Color.

    22. Like everyone else I started on Mare in the Moon, and forgave the excessively formulaic nature of the first two episodes out of the show's need to highlight each of the mane six.

      Then I saw Dragonshy followed by Pinkie Pie channeling Pepe Le Pew in Griffon the Brush-Off and I was completely sold on the premise of the show.

    23. i just typed in the show name and got "pinkie keen" but i was actully exposed to derpy before and was watching the show , not realizing she is not a actual charecter . so the first episode i watched was "winter wrap up" but only about 2 minets of it when i got mad derpy was mainly a fan-made phenominon

    24. Ticket Master for me.

    25. To put things into perspective, I started on the pilot episode the same day "Feeling Pinkie Keen" came out. Needless to say, I would never go back to not being a brony. c:

    26. I started on the pilots. Oddly enough I loved every single minute of it rather than starting with a "what the hell" reaction. Was there something wrong with me? :P

    27. I had read about MLP:FiM in a couple of different webcomics, but never really felt the urge to watch until one night I was bored, and the webcomic Sandra and Woo had two episodes embedded on her site. Figuring that at the worst I could always move on to another page somewhere, I watched first 'Swarm of the Century'. I was highly amused by Pinkie Pie seeming randomness, and by the epic look on Celestia's face as she watched the parasprite parade out of town. And then I found myself watching the other one, 'Sonic Rainboom.'

      And then I was hooked and watched the rest from start to finish in a span of 3 days. (Last one at the time was Over a Barrel, so I've only been a fan for maybe 3 weeks now? Feels like months already.)

    28. Apple Buck Season was my first episode.
      I saw Big Macintosh and was hooked ever since.

      It's my favorite episode so far.

    29. I discovered the show at about the time of Winter Wrap Up but I started watching the episodes from the pilot.

    30. Simplicitification14. aprill 2011, kell 05:42

      Winter Wrap Up, because I was introduced to the show from the song. Then I was "Oh man this is sweet", and went to watch the pilot, and just kept watching from there.

    31. I catched the link for the 2nd part od "Feeling Pinkie Keen" and as knowing nothing about the FIM I was on what-it-is-all-about state. Despite this I fell in love for the style and Twilights smile sold me this show completly. Than I watched everything in order and I guess I will stay here for a while.

    32. Was browsing /co/ the day the pilot aired. Saw Twilight as the image for the main post and laughed, thinking "not in a million years".

      Then I saw Spike in one of the 5 displaying posts and was like "LETS WATCH SOME MLP!"

    33. Fuck y'all niggas if you didn't start with Mare in the Moon back in October you don't know SHIT about ponies.

    34. Art Of The Dress was my first.


      I was like, "I am a 23 year old man. I am watching a show about ponies making dresses. Why do I love it?"

    35. Started with a 6 episode marathon one Friday night. Got drunk around 3, but goddamn, I was already snared halfway through 1.

    36. I was VERY skeptical. The intro was super girly and cliché, and I was like, "THIS is what people are quoting everywhere?" However, I lost a shred of my skepticism right around the line "wicked mare of darkness", because I thought that was a little *edgy* for my little pony. So, I gave it the benefit of the doubt, and here I am. On Equestria Daily.

    37. Art of the Dress. Rarity had me.

    38. Sonic Rainboom was my first.

    39. I started with the pilot episode. Mind you, I didn't have a choice - the pilot episode was the only one that had aired yet. Good ol' pensivepine (before she was struck down only to return as pensivepony) provided my entry point to the pony goodness. I was sold within the first two minutes and hooked by the end of the ep.

    40. I think it was early February for me. I kept bumping into King Cheetah and Oroch1's drawings and finally decided take look at the first episode on youtube.

      At first I was like.
      "Pshaw, fine! I'll check this girly dookie out and see what the fuss is all about.."

      And then..

    41. I got into it about half a week before griffon the brush off

      I watched from the beginning up to apple buck season in one sitting and was confused why I liked a mlp cartoon so much sense I hated the old ones. So I got my mom to watch it because she also likes cartoons and she thought it was good and reassured me I wasn't insane for liking it.

      I now watch with her once a week
      I also converted my best friend and another friend on steam.
      They went on to convert a few of there friends so i indirectly created around 5/10 bronies

    42. Pilot episodes. They're still one of my most favourite ones.

      Located them through, oddly enough, an image-board other than 4chan, seeing a couple of .gifs with very oddly high-quality and charming animation from the show.

      That couldn't be right. Am I really going to watch My Little Pony to make sure?.. Oh look, there's a YouTube link!

      My reaction progressed something like that:
      -Whoa, that's pretty good opening animation.
      -This looks okay I guess.
      -This is kinda well-detailed for a kid's show.
      -The characters I've seen so far seem oddly well-developed and likeable. That's odd.
      -Well, I've watched this for almost an hour, and I still want more.
      -I... Like this? I really actually like this? I actually respect this show for what it's done?
      -Oh crap. I'm a My Little Pony fan!

      I was afraid the axing of any actual story in later episodes would immediately ruin it... But somehow it didn't. In some ways it works even better.

      Well-played, Lauren. Well-played.

    43. I watched it in order. To be quite honest, I initially thought the pilot was cliche'd and uninteresting, and almost stopped watching right there. Soo glad I didn't tho, because I was completely hooked by Applebuck Season. And now I love the pilot, even if it is cliche'd.

    44. Fall Weather Friends was the first episode on the air after I started watching, but I started out by getting on Youtube and watching everything from the pilot forward.

      I was sick at home that day, and I was basically feeling too lousy to even sit up and concentrate on a video game -- I just wanted to lay there and watch something I didn't have to interact with. So I pulled up youtube to watch this MLP thing I'd been seeing fan art for.

      Actually I was very impressed in the first couple minutes when we got to Luna's motivation for turning into a monster and her plan to bring eternal night, 'cause that's pretty heavy compared to what's been MLP up to now. If nothing else I was impressed that they had a legit villain.

      The rest of the pilot was pretty much up to expectations; I thought they foreshadowed the elements being the five friends a little too hard, but as it's designed for smaller children I wasn't going to whine too loud about that.

      I was a little disappointed that the subsequent episodes pretty much dropped the Sailor Moon vibe and became more standard slice-of-life MLP material, but it retained the slick production value and sense of humor, so I was okay sticking with it. (I almost died laughing at Ticket Master when they did the not-quite-Benny-Hill bit!)

    45. Chronological order for me.
      I watch every episode without fail every weekfrom late october to present day

    46. In late March I did see the article on KYM and thought "4chan business as usual", watched the pilot embedded on the page but kinda slept through most of it as it was really late. Ended up brushing it off until about a week later stumbled on that Starccraft 2 trailer parody. It got me to give the show another chance.

      Watched the first episode again this time paying attention and continued until Ticket Master really sealed the deal.

    47. I saw the episodes chronologically. I was first notified to MLP:FiM from EGS.

    48. Started with episode one, keept watching only because Nightmare moon looked awesome, and also Pinkie was awesome

    49. I haven't hub channel, so find first episode, after some mentions over the net.
      First reaction? I think it be something middle of "wow, that's going to be epic" and "Daaaaw :D"

    50. On the 8th of March, A friend uploaded this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gbWprXqZ298 The description read 'I watched an episode of "My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic."

      BTW: If you have not watched that show before, WATCH IT. IT is the manliest girly show you will ever watch. No joke.' I watched episode one, and thought 'You know, I actually quite enjoy this'. And the rest, as the cliché says, is history.

    51. Sonic Rainboom. Then I watched Feeling Pinkie Keen (as it was the next linked vid on Youtube). Once I'd seen both I made the effort to find out the correct order and watched them all in order from the beginning.

    52. Watched the first episode after it aired and been a brony ever since.

    53. I happened to start with the first episode to see what all the fuss was about. Thank god for that pony raid in /vp/. I remeber being at a McDonalds a week before I joined the ponydom looking at the toys thinking "who would want those?" Now I hit myself at how stupid I was not to get them at the time

    54. I started with the first episode a month or two ago, and continued in the correct order.

      My initial reaction was OH MY GOD THE PURPLE DRAGON SO CUTE

    55. I got started in late November myself, but I started with the first episode thanks to Pensive. It started out as a mere curiousity, "Why is /co/ so obsessed with My Little Pony of all things?" And Fluttershy's infamous scene made sure I was a brony for life.

    56. the pilot. was kinda apprehensive (especially after the song), then they started introducing the ponies

      it became good, then became amazing especially after rainbow dash, but what sealed the deal finally was fluttershy

    57. Started with winter wrap up, thought it was pretty cute.

      So i watched the first one and was all like hfs what is twilight sparkle going to do?

      Watched the second part and i was crying like a little girl, those sisters...

      Im a 23 year old male

    58. I am open minded and never said "MLP!? are you crazy, that's for little girls" i wanted to see all the episodes chronologically and i did. so... i think my experience doesn't count. At first i was like, "well... shit this show is goddamn cute... also is flash animation (i f*cking love flash animation) i think this is my new obsession".

    59. As for me, once I started hearing about it from an internet buddy I figured I'd give it a trial run, see if it hooked me. Got the first ten episodes (The only ones that were out at the time), and watched them in release order. I always try to give a show I might watch a decent chance to pull me in. So my first episode was the first episode. I watched those first ten episodes over the course of maybe thirty-six hours, and fell for the series. Been watching ever since via internet and DVR.

    60. I started watching in December. My first ep: Winter Wrap-up.

    61. /b/
      decide to give it a try, because I love that kind of animation, but don't expect much
      start with episode one (I always watch everything in chronological order)
      All 14 episodes available on Youtube in a single night

      Now I'm always waiting for Saturday to watch it online

    62. I started with the two-part opening, mostly because I'd heard how cool and "magical girl influenced" it was. I was not disappointed. :)

    63. I'm methodical. I started at the first two episodes, ignoring the others when I started.

      And as I've repeated a few times, it spiralled out of control from there.

      Number of pictures in my MLP folder: 3,278.

    64. If i recall correctly, I started with the first 2 episodes. I had a smile on my face the whole time.

      I soon started watching more and more.
      Now i can't start a day without looking at some ponies before i go.

    65. Well since I was surrounded with ponies between you tube and twitter, I decided to watch an episode, the first was 'suited for success' Relatively harmless, and I liked the musical number,Then I watched the next episode, 'Pinkie Keen' and then I saw that the show had the type of comedy I've been writing since high school. I Marathoned the whole thing in the weekend.

    66. Was snooping around KYM and suddenly I see RD staring at me. I'm all like "WTH is dis?" and click it and see rather funny pony makros. So I decided to watch the first episode, based on how popular this had become.
      At first I thought it was kinda childish, but once the other characters got involved it got more interesting. Of course the cliffhander forced me to watch ep2, to find out what happens next.
      And then suddenly Brony.

    67. the first episode i watched overall was mare in the moon, and i was already entranced by it. the first one i saw on its television debut was feeling pinkie keen, which is still one of my favorite episodes.

    68. I watched the first two episodes first, not long after the second episode premiered, before The Ticket Master.

      I saw one thread on /co/ and was 'lol what is this BS, oh /co/ you so silly' and eventually gave in and watched the first two episodes. the characters were too endearing, and the style was too kind to the eyes. I was hooked. Brony for life!

    69. Here's how it went:
      Episode 1-2: Well, I guess this show is alright. Kind of hokey but it's the pilot episodes.
      Episode 3: Why am I still watching? The show is okay but I just...
      Episode 4-18: Aww crap. I was supposed to go to work an hour ago. I'll just say I got a flat and didn't have my phone with me. Okay, 1 more episode while I get ready.

    70. episode 1. Watched it, was instantly hooked. No regrets

    71. The Pilot, don't know why it's suddenly become the only average starting point of the show. It's different from most of the show but the episodes really introduce the characters quite well and I believe the characters are the strongest point of the show.

      I was really impressed how good the pilot was I ended up watching more as the week went by (The first episode I saw on TV was Show Stoppers) and everyone pretty much knows what's next.

    72. Episode one, my reaction went something like this:
      This is girly but whatever I'm trying to kill time...
      heh she's a bitch to the dragon thing...
      lol that pink one is mental...
      Is that pony dealing with life's problems by drinking?...
      Why do I want to know what happens next? Then I just couldn't stop watching.

    73. I started with the first episode, of course. However, I started watching after the Derpy craze when Feeling Pinkie Keen aired. After reading about that, and then seeing the 7 artists AMV I had to check the show out. I liked it from the start, but the real addiction would come maybe 6 or so episodes in.

    74. gryphon the brush off on synctube after someone posted the link on /v/. I was sold right away and watched the rest in sequence right from the begining.

    75. Call of the Cutie. And I have never regretted it.

    76. Started with Winter Wrap Up because I thought that that was the first episode since it was at the bottom of Pensive's uploads (didn't notice the "show more" button). Thought it would be too girly because of Twilight's opening lines, but the song was awesome and I then discovered that it wasn't the first episode. Well, I then had to watch them all, and here I am.

    77. Episode 1, because that was the only episode in existence at that point!

    78. I started with episodes 1 and 2
      Throughout the entirety of watching them, I couldn't stop thinking to myself
      Why the hell am I watching this
      Why can I stop watching this

      Then it dawned on me
      This is fucking awesome.

    79. The first time I saw a FIM picture, it was the gif of Twlight being tossed in the air with sunglasses coming down and a Deal With It text addition. I thought it was Stocking from Panty and Stocking, somehow turned into a My Little Pony during one of the episodes. I asked about it and the guy who posted said it was something else.

    80. Started with the pilot, watched through Dragonshy.
      Started the Friday Dragonshy released.

    81. My friend had me watch episodes one and two as a joke. I then watch all the way up to ep.14. After that I watch all new eps when they come out and I love the community.

    82. I remember vaguely hearing about ponies around when I assume it came out, and my reaction was, "huh, that's funny. Why do so many people like this?" I finally got around to giving it a shot and started with the first episode and watched all the episodes I could on a day I had a bunch of free time. Then I loved ponies.

    83. Technically, I heard about this show before it was even produced. I was just surfing the internet and some website mentioned they were making a new "My Little Pony" cartoon. I've never seen cartoon anything related to "My Little Pony" before but I've I at least knew that the franchise existed. My thoughts were, in order, "Sheesh, they'll take any 80's nostalgia and repackage it, won't they?" and "Here we go again."

      Later, I think around February, I've noticed a bunch of pony stuff on "Know Your Meme" and was confused. I ignored it at first but then I saw even *more* pony stuff, so I read the article in detail. But still I ignored it because...it's freakin' My Little Pony! Even if a bunch of adults loved it, it's still aimed towards kids, right?

      And then CR! from TGWTG fame, whose opinion about animation I mostly respect because he knows his stuff, did a tribute to Pinkie Pie. What the hell. That took balls and I had to see for myself."

      So, for the better part of spring break, I decided to look up this cartoon with the help of Wikipedia's episode listing. I watched the first episode and my thoughts were "Well, it was very well-animated, I actually like the style, the voice-acting was good, the characters have personalities, and I'm actually want to see what happens next. I mean, eternal night? Sibling rivalry among GODS?!? That's pretty deep for a kid's show, right?" Well, that and "Awww, Fluttershy is sooo cute!" Yeah, she melted my heart with how skittish she is.

      Then I watched the second one and, while it was a little too Sailor Moonish for my tastes....well, it was still good and I decided to continue watching. I try to watch as many episodes as I can in order to be "fair" with new shows.

      So I watched the next one...and the next one. And on and on, spending a good chuck of my spring break watching freaking ponies. I felt like I should be ashamed of being a grown man about to graduate from college watching a girl's show about anthropomorphic ponies but I couldn't help myself. That and seeing how a few moments actually made me laugh out loud I had to keep watching (that and I was generally impressed with the lessons they were teaching and how subtle they were about doing it.)

      Then, after watching "Green isn't your color" I said to myself "Well, that's pretty good; I can't wait to see the next episode.....OH SHIT I'M A FREAKING BRONY NOW! WHAT THE HELL?!?"

      Now my inner child has been resurrected and I find myself more positive and optimist and less cynical and OH HEAVEN HELP ME THERE ARE PONIES DANCING IN MY SKULL AND THEY'RE TICKLING MY BRAIN WITH THEIR JOLLY HOOVES OF HAPPINESS AND I LOVE IT and I've downloaded every episode, been rewatching them again and now I've been reading Equestria Daily under the pony name of "Batty Gloom" (and yes, I do have a design in mine) watching Pony videos and reading fan fiction (something I haven't done in well over more than half a decade) and now Derpy Hooves is my favorite pony even though she's not even a secondary character (Yet; I'm hoping for season 2, people!)

      And the best part? When I mentioned as an off-handed comment to an internet buddy that I was thinking about trying my hand on a fan fiction later after I rewatched a show so I can try to understand character, he asked me which show and I gushed about how awesome FIM is. He told me that he was aware because *three people* on his five or six people team was completely into the show. That alone raised his attention but hearing me gush about the show pushed him over the edge to watch all the episodes in order. Then he told me that "I'm a Brony now" and how amazing that Lauren Faust was able to make something intended by the company for girls into something that is reaching so far ahead out of its targeted audience and here I am.

    84. I was looking for a new show for my 3-year-old daughter. I found the first episode for free on iTunes, and I thought "Ugh, yet another My Little Pony reboot... oh well, it's free, I'll give it a shot." I was mildly intrigued by the creation mythology, and then as soon as I saw Twilight reading, I thought "Wow! This is really well-animated!" By the end of the episode I had to have more. I found the 10-pack on BitTorrent and watched all those, then i wondered, "Am I the only 30-year-old man who totally loves My Little Pony?" Thankfully, I'm not.

    85. I asked /b/'s pony threads what it was all about in late February. They pointed me to Sonic Rainboom. I was immediately pleased with the yellow one and her cheering and the spunky blue one and her hair. The names were a little weird at first, and I thought that the theme song was criminal, but now I'm posting ponies every chance I get!

    86. I must admit to having started with Sonic Rainboom. From there I just watched them in order.

    87. The first episode I watched was "Suited for Success" and right around the start of the fashion show for I simply said aloud to my empty room, "I need more of this, I don't know why but I need more". I then proceded to go on basically a pony binge for the next 24-48 hours, not really caring that I was a grown adult watching a show targeted for little girls.

    88. It was a random day in February and I had gone on /b/ and started seeing pony threads. I had initially ignored them and talked with a fellow /b/tard on his thought. He had talked about his displeasure that on page 0 was 2-3 pony threads. One weekend night I decided to go into youtube and take a look at something pony related. I found "Winter Wrap Up". I listened to it and was quite intrigued. (I'm a Phineas and Ferb fan, so songs in tv shows draw me in. Then a week later, I watched Feeling Pinkie Keen, then feeling I would give this show a shot, I began watching 2-3 a night till I think was either Stare Master being the newest episode.

    89. Was bored one evening, had nothing to do... decided to find out what the heck was upp with all those pony pics all over the nets... found the show on youtube... started with ep 1... nex thing i know i was on episode eight.... I look at my hands and scream "WHAT HAVE I BECOME?!".

      And then i continued watching....

    90. Bridle Gossip, although to be honest, it all started for me with finding people making YTPs out of this show. :P

      I'm thankful my curiousity got the better of me though, because if it weren't for 'em, I'd probably ignore this show completely and not find out how awesome it actually is. ;D

      Now... does anybody know if this show would start airing on any channel in countries in Southeast Asia? Oh wait, nevermind, getting a bit off-topic there, lol.

    91. Episode 2. I was saved from /v/, and dropped into a whole new world of hell.

    92. My way of getting to the show was kinda roundabout. I originally saw a bunch of people with pony avatars on the mspaintadventures forum having an argument about who was better, AJ or Dash.

      Somewhere in the heat of it all, someone linked some random dash compilation. I thought it was cute and all, but was more intrigued by this yellow pegasus pony that was in the background of the video.

      So I clicked a thumbnail of her in related videos, "Fluttershy sings Pinkie Pie's song" and was shocked by her cursed voice. I was convinced it was an edit and went on with my day.

      A few weeks later I came across the song Art of The Dress linked on the same form. I fell so in love with the song that I watched the rest of the episode that takes place after the song, and then the begininning of the episode.

      I was hooked, so I went back and watched Bridal Gossip (after a few searches to find the source of Evil Enchantress). Finally, after that I started watching them in order.

    93. Episode 10 swarm of the century. I remeber watching about have way though and thinking this is the best thing ever!!!!!!!

    94. Episode one, week before just usual stuff then *bang* ponies for life.

    95. I had been seeing comments about and references to it all over the Internet, but I was still refusing to watch it. Of course I didn't think this show about ponies could possibly be any good! It wasn't until I saw somebody comment on it being "the manliest show on television" that I finally threw up my hands in despair and thought, "All right, all right! I'll watch this dumb pony show!" Of course, I started with episode 1, as I almost always do with any new show I'm watching.

      I think I was hooked from the very beginning. :)

    96. I started with the Pilots in March and worked my way to the current episode of that week. Was hooked on Masterlinkx Channel before it went under, and then rose again like a phoenix.

    97. I was shown Feeling Pinkie Keen, then Sonic Rainboom, before going off to watch the series myself.

    98. Call of the Cutie (I know, i'm late. Don't look at me like that). Thought "lol cute" and proceeded to watch every other episode in one sitting.

    99. The first episode I watched was the first episode "Friendship is Magic Part 1"

      How I stumbled across it was ordinary. I was just randomly surfing the net one day when I wanted to learn about a specific meme (can't remember which) and went to KYM to find out more about it. After some research, I thought I may as well check what other sorts of memes there currently were.

      I noticed that one meme was based of this TV show. My first thought was "What? A meme based off an ENTIRE TV show?" So I clicked on it and read some of the background info. I, in all honesty, scoffed at the idea of it being so addictive. I saw that they posted up the first episode as a reference, so me, being the curious cat, watched the video.

      At first, I was intrigued by the opening, as it gave an interestingly dark premise so early on in a show (a kid's show, at that). Then, the theme song played. I blocked my ears for the first few seconds, cause I have heard it so many times and it annoyed the **** out of me. However, when it changed and guitar was added in, it didn't sound too bad. After the episode ended on a cliff hanger, I thought to myself "Well...that wasn't too bad, considering my expectations. May as well see what the next episode is like just to tie up loose ends"

      And I think it was this episode that did it for me. It gave each of the mane cast defining aspects and came up with some adequate drama. So I decided to stick around for the rest of the series after that

    100. I started with the pilot, the same week that it first aired. Someone posted the Youtube link to /co/, and I clicked it out of curiosity, intending to watch a minute or two and then close the window.

      But the prologue it started with was the last thing I was expecting. A legend about an epic battle between two goddesses? In MY My Little Pony?

      I found that to be really intriguing, and ended up watching the whole first episode right then and there, even though I had work to do.

      After that, I ended up posting all sorts of speculation on the pony threads on /co/ during the two-week wait for part two. By the time it aired, I was forever a brony.

      This is why I always defend the pilot as a starting episode. If I had watched any other episode first, I doubt I would be a fan.

    101. I walked past my sister in the living room. She was watching an episode. I laughed at her for watching it, and she said it was actually pretty good. I laughed at her again, and went off to my room.

      A couple days later it was Friday, and I saw her watching ANOTHER episode. Instead of laughing at her again, my curiosity got the better of me. So I watched from around the corner. I found out later that what I watched was "Swarm of the Century". Before it was finished, I buggered off to my room, wondering why she watched that "garbage".

      Next week rolls by, and my curiosity got the better of me. I had been surfing a certain image board as I always do *COUGH4CHANCOUGH* and noticed a pony thread. I thought "Why not?", and entered it. After probably 10 minutes later, the thread 404'd, and I found myself searching for ANOTHER pony thread.

      I decided that the show couldn't be all that bad, so I searched it up on youtube... Although I didn't know the name. I gave up after 15 minutes of fruitless failure, and wandered off into the living room... Where my sister was watching the new episode. I looked from around the corner, and saw "MLP FiM", and so I ran back to my room to finish my search.

      A couple short hours later, I had finished watching EVERY SINGLE EPISODE... And to this day, I still don't entirely know why I love this show so much.

      My fav episodes are the first two btw.

    102. I found out about the series in early to mid February on Know Your Memes. They had a embedded YouTube video of the entire first episode. So I started watching from the first episode (the way I like it). I think at the time MLP:FiM had up to 14 episodes aired already, up to "Suited for Success". I think I plowed through about 6 more episodes after I finished watching the first....man is the show awesome. I caught up to last aired episode at that time within that week, and then started rewatching a few episodes ever so often until a new one comes out.

    103. I started at the beginning.

    104. I had been seeing threads pop up on /co/ and found the oc amusing. I finally gave in to my curiosity and looked it up on YT and the first result was Applebuck Season. I was skeptical til the scene with Dash and AJ, then I was hooked. The rest of the episode solidified it. Next was Winter Wrap Up, and then I started going in order.

      I had Winter Wrap Up stuck in my head for a -week- afterward.

    105. Found a bunch of comments and reviews, figured what the hell, I've got nothing else to do.
      Started with the pilot and was "holy crap this doesn't suck".
      Several hours later I'd finished my marathon viewing all the way up through Sonic Rainboom and couldn't believe how many times I giggled like an idiot, d'awwwed, or cheered for the characters.
      Have been utterly addicted since, seriously this is like freaking crack.

    106. Watched the episode one when it first appeared on Pensive's youtube due to recommendation from /co/.
      Took me a couple of hours to watch it since I kept stopping as "There's NO WAY this is THIS good."
      Eventually I accepted it and fell in love with the show and the very strange and wonderful community surrounding it.

    107. I came to it in mid-January, but after hearing more and more, I decided to give it a shot & hunted down the first episode, then watched in order until I was caught up.

      Between the manticore & the rest of the cast's reaction to Pinkie's song in Ep 2, I was pretty well sold. Nothing since has discouraged me.

    108. I just started with 1 and watched them in order

    109. I was initially subscribed to Mast3rlinkx's channel and in my subscriptions Mlp Fim videos started popping up. (My expression 0_o) At first i assumed mast3rlinkx's channel was currently occupied by someone else and so i avoided for some time.

      Then i happened to stumble into the channel and ended up watching That night of Pony PMV (and then i thought maybe the show ain't so bad) so i checked out the first 2 episodes (got hooked) watched the rest in one sitting (all nighter).

      I saw the light when in mid Febuary :P

    110. I watched part of feeling pinkie keen to see derpy and go subconsiuosly addicted. Then i saw art of the dress and was hooked.

    111. I've actually watched the pilot episode(s), and my only other experience with the ponies is from my older sister and the review by the Nostalgia Chick. And this series (MLP:FiM) is MAGICAL in comparison.

    112. To quote from my post on ponychan:
      Started watching the show somewhere in November, last year, after seeing images of the show popping up around [4chan's] /v/. After seeing the first episode I was immediately in love – it was as all the sadness I had built up throughout the years evaporated.

    113. I tried watching the first episode one night, but I was too tired or something, because I got bored extremely quickly (before Twilight met any of the other ponies). I didn't watch it again until last month, when I found the Moonbase Alpha videos and just had to give it another go.

      I decided to watch the episode that had Apple Bloom spinning around (Call of the Cutie), because it was cute. I enjoyed it, and then I watched Dragonshy and really enjoyed it, and I wound up watching half of the episodes in one sitting.

    114. I started watching and discussing pony the day before Cutie Mark Crusaders first aired. I started with the first episode and worked my way up through all of them during the hiatus, which made it feel a lot less empty.

    115. I started watching in order, naturally. The first episode I had to wait for was Stare Master.

    116. first watched bridle gossip. I was very uncertain and dismissive of the show until the scene where flutterguy sung pinkie pie's song, then I was hooked.

    117. I kept running across it, so I said I would check it out... Bam! 3 episodes in, I'm ponyfied for life. I almost dropped everything and watched all the episodes that were out right then.

    118. I watched Episode 1 first. Then Episode 2. Then 3. And so on.

      I hate watching shows out of order even when it doesn't matter.

    119. I had been on the fence for the show for a while thanks to alot of positive reactions to it. So when I was on the TV tropes page for it, I saw a link to an official Hasbro youtube channel (now gone) and thought 'Eh, might as well check'

      Thing was, the order of episodes was from the latest going down, so my first episode was Suited for Success! One of the worst episodes to start of with according to the viewing guide recently uploaded here.

      However... I liked it! I don't know what kept me going, as I was watching them backwards up to Call of the Cutie before I realized the order.

      It was quite simply a cute and engaging show, and I'm still impressed that I didn't give up on it after the girliest of the episodes.

    120. Duplex Fields here. Applebuck Season was my first episode, and the heady combination of WTF and win made me watch Griffon the Brush-Off next; "I'm a year older than you" cemented my love for Ponies for life. Then I watched the pilot episodes, and I was happy for the first time in nine years.

    121. The pilots. Apple Bloom's line d'aawwed me in but it was Bridle Gossip that sealed my fate.

    122. I Watched the show in order

      So which means I watched the pilot first

    123. The first ep that I saw was I thought ... "Fall Weather Friends" ep 13 do to a post on /b/ xd and then I was bronie :P (that not quit the story).

      I did not watch it completely (my first reaction was omg sooo totally lame. I don't hate the girly part but "Yeaa of course she it the stick whit her hoof").
      But some week later
      (When I was getting a depression) I start at ep 1 after that I just saw ep 2,3,4,5... etc. (I thought maybe it help me to get happy or at least less depress).


      It kind of help me but now I'm just addicted to MLP FiM. Now I just want to know watt gone happen to CMC and at the GGP XD.

    124. Started with the frendship is magic part 1, man if I wasny so open minded and if I didnt like twilight so much, man I would not be here today!

    125. I started with the pilot. When Nightmare Moon showed up, my reaction was "wow she has big eyes. I guess that's to be expected, given the target audience. Nevertheless, shit has hit the fan, and I am watching part 2".

      When Pinkie started singing and Twilight said "Tell me she's not..." I paused the video. My mind had been completely blown. It was at that moment I knew; this isn't a glorified toy commercial. No, this is something special.

      I then watched every episode up to Winter Wrap Up. The show had blown every expectation I had completely out of the water.

    126. While I saw the first three episodes, I didn't start really liking it until Apple Buck Season.

    127. unassuming local guy14. aprill 2011, kell 09:49

      well, first time i ever heard of FiM was on knowyourmeme.com, at the time the article when up so im really not sure witch episode was up at the time, from there i watched the first two episode and i went through the usual circle of denial. And just recently came to term with my historic page telling me i liked this show way too much even without going past the first two episodes. Im up to ten now.

      well, confound these ponies! driving me to ramble on XD

    128. A friend of my pass me the link to the first episode and I was like... bah not bad for my little pony.
      The next day I finished ep 2 to 5 and was like... oh god why do I need to see more?
      And now I am here reading fanfics and saving images.

    129. The first. Then the second. Then the third. Then...
      And I was simply hooked. The end.

    130. Once I became curious about the show, I started with the pilot. My first impression was that Twilight was a unicorn Patchouli Knowledge, without the asthma. Then the moe kicked in and I realized why /co/ liked it so much, the sick fucks. Then the nostalgia levels went through the roof and it was my favorite new cartoon in years.

      That was in November, right after Applebuck Season aired and the /co/lts were discussing it in the threads. It's really taken off since then. Remember the Friendship Wall or whatever that memorialized the notably huge MLP threads? Now all the threads are that size. And now with Ponychan and EqD, I hardly go on 4chan anymore. Ponies, man.

    131. Well, I heard the whole Winter Wrap Up song first, and loved it, but I had to watch all the episodes before actually watching Winter Wrap Up (seriously, who doesn't watch the episodes of a show in order?).
      So, yeah, the first one. I watched all of them in the correct order.

    132. I first watched the pilot episode back in either November or December, I don't remember exactly when. My friend Momo was praising it highly and showed a lot of gifs that peeked my interest so I gave it a watch. I cautiously enjoyed the first part but backed off when I got to the water dragon.

      I didn't give it a shot again until mid January, where I finished the pilot and moved on to Ticket Master and that episode just solidified it.

    133. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    134. The first episode I watched was the first one made, and I started watching back in march. I was browsing Know Your Memes.com, and I noticed a gif of RD angrily squinting. What compeled me to watch the first episode was the smooth graphics and artwork of it, but then the characters, the story line, and the plot took hold of me. I ended up watching every episode back to back, totaling a ten hour marathon of pure 1080p cartoon goodness. I later discovered that it was made by the same people who made Power Puff Girls and Foster's Home, which I enjoyed as well.

    135. My buddy was the one who showed me the magic of friensdhip. I ended up watching the whole series in order starting around early February. After cringing a few times through the pilot I started to realize how great this show was. The first aired episode I saw happened to be Sonic Rainboom which was the last straw for me. At that moment I became a full fledged brony :)

    136. I found out about this from Fandom_wank of all places. Thought, "hey I need a fun show as a pallet cleanser from big brain school stuff", so looked on youtube. Lo and behold all episodes were up, so I started from the beginning and went all the way through in two days. This was last week. I was hooked by the self-awareness of it all. My love was cemented at everyone's reaction to Pinkie's song in the episode. Might rewatch again soon. Too too amazing!

    137. Found it originally on /b/.

      Was Cautious at first. Wasn't sure wtf was going on. Thought it was someone trolling.

      Finally caved and followed a Youtube link to the Pilot. Watched Pilot, Watched Part 2,

      ...6 hours later...

      Finished watching episode 18. "WTF Where's the next Episode?! MUST HAVE MOAR!"

      Had not realized it was still a running Series. Called up Cable Company, buy upgrade to HUB channels, New ep. every Friday LIKE A BOSS B)

      Room-mate hates me so much, she just mad.

    138. I started watching with the first one like everyone else, but I got addicted around the time that episodes 16 and 17 were coming out. 20 was the first one I saw live on the Hub (we don't get the Hub at my college... surprise), and I was in town for spring break so I got to enjoy the tail end of a Strawberry Shortcake episode while waiting for Green Isn't Your Color to come on. ...Talk about a contrast in quality.

    139. I kinda watched 2 at the same time, pausing one then flipping back to the other.

      Fall weather friends
      Winter wrap up

    140. Proud to say I was there for the very first episode, and I got hooked by the animation style, and the knowledge that it was done by the wife of Craig McCracken... then I heard the voice acting and fell in love.

    141. I started from the pilot, but it was about when Fall Weather Friends came out

    142. I first caught it on KYM and watched the embedded first episode and then second episode and so on. Now ponies have control over my life.

      It was around the time when Winter Wrap Up had just been shown on Hub.

    143. I picked it up from the beginning, myself. Not much else to say on my part.

    144. I was converted by a couple of Bronies in the gaming clan I'm a part of the weekend after Show Stoppers aired. Some bronies were talking about the show in the clan TF2 server, and I finally decided that I wanted to at least understand whatever this pony show was. I knew it was by Lauren Faust, and I knew her history of shows was good, so I was willing to give this new one a shot (even if it was MLP and therefore EUCH). So one of the guys points me to the thread in the clan forums with links to the pilot. I watched the pilot, and finding nothing off putting about it I continue watching episodes. By the end of Applebuck Season, I'm hooked. I watched the entire backlog of episodes that very night/early morning.

      I watched the whole series,

    145. I was looking for the Transformers Prime home page to see when the new show started and saw that they had a new Gi-Joe show and a My little Pony, I didn't like the look of the Joe's but the new ponies were cute and morbid curiosity took over and I started playing Griffon the Brush-off, but half way threw my friend (who's house I was at) came back and I shut it off real quick. Later on a bunch of webcomics I read kept talking about it so I tried it again, by then Iron Pony was the current episode

    146. Pilot episodes

      Pinkie's song is what got me.

    147. I started with Episode 1 of course. It was the beginning of January and latest episode at the moment was Winter Wrap Up.

      Reaction to first episode? "This is... unsettingly not as bad as I expected it to be. That Pink ne is kinda funny. I guess I'll give it a try"

      Bridle Gossip and then Winter Wrap Up were what sold this show for me.

    148. I've been watching since early October, so I started with the pilot and have watched every episode in order from there.

    149. I saw pony threads on /b/ in late January and decided to give it a shot. So I started with ep1 and I was like WTF during the introduction. By the end of Fluttershy scene I was brony through and through.

    150. I found out about MLP on /b/, it took about a week of lurking in the pony threads for me to finally say "let's really see what is so special about these ponies". I found a stream (Porkslope's) and watched all the way from episode 1 to episode 15, with "Call of the Cutie" being skipped because Porkslope didn't like the episode that much.

      The pilot episodes were really good, I wasn't phased by the change from the running-storyline-epic-quest style to self-contained storylines (I haven't the faintest what those styles should be called). I enjoyed the first two episodes because of how it really held nothing back in wow-ing the viewer while still being simple enough for young children to follow. Pinkie Pie's first song made me cement myself to my chair to watch the later episodes.

      The third episode followed a familiar dilemma oft used in children's shows, but despite the obvious outcome, there was so much fun to be had from start to finish that I didn't care one bit.

      Applebuck Season was the episode to really hook me, and so to this day I am a huge fan of the show. More so because the show has made me put more effort in my life - but that's another story.

    151. I started with a few remixs by DJ P0N-3 and they were so good that I just had to find the originals. My favorite being Art of the Dress, so I ended up watching that episode first and fell in love with the song and the witty humor that came into play. After that I just had to watch more and went on to watch every episode 1-20, all that was on then.

    152. I actually remember watching (repeatedly..) the 'Rescue at Midnight Castle' special as a kid.. in fact, some of the first actual drawings I remember making, at 3 years old, were of said castle.. so in a way, this is a return to form for me. I just decided to watch the pilot episode and it went from there.

      It kinda helps that I also liked Sailor Moon; the items FAQ on GameFAQs for the SMRPG was written by me, and I used the ">V< SailorScout" handle back when I played original Quake Team Fortress.. so.. uh, yeah. If it's girly but good, I can handle it. :3

    153. I found it on know your meme, and I started with pensive's episodes, naturally the pilot. I was skeptical at the first, but by golly if I can't stand a cliffhanger staying hanging so I watched the second one. Despite the overly girly tiara I decided to watch more of them - I think I watched them in order before catching the live stream.

      Then I was hooked.

    154. Watched the pilots and giggled a couple of times. I was probably hooked when Pinkie yelled, "BATS! BATS ON MY FACE! HEEEELLLLP!!!" in Ticket Master.

      Previously, I had no interest in the show or the toys. Never frequented 4chan or other forums. I simply came across Know Your Meme as I do every few months, and saw ponies.

      What hooked me in order:
      -The demographics of the fans
      -Faust's interaction with the fans
      -Image macros galore
      -A Derpy Hooves clip as fan service to the periphery demographic (I thought it was fan-made, but it was way too high quality. Surely, Mrs. Faust didn't just do that.)
      -Pilots (and Twilight's hilarious face when talking to Spike in the dark at the library about "a bunch of crazy -DAT EXPRESSION- ponies trying to make friends all the time.")
      -Ticket Master
      (rest of the episodes)
      -Crying while reading "Bittersweet" (This is when I knew without a doubt.)

      It doesn't bother me to watch My Little Pony as a 23-year old, straight, black male (my family on the other hand...) How could anything so innocent and fun be a bad thing?

    155. Feeling pinkie keen was the first one I watched, and I was quite doubtful I would like it. My friend, Kirby, was just showing me the conflict of views were in the episode and I guess I liked it.

      Then I just started on episode one and went from there.

    156. I had already talked about seeing that Pinkie Pie "Five Second Character Analysis" video from before, so to get into it, first actual episode I watched... the first. Thank you, YouTube. My initial reaction?

      "Holy crap, this is more awesome than I ever thought possible."

    157. I was browsing the interwebs and saw some references a few places about the new MLP series around the time ep 15 came out. At first I was like 'meh', but I saw a few more references and the KnowYourMeme page, so I did what I usually do when Im curious about a new show: I looked up its TVtropes page. Noting that it had 'Better Than It Sounds' (usually a really good sign) and 'Real Men Wear Pink' associated with it, I watched the first episode first, knowing that it was just the pilot that was introducing the characters because that's what TVtropes said, so I knew sorta what to expect. Then I watched Ticket Master and was permanently hooked on ponies.

      Great animation, fantastic writing, expresses morals that I think young girls (and perhaps youngsters in general) should defiantly have, all in all, best cartoon ive seen in a long, long time. Add to that the fantastic fan community and bam. Brony for life.

    158. I first heard about FiM when I dropped by /co/ in early December, after the Winter Wrap Up song had already leaked. I started watching with the two pilot episodes on pensivepine's channel, but skipped around the episodes out of order after that. "Bridle Gossip" was the first episode where I followed the /co/ thread as it was airing and looked for the download afterward.

    159. Winter Wrap-Up. Actually, it's an interesting story. I was drawn into Ponies because a friend told me that Lauren Faust was working on it, but wasn't going to check it out until a different friend told me they had Winter Wrap-up (The song) stuck in their heads.

      Reluctantly, I listened to the song...

      And then watched the episode...

      And then watched ALL the episodes.

      And now I am a Brony.

    160. Do you guys ever watch live streams, like JTV? I was browsing the "gaming" channel at JTV and randomly happened upon a person casting a game I like. I don't even remember what game it was, but they eventually stopped and started casting the pilot episode instead because "their friend told them about it".

      When I heard it was MLP I had just intended to stay in the channel is make fun of the show along with everybody else that was there, but the sincerity of it kinda of shocked me into silence.

      Its just so easy to get super cynical about everything due to 99% of the stuff you see on the internet, TV, or read in the papers - so the pilot was kind of like an escape.

      MLP FiM will change the world, you bronies mark my words.

    161. Watched the first episode.
      Another pony show *sigh*
      It's not that bad...
      OMG where is the Princess?! What's going to happen?!
      I must watch this, cus it's awesome!

    162. The ticket master was my very first episode, the chase scene brought me back to older days of cartoon watching and so I continued to watch, before i knew it, i had blazed through a 6 hour pony marathon, only missing episode 1+2 (i arrived at the showing late) and most of 4 because my sister appeared and was all "OH ARGH BLEH quick webcomic" This was back in February, however I had first heard of it back in December but passed it off as a webcomic joke (months wasted not with poni ;_;)
      Pinkie Pie drew me in and Fluttershy sealed the deal, yay

    163. I became aware of MLP as all the reaction images poped up, but didn't read anything about it or borthred to do so. Then in mid march I stumbled again in a thread where everybody said that it is worth a watch, so i tried. My first random youtube search revealed Mast3rlinkx channel, which was "Feeling Pinkie Keen". Maybe not the best choice for an episode, but I found it entertaining and after watching all the episodes in chronological order it was too late, I was hooked. MLP helped me a lot to soothe my mind before my last exam for my diploma, and it helped, I did well.

    164. I was lurking on /a/ back in late December and someone had posted a link to one of the threads in /co/. I found the gushing over MLP a bit odd, but I was open minded about it, and watched the pilot episodes. For the first few minutes, I thought it wasn't that bad, it actually had a in-show mythology and the characters seem alright so far. Then the Fluttershy *squeak* happened and the seed was sown, so to speak. I finished the episodes and thought "alright, not bad, I'll put it on my 'to watch' list." Unfortunately, I have a bad habit of putting things on the back burner for long stretches of time...

      Fast forward to mid-late February. Not long after Sonic Rainboom aired, I saw the show had somehow ended up on Know Your Meme. The sheer amount of stuff that was posted, even then, was a little crazy. I read the article, and, after looking at large amount of images, many of them being Pinkie Pie, well, being Pinkie Pie, I thought "alright, fine, lets do this." I re-watched from the beginning, and finished after a two day binge. Sonic Rainboom sealed the deal and I've been hooked ever since.

    165. or is it the GGG i dont know xd

    166. I decided to start watching (meh, paragraph sized story on why i decided to start) the Saturday after Sonic Rainboom.
      I watched all of the episodes in order fro start to finish and found myself crazing more.
      Episodes 1&2 were my introduction
      My reaction:

    167. I started with the pilot, but I first became interested in the series the week leading up to Fall Weather Friends

    168. Well, like a lot of people I think, I first saw ponies on 4chan in March. Out of pure confusion and curiosity, I found a torrent with the first 10 eps. I started out from the beginning, my initial reaction being, "This isn't bad, but I don't see the big deal." But of course, I kept watching. By Applebuck Season, I was hopelessly hooked.

    169. February 14, exactly two months ago (that's the date on the oldest pic in my pony folder), I returned from a break from 4chan. I saw there was massive butthurt on /b/ because of something called "bronies". I figured that whatever it was that pissed everybody off so much could be used to troll /b/ with great success (hell, I was SO right). I had no idea what "bronies" were so I did a bit of reading and I found and lurked in a pony thread. Somehow I got myself to watch the first few episodes... and I liked them. Then I started posting anonymously in pony threads on /b/ and got totally addicted to both the show and the community there. I was in pony threads every day, my pony folder grew larger and larger and soon I decided to start tripfriending. Two months later I have almost 3000 pictures and I'm still on /b/, posting ponies, adventuring, sharing kindness, having fun...

    170. Applebuck season. That was the episode that started playing on the synchtube when I went in.

    171. I saw the first episode when it was first released. I collected the My Little Pony toys for a while, so I was well aware of the upcoming show. Lots of collectors seemed resistant to the change, but I was looking forward to it. I loved it right away! I'm still really happy about what they're doing with the show. It's so GOOD. The 80s show...as much as I feel sentimental and nostalgic about it...was pretty bad. Friendship is Magic has much better writing and animation.

    172. I was actually lucky enough to be introduced to the pilot a day after it aired back in October. A couple of cartoonists I respect commented on its quality, and, after seeing some of the hub-bub it was generating on /co/, I decided to give the YouTube link a shot. The fact that everything about it was so well done--the art, the animation, the characters, the pacing, the music, etc.--, in addition to it being so unashamedly adorable, ensured I had to keep watching it.

      6 months later, and the show still hasn't let me down. And those McDonald's toys really give my bookcase that bit of extra pizzazz that ties the room together.

    173. Bridle Gossip

      Saw a journal on deviantART that linked to the episodes on youTube.

      I had no idea who the main characters were. I was really skeptical when I watched it the first time through, I kept looking for something to slip up, something objectionable. Besides the overstated moral at the end, everything seemed flawless, so I skimmed through another episode and then decided to start from the beginning.

    174. I started watching from the beginning :)

      I kept seeing icons and image macros of the show in various sites, and I got curious and had to find out what those were about. I found the first episode, watched it, and was hooked x3

    175. I watched them all in order, but I think the first new episode for me was Finding Pinkie Keen.

    176. I was browsing a random forum when sombody posted a link to the leaked winter wrap out song.
      At first i thought it was a joke, a good MLP cartoon yeah right. So after i stopped laughing I watched out of curiosity. An hour later after listing it 20 time I realized what I was doing.
      Worried that I was liking something from MLP I searched for the first episode to see how retarded it was and fell better again. All I remember after that is a pink haze filled with happiness and rainbows that ended with Dragonshy.

    177. Sonic Rainboom.

    178. first two then I saw the third and so on and so on

    179. I'm a strange bird for this fandom. I grew up playing with 80's ponies as a little kid, but didn't watch the show. I remember getting really excited to find the MLP movie in a video store, but when I watched it, even as a three year old, I could tell it was bad. It wasn't how I played with my ponies...

      Years later, as a 20something, occasionally I would google ponies for nostalgic purposes. I came across pictures of Lauren Faust's designs last October, did some more searching on the project, and was happy to find that the first episode had been posted online!I watched it and thought, now THIS is the kind of pony show I wanted to watch as a kid. I've been watching it weekly since...

      Furthermore, I think Lauren Faust is pretty amazing. As a woman in animation, she exists in an industry where things about female characters often (though not always) fall into a couple of categories: princess-centric or supporting cast. The old standby statement, and the reason that token female characters exist and main female characters are so rare, is that boys won't watch girl stuff, but girls will watch boy stuff. In this interview on youtube, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9kpgWJjSpto you can hear her frustration when she says she's making a doll line because "nobody can tell me that girls don't like dolls!" I get the feeling people have been telling her girls don't like cartoons for a while. I can only imagine that to Lauren making something that has proven that yes, boys WILL watch girl stuff if it has engaging characters and is well written must feel like a major triumph. And furthermore - it's about my little ponies. I mean, you don't get much girlier than that. Hey, I'm pleased.

    180. I started with the first episode and watched them all in order. Honestly. I didn't really want to watch the ponies when I saw it on knowyourmeme. If it wasn't for the fact that I was bored out of my mind when I saw it, I probably would have never watch the ponies.
      My first thoughts were "Wow this is so queer". But then it turned into "This ain't half bad".
      Then it turn into "Hah! This is pretty funny!"
      Then "THIS IS SO CUTE"
      And then I was a brony forever.

      And also, while I was watching it, I didn't notice how amazing the animation was until someone pointed it out to me.

    181. 1st Episode I ever seen was Feeling Pinkie Keen, was linked to from a pick of Derpy.

      Then for some reason I kept watching more episodes. Then I became a pony.

    182. I was roaming the internet when, on KYM, I stumbled upon the My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic entry. I read through it a bit and decided to see what it was all about. I started up episode one because they had it there on the page. About four episodes later, I realized I had become a brony. Best thing that's ever happened to me.

    183. First one, the day before the second one aired, I guess. The good cartoon, the pleasant discussion and Fluttershy and AJ won me over faster than 10 seconds flat.

    184. I started with the first episode, because a friend of mine suggested I watch the show, and also start with the first two episodes. That way I have kind of a framework of what's happening in any later episodes.

    185. I think I started with the first episode after finding the show on Know Your Meme. And then that one quickly turned into all of them. Before long, I was completely hooked. And here I am today, watching a show originally meant for eight-year-old girls, and loving every second of it.

    186. I started with the first episode embedded in a forum called "The best pony-shit you've never seen".

      Reaction: "You have more of that stuff?!^^"

    187. I started with Sonic Rainboom in late February. I loved the episode, and I had seen pony pictures before that, so I thought that it might be given a shot (But I didn't know what episode I would see since it was on a Saturday on TV).

    188. >pony thread on /gif/, then on /b/
      >google it, watch Dragonshy
      >skip the fuck out of episode
      >proceed being confus and confounded
      >watch from beginning
      >WHY DO I LIKE IT SO MUCH at episode 4
      >manage to convert bro to ponydom at episode 9

    189. One day, as I was browsing reaction images on KYM, I saw a couple pony reaction images there. I was intrigued, so after some searching, I found out what the show was. I started watching the weekend Sonic Rainboom came out. However, I started watching from the first episode on Youtube, with some doubts. I know everyone has their own things they like about the show, but I like the art style and the characterization. I don't mind that it's a "girl's show" and that was never really a turnoff for me (I liked Powerpuff Girls after all). The community around the show was another thing that I liked. The welcoming and positive attitude in the community and the copious amount of quality fanwork produced has been fun to watch. Though I'm not an artist, I enjoy making some image macros or screengrabs now and then.
      I watched Show Stoppers and a Dog and Pony Show on live streams. Ponies are on on Fridays at 1:30 which is pretty much the worst possible time, since I have class at 2, but I was skipping classes anyway on those streams. I didn't have the hub on cable at school. Since then, I only have been able to watch them on the internet/Youtube and occasionally reruns on the hub. I created my pony folder on February 23. In these folders are pictures from everywhere in the brony community, including ponychan, deviantart, equestriadaily, derpyhooves, ponibooru, mlp wiki etc. I have almost 10000 images now! So you can see how addicted to the show I have become.

    190. I started with the first two pilot episodes, and I kept watching. I realized I enjoyed this show and had mysteriously learned how to play "Art of the Dress" on guitar.

      Then I knew I was a Brony.

    191. I started right after both pilot episodes were aired back in October. I liked it so I started to look forward for the next episodes.

    192. the pilot, but only because i was obsessed, from 4chan and /co/, before i started watching the episodes.

    193. In forum chat over @ 4playerpodcast.com see people talking about pony dismiss them "Wow why are you guys gushing about my little pony?". I go over to snafu-comics and see that there is a pony thread and see people gushing about the show there and dismiss them. A week later I see the same people talking about My Little Pony at 4playerpodcast.com on the forum. I struggled to even click the 1st episode link. Then after some research on Lauren Faust. I ponied up and watched the pilot arc.

      Initial reaction "it's ok"

      "Fluttershy appears awww she's so cute."

      Watch the 2nd half and say that wasn't so bad.

      Proceed to watch Ticket Master and the antics of all the characters in the episode were the Clincher.

      I proceeded to have a pony Marathon of my own the rest of the night. This was around the whole Pinkie Sense controversy in which my OWN opinion wasn't a bad episode regardless of what people said but I digress.

      I then found myself looking for fanart because I do appreciate good fanart for a show and found myself here at EQD. If I could draw/animate ponies I would but I do plan on writing fan fictions for this show over the summer. Which is the 1st I've ever done or ever have felt compelled to write for a tv show.

      So far I've only turned a few people into Ponyfans over at 4pp but most are disinterested or won't even watch the 1st episode. Though I'm love being a part of this fandom.

      Also to the Black ponyfan who posted earlier glad to see another Black ponyfan.

    194. applebuck season was the first one, but that was at my friend's girlfriend's place. when I did it on my own, I watched the whole thing straight.

    195. the ticket master 4 weeks after the show premiere I watched it out of boredom and instantly got hooked

    196. I started at episode one and then on

      My reaction from watching ep 1 was
      omfg i can't stop at part 1 i gotta watch part 2 then i stayed up all night watching ponies :D

    197. I started with episode one. Not on the television, but on the interwebs. My initial reaction was skeptical, but after about 45 seconds I was a true brony.

    198. I first saw the show in early February. I was over at my grandparents' house for a birthday, and my older sister eagerly brought up MLPFiM after the presents were opened and the cake had been eaten. She told us she took out her laptop and loaded some episodes on YouTube when she dropped by our house, and she was going to make sure at least one person watched them before leaving because she, like everyone around her, was going crazy over how the show is actually good. I agreed to watch, since I'd been awake for over 30 hours and I was getting silly. We watched the pilot episodes, though I wasn't really paying much attention due to lack of sleep and the presence of ponies. It didn't immediately get me interested in the show, but I told some online friends to watch it and I tried to rewatch it with one of them via SynchTube. (Sadly, he couldn't handle the poniness and left after about three minutes, so I didn't keep watching. He's a fan now though.)

      About a week later, I noticed a friend had favorited "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic provides a realistic representation of life in Ponyville". I brought it up briefly the next time I talked to him. I was getting more interested. After catching more glimpses on various websites (especially SynchTube, which was suddenly being used by other people) and being prodded by my sister, I gave it another shot. I watched the first four episodes and decided the show was worth watching through. After ten, I thought the show was amazing, and I started making an effort to get others into the show. I caught up at somewhere around episode 16. I've been completely obsessed since then, and I think it's the best new western cartoon in six years. I check several pony-related sites multiple times per day. I've gotten at least two dozen people into the show, some by accident. I've made several friends through the community. And now my sister actually cares when I have something to show her. :P

    199. Episode 1. Initial reaction:

      "I like this." *watches more*

      XD I didn't go through the "Why am I liking this" phase 'cus I'm more open minded, and it was talked about repeatedly on smackjeeves.com
