• Derpy Hooves Cutie Mark Origins

    Poor Derpy!  I guess it was inevitable that Rainbow Dash's rock-shattering sonic rainboom would cause at least SOME destruction...

    36 kommentaari:

    1. so the sonic rainboom created another point in time that the Doctor can't go to, odd

    2. I don't want to laugh and I feel sad for Derpy because I am. She is the missing seventh color of the Rainbow of friends for her cutie mark formed on that day.

    3. Isn't the first time he's been late. Hell in the 5 series he was late by 12 years.

    4. It hurts so much to laugh at poor Derpy but I can't help it...

    5. This is now Canon. End of Story :)

    6. There is just one answer to this, and it is DERP!

    7. Oh, Derpy. I feel your pain. For I too know the feeling of blowing something up in chem lab.

      Looks like she hasn't quite got the formula for Nitro 9 down quite right yet.

    8. Now that you mention it... SURELY she caused more cutie marks than just her 5 friends. If it had the power to shatter a boulder, and shake the lands to cause animals to run and hide, surely some other things would have happened (even a death or two, especially if it had the power to surprise unicorn ponies into doing random magic).

    9. i want to hug derpy :(

    10. "There are some points in the timeline that are... fixed. They can't be changed."

    11. I was the one giving Madmax the idea.

      I actually thought that Derpy would look directly to the rainbow and got retarded. But that's way funnier.

      Good job.

    12. Y'know, Rainbow Dash should be locked up for multiple reasons.

      1. Probably breaking multiple objects with her Sonic Rainboom.
      2. Doping. (I mean, she was acting like Charlie Sheen, who was on drugs. Drugs enhance your body in some way, persumably giving Rainbow the boost she needed to win.)

    13. Does anyone realize that Rarity was dragged to Pinkie's rock farm yet? She has yet to reimburse Pinkie's family.

    14. The Doctor AND Rainbow Dash are very cruel ponies! You don't realize that poor Miss Derpy could have become one of the greatest minds Equestria has ever known!

      Unfortunately, this is what happened...

    15. Out of all the mutations the thing could have caused. Derp eyes? Damn, It could have at least given Derpy freakin' lazer beam eyes!

    16. ...And that's why you always need to wear protection goggles.

    17. awww, poor Derpy.. but still love her that way! TwT

    18. Continuity error lol

      You can see Derpy in the audience of Rarity's play AND in the crowd at the Summer Sun Celebration. She's only derp'd at the Summer Sun Celebration so we can chalk the other appearance as someone that looks like her.

      This pretty much means that Derpy is probably as old as Cheerilee but whatevs

    19. @Anonymous
      There is no continuity error. She was traveling with the Doctor in those scenes and he wasn't interested in the play or the festival.

      When time travel is involved, there can be no continuity errors such as that. Just wibbly wobbly, timey wimey

    20. @Anonymous
      But... but... the goggles do nothing!

    21. @Anonymous Cheerilee was one of the fillies at Rarity's play.

    22. @Anonymous
      That must've been another magenta pony. Cheerilee was a teenager in the 80s. Rarity is clearly not in her 30s at this point.

    23. Poor Derpy, If Doctor Whooves don't even think he can save her none one and nothing will :(

      Still this is funny xD

    24. @Anonymous
      Derpy didn't wear her safety goggles.

      Now she doesn't need them.


      The Summer Sun Celebration was quite a while before the Sonic Rainboom. It was Twilight's initial stimulus to study magic, but I'm pretty sure she didn't try out for Celestia's school the day after.

      Derpy could've appeared to both.

    25. @Anonymous

      Nope 12 years, Amy was 7 when he first met her.

    26. Oh my god! I just now realize the pun for Dr, Whooves... That too way too long

    27. Maybe next time she does that (if she doesn't wear safety gogggles) It will put her eyes back to normal!

    28. hmmmm i think bubble rap is more logical for he she not only haz derp eyes but she once had scrunched up mouth and said one thing muffins but still its cute :3

    29. Remember when he told Rose they had been gone for 5 minutes, and they had been gone for a year.

    30. Actually Now Derpy is Mine 1# Pony In equestia!.. I mean I known that they are bleming her to such and such things. I mean come on! She actually in the middle of this as well ... And Anonymous! who said (maybe next time she does that(if she doesn't wear safety goggles) it will put her eye back to normal!.
      YOU ARE AN SMART ALEX (In a good way) = "I was gong to say that dam you!"

    31. Derpy had a future in chemistry! Smarter than twilight! Then rainbow dash did a sonic rain boom, and derpy blew her flask, and breathed in the awful bubbles that destroyed her destiny! I feel so bad for her... She would have been part of the main six...

    32. Wait! Perhaps, in an old chemistry book somewhere, there is an antidote!
